Friday, 8 March 2019

Comment on Chelsea Manning's Imprisonment.

"The United States government has just re-imprisoned one of the nation’s greatest whistle blowers to coerce her into helping to destroy the world’s greatest leak publisher."
Manning either must "purge" her answers or live out the life of the *secret* grand jury; (How long they intend to prosecute) that can be at least 18 months. If remaining in prison, she is exposed to the worst of civilization.
During the hearing, she claimed her Constitutional Rights. I believe it was the 1st, 2nd and 4th.
As no journalist was permitted inside the *secret* grand jury, there is one question, that we can speculate:
"Did Julian Assange solicit your information?"
Manning refused to answer, and was held in contempt of court. The woman was handcuffed and led to jail.
The problem is Manning had already answered all these questions, during her Court Marshall trial. This raises many red flags as to the veracity of this particular grand jury, that has been in existence since 2010!
On many occasions, Manning has voiced her disagreement of grand juries. *Secret* grand juries are particularly problematic.
I will not go into any detail - before, during and after the Civil War, abolitionists were targeted by "grand juries", in order to suppress the 'free the slave' civil movement.
In Manning's case, this an attack on the free press, as a basic 'freedom', and forged as unpatriotic, twisted and re-formed as something un-American. when it's a corner stone of pure democracy.
Manning's courage to stand in the face of the corrupted Empire, is nothing less than astounding. She is the only real protester, for the Right of the Free Press, on absolute principle, than any other individual in the 'free' world.
The MSM has proven, that they are merely mouth pieces of propaganda for the Military Industrial Complex.
Tomorrow I will be attending an event for WiKiLeaks and Julian Assange in Melbourne.
Chelsea Manning will be center stage in our discussions, and in our hearts.

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