When Trump
became president in 2017, after promising his followers everything
but a new kitchen sink, a new type of political identity, came out
strong from the trash heap of humanity. Named a “populist
president”, Trump captured the imaginations of the “common
working” citizen. Enough of these lying Neo-liberal warmongers, and
elitist, Wall Street banksters; the “swamp would be drained” of
these establishment hacks, and it would be time to make America Great
Again. Well 2 years later, nothing much has really changed for the
people. Trump and the GOP passed a tax bill in favor of the 1%. The
promise to the middle class that their tax returns would be higher,
turned out to be false. Wall Street is recording record highs, and
40% of the American people cannot handle a medical emergency, and
would certainly go bankrupt if any family member got seriously sick.
Last but not least, Trump has raised the bombings in 8 foreign
countries by 400%; and pushing for regime change in Venezuela, who,
by the way, have the richest oil reserves on the planet. What makes
all this worse, is the co-called “common-people”, cannot argue
civilly, never use evidence, and create 'alternative truths' to make
their stand. This is not only happening in the US., but all over the
Western world.
A new comer to
Twitter since 2017, I was surprised at the hostility and vitriol from
'Trump supporters', never, really, any actual arguments, but merely
name calling, ad hominem smears, to then walk away feeling
triumphant. They're like Baby Huey in a China Shop, bouncing off the
walls, destroying everything, claiming victory with blatant false
premises, or more so, no premise at all. As one writer commented:
It's like playing chess with a pigeon, where you make one strategic
move, and the bird knocks down all the pieces, and shits all over the
board, waddling away as the victor. Aristotelian logic no longer
applies in this current vulgar, right-wing political environment. It
is now post-truth alternate realities, anti-science, religious
narratives, with mafia-like tactics to bring the opposition down.
This has been a
right-wing political tactic throughout history - naming any 'critical
media' the enemy of the people. Create a common enemy the mob can
agree upon, like Jews or Hispanic immigrants. Deny the truth and the
facts with new 'facts' and a narrative that will be popular with the
people. Crush the opposition with blatant lies, like all Democrats
want open borders with no security. Create a 'national emergency' to
get people scared and behind you as the great protector and saviour –
when there isn't any real emergency.
I was not
really surprised reading twitter the other day at the hypocrisy or
'blind allegiance' to Trump no matter what he or his regime put out
there. Mentioned above, Trump appeared to be anti-war. When he
announced the withdraw of troops from Syria, they all cheered. But
the current lies and regime change tactics on Venezuela, their
pretzel logic twists and turns, making this regime change right,
because “Maduro is a bad dictator, and Socialism is evil.”These
people absolutely believe anything that comes out of Trump's slurry
mouth. And no mater how many true facts you put in front of these
cultist, they will name call you: Russian agent, communist, Putin
puppet, etc,.It's disturbing.
The rise of
these so-called populist leaders around the planet is no accident or
sudden phenomenon. The seeds were planted some years ago, with
failing Neo-Liberal policies, perpetual wars, creating millions of
refugees, and a gurgling racism under the surface.
This mindless
leadership, and their mindless followers, need a reality check.
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