Tuesday, 5 February 2019

American Exceptionalism and Regime Change

Listening to the SOTU, there was for certain many cringewothy moments. Certainly not the least of which, was President Trump's comments that he wants immigrants coming into the country, but only the “legal” ones. This administrations' behavior on the southern border, separating children from their parents, however, throws this statement out the proverbial window. In his first year in office, Trump instigated, by Executive Order, the Muslim Ban. Interesting that all the countries he banned are countries the US are currently bombing the shit out of... just might have something to do with it. The hypocrisy of any government, really knows no bounds, yet the Trump regime's hypocrisy has a different stink to it. The Trump regime and specifically Trump, are currently infamous for their outright lies and corruption.

During Trump's entire speech, a term continued popping up in my mind: American Exceptionalism. The 'ideology' actually has its roots as far back as 1941. Ironically, it was Joseph Stalin who coined the idea after a few leading communists in the United States broke from his way to a more Trotsky centered notion of socialism. Later the term was picked up by the Reagan administration during the fall of the Soviet Union. However, the idea has been bandied about by both the GOP and the DNC for their own political agendas since then. Generally the term describes the US as the born exception on the planet, to ensure “freedom and democracy' remain and flourish around the world. The Bush regime used this notion heavily post 9/11, placing the US as the “city of light on the hill”, a beacon of democracy, policing the planet to America's way or the highway, so to speak. This ideology has been the underlining principle as justification for regime change in other sovereign nations around the planet. It is currently being pushed down our throats in regard to Venezuela, for the propagandist states the “people need to be free from Maduro and the tyranny of socialism”.

This is absolute propaganda as 80% of the people want the US to butt out of their country. “Yankee Go Home”, they are shouting...yet the American Exceptionalists want 'regime change' to “uphold democracy around the world'”. As a people, haven't we learned anything about the regime change activities of the United States? Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and lastly, Libya, the now murky haven for rogue terrorists and the center for the world's largest slave trade activities. So much for democracy.

What we should have learned from the US's perpetual wars in these countries since 9/11, is not that we are “freeing people” or “paving the way for democracy” but raping and pillaging their natural resources, murdering thousands of innocent civilians, and creating dystopian states. Once we realize that this American Exceptionalism is an excuse to bomb and steal from other nations, and not instigating freedom for the peoples of said countries, perhaps these wars will finally stop.

It's the greatest of ironies that the same people who have been screaming about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, are advocating the usurpation of a democratically elected government in Venezuela...

American Exceptionalism is the height of hypocrisy, and essentially a lie.

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