unfettered attacks on Rep Omar by both party's, on her truthful
criticisms of AIPAC and politicians in bed with the Israeli Lobby
Firm, proves two things: they're bought and paid for politicians, and
have put Israel first above the interests of the American people. The
first act of Law the Congress pushed was the ant #BDS bill. This
reveals which side of their bread is buttered on. This first act was
for their true constituents, Israeli money. Calling Rep Omar a
anti-Semite, borders on the truly absurd.
the height of the #Russiagate hysteria in the US, (2016-18) the left
wing leader of the British parliament, Jeremy Corben, was smeared as
anti-Semitic from every main stream media outlet from the tabloids to
the BBC. These accusations were unfounded, and later proven to be a
Tory smear campaign. The term anti-Semitic has been bandied around so
much particularly from right wing Israelis, that it has began not to
hold any meaning at all. You use a term often enough, it has a
tendency to disappear.
week before, AOC, in a committee meeting, questioned individuals on
campaign finance, which led to the conclusion that the political
system is broken. This gained substantial attention on social media
and alternative media across the world. When you can essentially buy
a politician for a specific reason, whether against the public
interest or not, there is no true democracy, but a system run by the
few, the oligarchy.
earlier BLOGS, I have discussed AIPAC, and their major influence to
sway American politics to their own interests. In fact every freshman
congress person's first cab off the rank, is a visit to AIPAC HQ for
a briefing, and then offered an all expenses paid trip to Israel. If
this is not professional grooming, than what is?
Rep. Omar made her brave criticism of a deeply broken system,
pointing out the “paid for politicians” from the Israeli lobby,
she wasn't smearing Jews, but pointing out far reaching corruption
that is currently destroying American democracy. When one criticizes an Apartheid State, one is not shaming the people, but the
government. In this case, the far right Israeli government.
#BDS movement is not about Jews. It is about humanitarian Rights –
Palestinian human rights.
just know that all our representatives in government who bullied and
pushed Rep. Omar to apologize for her *truthful statements*, do not
work for the American people, but the Zionist State of Israel.
this must change.
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