Saturday, 2 February 2019

#Russiagate-Tulsi Gabbard-Venezuela

The main stream media has indeed gone completely insane. #Russiagate has now become a form of McCarthyism in the US, where any public figure, simple “tweeter” or outspoken pundit will be accused of supporting Putin and Russia - if you state an opposing point of view to the establishment narrative. A good example is Venezuela.

Those who support President Maduro, claiming that the attempted coup to topple his government, is a sham, is singled out as a Russian agent, and the mob will join in, orchestrated by the MSM. In fact any person opposing regime change or war in general, for that matter, is currently labelled a Russian, a traitor to the United States. This of course is absolutely absurd. But the red scare is on, and growing in leaps and bounds as of this writing.

So much so, really, that Tulsi Gabbard, a democratic hopeful for president in 2020, this morning was essentially called a traitor by NBC News, stating in a tweet, that her candidacy, is supported by Russian Bots, indicating that Mother Russia, desires Gabbard as the president. This is the lowest kind of smear attempt, aligning a elected US Congresswoman, a traitor.

Only two years ago before the Trump regime, it would be absolutely unheard of to call a US Congress woman a Russian asset. But since Trump, all the gloves are off it seems, and facts have all become non-existent. And this is certainly a big part of the problem.

The main stream media have ridden this Russia story beyond any conceivable reality. The last fake story came out of the Buzz Feed concerning non-existent phone calls made by Trump Jr. Before that, The Guardian published a false story concerning Paul Manafort, Trumps one time campaign manager, claiming Manafort visited Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy, not once but twice, which turned out be false.

Why is MSM pushing #Russiagate so hard, even to the extent of simply “making shit up”?

It should be shouted from the rooftops, that the MSM is a mouthpiece for the neocons and the deep state institutions such as the CIA, and the Pentagon. I can remember when the democratic party could always be counted on to vote against regime change or any war for that matter. This is no longer the case. Democrats are even more the “cheerleaders” for war than the GOP.

Suddenly the FBI and the CIA are the great protectors of democracy in the MSM. The over-paid “journalists” rattle the swords for war; ex-CIA Directors are now “paid experts”, pushing the reasons for more regime change and war. And Rachel- Russia-gate- Maddow should be wearing a tin foil hat, for she expounds how Russian's are under every bed in America. It's beyond absurdity, it's nothing less than insane.

The situation in Venezuela is not what the MSM is telling you. Certainly the country is in a economic down-turn. (US sanctions are crippling their economy) Maduro was elected twice into government. The Jimmy Carter Foundation, acted as observers in the election, and came back stating, that these elections were the most democratically clean they had ever observed. (Google it) As John- I've never seen a war I did not like-Bolton stated on Fox News, it's all about the oil. So don't believe this save the Venezuelan's from tyranny BS, it's not true. It's all about the oil, the natural resources, and maintaining US hegemony over the South American Continent.

But why would NBC News want to smear Tulsi Gabbard, a US Congress woman running for president? The woman is an Iraq vet, and totally against regime change and war in general.

Gabbard is not going along with the warmonger narrative. She has no corporate donor such as Lockheed Martin, etc. One of her central campaign platforms is *anti-war*. So, the establishment media go after her because she is not falling nor following the corporate/MSM/neocon call for regime change and perpetual war.

America always requires an enemy to justify their perpetual war. Over the last two years it has been Russia. Now, we have Venezuela, not because the people are suffering under a dictator, but for oil.

Every foreign policy move the neocon Trump regime has made over the last two years, is a reason for war. Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal; funding right wing rebels in Ukraine; continued bombing in Syria; and currently cancelling the no-nuclear proliferation agreement with Russia. In fact, since Trump took office, the drone bombing around 8 countries has risen over 400%.

And now these psychopaths want regime change in Venezuela.

If we do not at least attempt to stop these ass holes and their MSM mouthpieces, our children will live in a war torn planet.

Then again, we may not have any planet left at all.

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