Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Bolivia Coup - and MSM Lie... Again

Once again, a South American country, Bolivia, experienced a US backed coup against a democratically elected government. The military backed self-appointed government, is a right wing, Nazi/Christian fundamentalist, racist group, that since the coup, have been committing murder on the majority of indigenous population in the country. Headed by Jeanne Anez, a bible thumping radical, declared herself “president”, despite only receiving 4% of the vote, entering the presidential palace, waving a ten pound bible. Main stream media portrayed this takeover as a “return to democracy”. That Evo Morales, the elected president of Bolivia, simply resigned - all propaganda, all a lie.

The history of Latin American countries with democratically elected governments, violently usurped by right wing regimes has a long history: by the way, all of which had US backing. The worst that comes to mind was the Pinochet regime in Chile in the early 70's. This Chilean coup d'etat was launched against the elected socialist president, Salvador Allende, with the military and strategic backing of the CIA. At the time, President Nixon ordered the military take over, granted during the height of the Cold War, which over time resulted in the Pinochet regime engaging in over 80,000 assassinations, imprisonment of political agitators, and a near genocide of the indigenous population of the country. Also, not to mention, the forced “disappearances” of the Chilean people rank as high as 3500. Later in 1998, Pinochet, once arriving in London airport, was arrested for crimes against humanity. He was also found to have illegally amassed $24,000,000 through his various corrupt activities throughout his reign. The dictator died on December 2006 without having to face trial.

The US government since the Nixon administration, and the Reagan administration particularly, has engaged in regime change in various Latin American countries at an alarming rate. Without going into too much detail, these countries include: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, and the recent failed coup attempt in Venezuela. The US government has not denied these brutal regime changes because as a result of the Truman Doctrine, and during the Cold War, they were “justified” in combating communism. However, the Cold War has been over since 1991. This is not about stopping the evils of the Soviet Union anymore, but a corporate grab for the various countries natural resources.

In a few words, Venezuela has the richest oil reserves on the planet, exceeding those of Saudi Arabia. Bolivia is rich lithium, a mineral used to power our cell phones, and in the future, power our electric automobiles. One would need to be living in a cave not to see the true intentions of the American Corporate empire. (See review: Confessions of a Economic Hit man).

If your average citizen doesn't realise it by now, our MSM is owned by massive corporations, and our government is bought by these corporations. That's the reason they want to feed us the same old right wing talking points, that these brutal regime change actions are democratically motivated. For example, Evo Morales, the elected president of Bolivia, is a dictator, harming the population with socialism. In fact, Morales has done more for the indigenous population in terms of lowering poverty, enhancing education, and stimulating the country's economy, more than any other president before him. The new self-appointed president, who only won 4% of the vote in the last election, justifies the coup as an “Act of God”. Now, she has currently pardoned her military for the murder of indigenous protesters that is rising as I write this piece.

Indeed, for the sake of truth, find your news outside the MSM corporate-state-bubble of egregious propaganda.

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