Wednesday, 27 November 2019

MSM Propaganda – Part 2.

The main stream media is an extension to the Military Industrial Complex. When one examines each part of this complex, the Pentagon, the branches of the military, and the bureaucratic organisations, that is, DOD, NSA and the CIA, and all are supplied by the major weapon manufactures, Rathyon, Boeing, who advertise in all the MSM outlets, these connections become clear. The combination of media, weapons and the military., including the “alphabet” organisations, we have the perfect storm for perpetual war. And unfortunately, since the end of WWII, that's exactly what the United States has become – an Empire with an unbeatable war machine.

How does a country that depends on war for the existence of its affluent economy, manage the consent of its population over so many years. The short answer is propaganda combined with out right lies. The war in Vietnam was forged on blatant propaganda. During the cold war, communism was the Wests greatest enemy. If they were not stopped at the north and south border, like a ominous black claw casting its shadow, communism would take away our freedoms. A fake incident known as The Gulf of Token, where North Vietnamese sank a US ship, was pure fabrication, and pushed heavily by the main stream press.

The first Gulf War was also based on lies, when the Bush administration required the US people's agreement, told a lie, that Hussein had invaded Kuwait violently, entering hospitals and throwing live babies out of incubators. Of course this fuelled a nation to stop such atrocities, only to discover that these stories had been intentionally manufactured by a PR agency. It never happened. The US had been allies with Iraq for years, supplying weapons to them during the Iran/Iraq war. Hussein gassed part of the Kurdish population during this close alliance and not a negative word was said. Once Iraq broke their agreements with the US, and invaded Kuwait, believing it was a part of Iraq, that the propaganda came out that he was a brutal dictator. Iraq War 2, most now realise, was based on the assumption that Hussein had WMD's. another blatant lie to get us back into war. My point is the entire MSM, including all the major networks, the Washington Post and the New York Times did not even question the veracity of the assertion of WMD's, but pushed the story hard, creating a fearful population into a war-like frenzy.

In the destruction of Libya by NATO forces and weapons backing of the US, constant disinformation was given to the public, how Qaddafi was a brutal dictator, starving his own people, and more so a threat to National Security. In the beginning, Libya had the weapons to protect itself, however was coned to hand them over. Once this was done, regime change operations began, ending Qaddafi being sodomised by a bayonet. Western allies garnered the natural resources, and where once Libya was one of the richest and free nations in all of the African continent, is now a haven for real terrorists, and currently has open slave markets. So much for American freedom and democracy.

This could not have happened if it were not for main stream media, pushing the lies to gain popular consent to invade Libya.

The civil war in Syria has had and continues to have unrelenting propaganda from the main stream press. I believe the majority of our Western population, because they have been fed so many lies, hasn't a clue as to the real story. To be sure, I've written a few BLOGS on Syria, attempting to explain my understanding of the conflict. The US, having created ISIS, claims it is in Syria fighting this terrorist organisation. However, these so-called “freedom rebels”, battling the evil of Assad, are terrorist groups such as Al Quida, fighting beside ISIS, and trained and given weapons by our own CIA! In fact Russia and Syria have been warring against ISIS and Al Quida. And more so than the US forces, have freed many terrorist strongholds. But the MSM will never tell us these inconvenient truths. The deal, is the US must topple Assad and put in a puppet government, similar to Iran in the 70's, to gain control of the pipeline. The US has deliberately caused chaos in the area, simply for control of the resources. This is a simplistic summery of the situation, but a true one.

And the propaganda continues, re-stating over and over, that Assad gassed his own people, that he is a brutal dictator and must be toppled. Taking a step back, why in the hell are we bombing a sovereign nation that presents zero threat to us? We hear about a chemical attack, presumably instigated by Assad, and the US, UK and French forces bomb the crap out of Syria with no evidence. Currently, through Wikileaks and great reporting by the Grayzone, whistle-blowers have revealed that the final OPCW report was a lie, revealing there was no evidence that a chemical attack occurred at all ! That said, the MSM, put false videos on a continual loop of babies being saved from a chemical attack. Again the NYT's and the Washington Post and all the cable networks pushed for some kind of response. The WH gave in and began bombing. Anchors from CNN said Trump was now “presidential, and MSNBC likened the bombs to poetry! Unadulterated propaganda, indeed.

Lastly, the Russia-gate affair that remains alive and well despite evidence to the contrary. Front running left wing presidential runners, like Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders, protesting war, are labeld by the MSM as Assad apologists or Putin puppets. These are smears without evidence or even logical context. I find this constant referral to Russia as a existential threat ridiculous, and at least, an exercise in intellectual sloth. That said, the MSM has power and too much reach.

My advice is to approach the MSM with a potent grain of salt. Through history, as I have attempted to illustrate, the media is an arm of the Military Industrial Complex. It is in their best interests to push for war, acquiring consent of the people for death, because it is profitable.

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