Thursday, 21 November 2019

MSM Propaganda – and it's becoming more and more Absurd.

Who controls the narrative, controls the world. Well, it seems the main stream media, is losing its monopoly on public opinion, because their argument of lies and transparent bias on the side of the 1%, the elite class, in the last year, particularly, is becoming more apparent. When president Trump made the meme, “fake news', the clown was not too far off the mark. Corporate media messages their owners' political views and smears against their opposition, making up stories, and telling blatant lies, and it's getting more absurd everyday.

It could not be more evident than in last nights presidential debates.

For example Tulsi Gabbard, the only anti-war, anti-regime-change, foreign policy candidate, was smeared by the likes of the NYT and MSNBC. Because the woman wore a all white pants suit, the NYT's some how equated this with misogyny. When their darling warmonger 2016 candidate, Hillary Clinton, often wore white pant suits throughout her campaign. Ridiculous. Joy Reid, a darling of the main stream, equated Gabbard's foreign policy with that of Russia's, I went to bed feeling slightly emotional thinking, do people really fall for this nonsense? Unfortunately people do, having been bombarded with red baiting and Russia-fear-mongering over the last 3 years by the MSM.

That said, after the debate, interest in Tulsi Gabbard rose significantly with the number of google searches on line.

Even the darling of the 1%, “empty-suit-mayor Pete”, attacked Tulsi with a standard criticism for her meeting with the Syrian president Assad, only to be trounced upon with facts about passed presidents, like JFK and Khrushchev; FDR with Stalin, and Ronald Reagan with Gorbachev, all deliberate actions towards diplomacy and peace. Why do the MSM attack someone like Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders?

The mainstream media is owned by billionaires, the corporate overlords of communication. Tulsi Gabbard is directly going against the Military Industrial Complex, which includes the corporate media. War is big business and makes trillions for the 1%. Bernie Sanders has been called everything under the sun, from a Russian asset to a socialist stooge. But mainly, however, is simply ignored. He is attacked because he opposes corporations directly, is pro union, and wants medicare for all in the US. This, of course, frightens the elite, as they have so much invested in themselves.

What is becoming more evident, is the arguments from the tools of the corporate elite, are running out of reality-based points of debate, falling to ad hominem attacks and fear-mongering smears. Calling someone who protests against war as unpatriotic or a Russian asset in simply intellectual laziness. When one doesn't have a logical argument, name-calling and smears is the last result.

The mainstream media will resort to any tactic to discredit any candidate, individual or group that fights against them. Meaning on the side of the majority; the majority of people on the planet that are sick and tired of neoliberal economical tactics that only benefit the few, the wealthy, the elite.

So the next time you see or hear the MSM promoting “facts” on, let's say war, never believe them. Because war is in the corporate interest. When they tell you that Medicare 4 all is impossible, understand that it is in their best interests to oppose it because the pharmaceutical industry gives them heaps of money:in advertising and in hefty campaign contributions.

I hope that more people see through the corporate media and their billionaire masters. Because from my perspective their running out of substantial arguments, and more importantly...time.

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