Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Notes from the Bunker (P. 2)

The Australian government has currently installed a “tracking app” that the population can download, in the country's battle against Covid 19. Similar to the tracing app proposed in the US, its purpose is to ensure individuals who have been diagnosed with the virus are maintaining lock-down, following social distancing, and more importantly, tracks individuals who come in contact with those already affected with the virus. The problem for many, however, is the app is a major violation of privacy. (The system also has been untested) This technology can be used for other nefarious purposes, when the virus dissipates. That said, over 40% of the Australian population has downloaded the tracking app, without any concern for privacy issues.

What does this tell us?

From a cursory observation, over 9 million people are scared, and wholeheartedly trust the Australian government. On other hand, either 13 million people haven't heard of the proposed device, or are critically thinking the “experiment”, and believe individual privacy is important in a democratic society. Personally, this is a violation of privacy, and who knows, the governments might already be tracking us, and we're simply unaware of Big Brother spying on us? Whatever it may be, this is an effort at more control over the population, as our Rights continue to diminish over time.

This morning I came across a study in the U.S., claiming that 80% of the American population disagree with such a tracking app in the fight against the virus. This makes sense, as it would be a direct violation of the many privacy laws, and the Constitution. Even before the virus hit, the Trump administration, run by son-in-law, Jarrod Kushner, and his wife, Ivanka Trump, proposed a similar app, to run a pseudo-pre-crime scam to prevent mass shootings. On face value, this is preposterous. When we start putting people in jail because we think they're going to commit a crime, the prisons would turn into camps; and the U.S. will have truly become a totalitarian state.

What I currently see happening in the country of my childhood and early adulthood, makes me emotional, and really, more sad than anything else. When Bush won the presidential election in 2001 against Gore, and the election was decided by the Supreme Court, I knew then, that U.S. Democracy was finished. Since then, due to 9/11, America's Civil Rights have been erased from the pages of history – a true police state was born – and it has all gone down hill from there.

There is certainly a Deep State, run by corporations, and America's elections have become a farce. It became evident to many, after Bernie Sanders relented to the DNC without a fight. U.S. elections are rigged, and the ruling class, the wealthy, Wall Street, MSM and the military all coalescing to screw the people. This should be clear for the majority of the people, but many continue to play an ESPN type of politics, while ignoring the issues that matter for the population - they're either in on it, or are blind to the machinations of power.

My intent in this blog, is not to give a history lesson on American politics, and the Deep State coup, destroying U.S. Democracy. (It began in 1947) But to point out, that the degradation of freedom has been incremental, and is now becoming aggressive, using propaganda of “Patriotism” American Exceptionalism”, and the slow manipulation of the population to support war.

If you are anti-war, and do not support US conflicts around the planet, you're called a traitor. When I was calling out the Russia-gate fantasy, I was called a Russian asset. When I was vocal about democratic socialism, I was named a “dirty communist”, etc. These are tactics of the Deep State, to shut you down. This is an old tactic of the warmongers and the elite since WW1 – same wine, different bottle.

The American situation, that is their infantile response to Covid 19; the government transferring up to $6 trillion to Wall Street, corporations and the banks, by and while essentially ignoring the people, is bad enough. But now, the Dogs of War are ratcheting-up for a new Cold-war with China. That is blaming China, without evidence, for the pandemic. Add further sanctions on Iran; and calling Venezuela's democratically elected president, Maduro, a Drug Lord, with zero evidence, reveals a psychopathic behaviour beyond the most vile totalitarian regimes in our modern history.

The history of this Deep-State, this cabal of warmongers, corporations, spooks and lies, once scratching the surface, one's first response is to leave it alone – too hard – though we must face it, or lose our individual freedoms.

Yes, I know, too dramatic, a nut case; an ignorant conspiracy theorist.


End of Part 2.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Notes from the Bunker (P. 1)

We're all in this together”, has been the catch cry for many western countries around the planet. If our governments are to be trusted, Corona 19 is a deadly virus, and spreads through the population and murders indiscriminately. There's no doubt in my mind that this is true. But what I find terribly disturbing, is how certain governments, particularly the U.S., has revealed their true natures. In the vein of “never let a good crisis go to waste”, the US government in their last “Care Act”, has performed the largest transference of wealth in the history of the world: 6 trillion, while ensuring America's population run for scraps, starve, and die.

What is even more disturbing, is the vast majority of the population continue to be in a ESPN mentality, arguing over two extremely flawed presidential candidates. “Vote Blue No matter Who”; “Bernie or Bust”; Keep America Great Again”. “The Rapist is better than the other Rapist”, ad infinitem. Even the corporate media run elections like a horse race, and at the end, people either cheers like they've won the lottery, or are crying in the streets like their cat just died. No one talks about issues, policies and economic actions, but personality and the “electibility” of a candidate. Tics has been dumb-downed to such an extent, people are blind to the real problems that face them and the world. Politics is a joke.

Even intelligent people like Glenn Greenwald, now hold pod casts with famous people, analysing the ins and outs of the current 2020 US elections, when they know, (or should know) that the entire system is rigged.

The U.S. has been a Corporatacracy since post 9/11. All elected officials that enter Washington DC as freshman have high hopes and idealistic dreams of a better world. Give it 2 years, and they'll fall in line, saying one thing to their constituents and doing the opposite to ensure their stay in the halls of power. Bernie Sanders is a prime example. He talks a good talk, and he shepherded a lot of people with truth, but in the end folded, because he needed to remain in DC as a senator. Otherwise he would have been smeared, blackballed and rubbished by the establishment, and his legacy would have disappeared. He chose to betray the people, and remain in politics. This is how strong the Deep State is...

Oh yes, the Deep State.

In 2017, I wrote a few words about the so-called “deep state”, and was instantly attacked as a “conspiracy theorist”. (a term created by the CIA) The DS is a bureaucracy embedded in the true halls of power in the U.S. These are un-elected officials, that sit back and watch Administrations' go by, and influence them when it suits, particularly, when it comes to budget meetings in congress. This is what Eisenhower so named the military industrial complex. For those who understand the history of the U.S., this must seem boring. That said, we can see this deep power stepping up, now that we are in a pandemic. More control, less power for the people, and more $ for the elite, the true leaders of the world.

Only until people realise, particularly, the American people, that their government are mere puppets for the MIC, and stand up to this utter criminality, will any change occur at all.

What the elite are afraid of the most, is a intellectual/spiritual breaking out, and a substantial revolt against them , against this highly criminal element.

If anything, this outrageous, criminal transference of wealth, should have caused the people to realise they're being screwed. While the people line up for miles in their cars for food, while their small businesses go under, while the government is blaming China for America's woes, for many reasons, people are blaming Trump...when the problem has been here all along. It's the system, it's the corrupt government bribed by the corporations, and forgetting about the people.

End of Part 1.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Can we Blame MAGA Protesters?

Watching the news, observing “right-wing” Trump supporters, waving placards reading, “Give Liberty or give me Death”, calling Corona 19 a hoax, at first caused me to laugh. “What morons.” I thought. After having my little self-righteous giggle, feeling superior in the comfort of my own home, I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. That voice in my head asked, 'Why do you feel superior, you live in country, where the government has ensured you'll keep your job, paying you enough $ to at least eat...? (And health care) While in the US, if you don't work, you starve, and if you get sick, you go bankrupt, that simple.'

The U.S. Government doesn't care about their people, and like the corporations that bribe them, care only for the bottom line.

Certainly not news to the majority of Americans, every developed country on the planet has universal healthcare in one form or another. Indeed, including America's stated enemy's -Iran, Russia, N. Korea and Venezuela. I live in Australia, and though the health system is not perfect, we don't have to worry about going broke, because our kid is sick, and requires intensive care. We can walk away without paying a dime.

I grew up in Denver, Colorado. My sister, at the age of 12, concocted a strange disease, Rhys Syndrome. The poor girl went insane, dived into a comma, and we had to turn off the machines. This tragedy cost the family somewhere in the vicinity of $100,000. My father had to claim Chapter 11, (bankruptcy) and what remained of the family, scattered in opposite directions. I look back at this incident and wonder: if there wasn't this financial pressure due to medical bills, would we had to sell the family home? Would there had been a different outcome? Who really knows? But the financial pressure certainly contributed to the family tragedy.

Health care is a Right.

Living in a “somewhat” democratic socialist country, basics like health, transport and education are not huge issues. And when the pandemic hit in the U.S., the government, albeit reluctantly, began rolling out $ for the general population. While remaining in “lock-down”, I didn't worry for my fellow Australians. Although far from perfect, our conservative government has covered the basics. And for this I'm thankful.

In the country of my childhood, my family and good friends, the US has revealed to the world, that it cares for the rich, political donors and hold on tightly, to ageing excuses for capitalism. A $1200 check in the mail, while giving as much as 6 trillion to the banks, is a prime example of who's in charge over there. And it's absolutely not the people.

Then to see people push out to protest, demonstrating “social distancing”, and asking to go back to work, is understandable. What else can these people do? The rent is due, the fridge is bare, and the gas tank is empty. “Fuck this social distancing, I need to go back to work”!

The American elite has the people by the balls. The fist is capitalism, a system with zero compassion, and a tired ideology.

I believe these MAGA people have it half right. The rest of their views are dirtied by propaganda, and false patriotic conditioning.

We can be certain, that if these people were given a chance, $ in a time of need, these stupid protest, would never happen.

This is not a Democrat / Republican issue. This is about a government, both party's, who prefer their own interests over their constituents.

Once the people grow up, shed their brainwashing, and realise democracy is not about their leaders, but the people, this shit will continue.

Can I blame the MAGA people?


Sunday, 19 April 2020

Cynicism in the Age of Covid 19

Growing up in Denver, there were a few winters where they would shut down the schools for a week, and it was certainly too cold to go outside. As a result, my sisters and I would catch what is commonly called "Cabin Fever." We would literally climb the walls and drive our poor mother crazy. Now, during this pandemic lock-down, I do not so much have cabin fever but find myself becoming more cynical about the world.

I've been writing about geopolitics for some years, particularly American foreign policy, from the Vietnam war onward to today's persistent regime-change efforts by Empire to acquire the planet's resources and an economic stranglehold on the world's populations. Since the rise of Covid 19, the US has revealed its true colors as not an empire of democracy and virtue but a country hell-bent on maintaining hegemony. Since Vietnam, the excuse for war was always preventing communism from spreading and protecting US democracy. Over the last 20 years, the justification for war has turned to fight terrorism. We have been occupying Afghanistan for 19 years. And we know from the Afghanistan Papers that, in reality, it's about resources and maintaining a strategic presence in the region. In fact, the Taliban has a more significant presence now than it did when the US first invaded in 2001.

We all know about both Iraqi invasions that both were based on lies. Indeed, now that we know this as a population, Empire refuses to withdraw and continues its military presence, coming up with more weak excuses, including the US's arch-enemy, Iran. So why do we continue to believe this propaganda, our boy's fighting not for freedom but for oligarchical corporate interests? Because, for the most part, people listen to the MSM, and whatever is thrown at them, they gobble up as truth. From what we know now about government lies about the war, people should be protesting in the streets, but we choose to remain home, go to work, and try our best for what we have. Let me just say, the system is designed this way, certainly in the US.

Since the outbreak of Covid 19, as said, the Empire has revealed itself in many ways. It ramped up aggression against Iran and Venezuela. More sanctions on both countries, when they needed the world most, in terms of medical supplies, etc. Empire put out a hit on Venezuelan president Maduro, labeling him a drug lord, when laughably, most of us know, including the FBI, that Columbia and its US-controlled dictator are the central sources of drugs coming into the country. It comes down to the propaganda regarding the spreading of American values and "democracy," which is all a lie.

Take the US government's handling of Covid 19. It passed the Care Bill, giving the most significant transference of wealth to the banks, corporations, and the 1%. Doing this while providing the American people a $1200 check and a 4-month extension of welfare payments. The US government does not care about the ordinary person, the working class, and has shored up wealth for the oligarchy. At this stage, we do not know the future ramifications of this wealth transference, but if 2008 is anything to go by, it will not be pretty for the working class.

My cynicism has run deep lately, now that I've been studying the Jeffery Epstein case. First of all, he did not commit suicide, he was murdered, and that has been covered up. Second, the man was an active pedophile, running, along with government agencies and the elite, a global child-sex trafficking operation that is planet-wide. The connections run to the highest levels of government, including presidents, royalty, and the wealthy. We know this because the investigations have been shut down or simply ignored by all the top law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and district judges. The corruption runs like rivers across the continent, and the MSM refuses to cover these stories because they're owned by the perpetrators.

My cynical view of institutions once placed in high esteem is falling apart, revealing themselves to be as sociopathic as corporations. But, unfortunately, those in power are covering up their vile actions, and the so-called "free press" is complicit in these cover-ups.

My "cabin fever" ebbs and, it has been flowing, forcing me to confront that the ruling class and their servants, with their actions, have gone beyond the pale of common decency.

The planet is run by psychopaths.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Did Bernie Betray the Movement?

Since Bernie Sanders' dropped out of the democratic nominee for president, opinions about this have been flying around the internet from various perspectives from salutatory (neolib class) through statements of downright betrayal, many even claiming that Sanders' acted as 'controlled opposition' for the DNC. Certainly, I wouldn't go this far, but Sanders' dropping out during a time when his policies are so relevant, (medicare for all, social security, etc.), has been a point for many to take pause.

Anyone who has studied American politics, particularly since the Reagan Administration, realise that the US electoral system is rigged. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter ids, and America's dubious computer – voting – machines, all lead one to see how much the system is anything but democratic. When you combine the power of the DNC, backed by their wealthy corporate donors, and the mainstream media, all putting their power behind destroying Bernie Sanders, any doubt that the US democratic system is corrupted, vanishes.

Bernie Sanders is a career politician. He has spent a greater part of his life in the halls of power. To my mind, in order to remain in those halls, certain compromises had to be made. So when Bernie declared that he would support the democratic nominee no matter, that was the first red flag. It was if he knew he would never arrive at that point in his campaign.

This betrayal revealed itself even more, when surprisingly, after the debacle-primaries in Michigan, where Bernie was expected to win, and Joe Biden slammed it, Sanders' seemed to simply fold without a fight. At that stage, Bernie gave up; combined with the coronavirus outbreak, the game was over. But really, considering the size of his movement, taking no corporate money, and a legion of supporters, and the relevance of his policies during this pandemic, this was the perfect opportunity to take the reigns, and race across the finish line. But the man folded in a whimper, without a fight, and endorses Joe Biden, a man who's policies are opposite to everything the “Movement” has been battling for. Added to this, Sanders' is now berating his staff for not “bending the knee” for Biden.

Indeed, something is rotten in Denmark.

On social media, the # sheep herder has been trending.

Bernie Sanders' is and has been a member of the DC-establishment-boy's-club for many years. I would not be surprised if Obama, the great liar and hypocrite, threatened Sanders, that if he did not drop out of the race, his career in Washington would be finished in a year. For Obama, the Clinton's and their donors, including the MSM, could destroy Bernie's place in DC in less than a year. Of this, I have no doubt.

Bernie, rather than fight the all-powerful-DC-establishment, chose to drop-out and remain in the senate, where he can continue his fight for the working class.

What these incredible actions by the establishment reveals, is the utter corruption of the American political system. A system who protects the oligarchy and screws the people.

I find it astonishing, that certain “left-wing” pundits, have skirted around the edges of these obvious observations of the US political system. So-called left-wing publications like The Intercept, etc., are attempting to redefine the definition of social democracy, making it hip, while supporting regime change wars, and Russia-gate... but that's a subject for another time.

Bernie Sanders indeed betrayed the “movement”, the ordinary Americans, and preferred to save his own career. That said, the coronavirus will reveal even more corruption of the US ruling class, where a peaceful revolution, will be the people's only option.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Sanders' “bends the knee” to Oligarchical Establishment

Democratic nominee, Bernie Sanders, announced today that he would be dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. This was a surprise to many, including myself, that he would surrender to the establishment during a pandemic. He believed “all the signs were there”, and dropping out generally, would be good for the country. This is DNC PR, because the party has been anti-Sanders from the beginning.

Sometime in 2017, the DNC was in court for voter fraud allegations. What was said, should not surprise anyone, however many political pundits seemed to have forgotten this establishment, inconvenient truth: paraphrased, the DNC representative claimed on the record, that in the end, votes do not matter to the party, because they (DNC) can choose any candidate they want, despite the American people's vote.

I mentioned this to a Bernie Sanders supporter on Twitter,, a woman who has been investigating voter fraud throughout this years primaries. Though we follow each other, she failed to respond. And Sanders' drops out today.

The DNC making this on the record announcement, should have caused a democratic exit on the level of a Tsunami, but no, candidates like Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders, decided to remain in the party, claiming they could change the system from within, rather than go third party. This has now proved to be a mistake, because once again, the DNC has screwed Sanders as they had in 2016.

What it comes down to, generally, is Bernie Sanders didn't fight back in any worthwhile fashion. During the last debate with Joe Biden, Sanders' could have nailed the mentally deficit, warmonger on so much of Biden's horrific record while in the Senate and as Obama's VP. He chose not to. This of course begs the question why?

One can only speculate on Sanders choices through his campaign. He had grassroots support, zero corporate donors, riding on popular issues like medicare for all, student debt and the climate crisis. Although he appeared to lose in the last primaries, especially in the key state of Michigan, the pandemic hit, and many of these results appeared dubious at best. Yet the candidate to gain most from America's greatest time of need for the people, Bernie relinquishes his chance at the democratic nominee for president.

From the beginning, Sanders campaign was directly opposed to the establishment: Big money in politics, the country's lack of a practical health care system, and his fight against billionaires, the oligarchy; the few that truly call all the shots in American foreign and domestic policy. The American people loved these policies as we knew we could trust Bernie, that we could trust the man to fight against the establishment, unlike Donald J. Trump.

An astute journalist wrote somewhere that Bernie Sanders is and always has been a career politician. Whether we like it or not, Sanders is still part of the “old boy network”, and as Sanders has said, “Joe Biden is a decent man, and we're good friends.” Anyone who follows American politics, knows that Biden is not a good man. In fact he is a warmonger, a known sexual pervert, and has voted to cut social security many times. Biden is an obvious establishment pick, because he supports and is supported by the oligarchical establishment. Bernie is part of this establishment, and fighting the people he is part of, proved to be too much. Sanders' still had a chance to win the democratic primary by votes alone. Unfortunately we have a deeply corrupt DNC, and a pandemic that's keeping the people off the streets and out of the polling places.

Bernie is a fucking disappointment.

A journalist I admire, Whitney Webb, summed this up in a tweet she posted last night:

There is no longer ANY EXCUSE to place all your attention on our fake election and not on the government's push to VASTLY expand its power and take us closer than ever to a police state. The DNC/RNC will not save you, they don't care about you, stop waiting for a political Savior. @_whitneywebb

The people can no longer depend on a single person to save us from this terrible time in history, when the rich get richer, and our Rights are removed, one right at a time. For change we need to hit the streets, demonstrate, shut the system down. Otherwise, our future looks bleak. Very bleak.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Steven Spielberg's 'The Post' and Julian Assange

During Covid 19, and our self isolation shutdown, there's not much to do aside from reading and viewing a few films on Netflix. Scrolling through the menu, Spielberg's wonderful movie, The Post, appeared, so re-watching this great story about The Washington Post in the early 70's with Ben Bradley at the helm, was a no brainer. A story about the leak of The Pentagon Papers, and the Supreme Court ruling, siding with the First Amendment, freedom of the press, along with Spielberg's gift of pathos, brought a few tears to my eyes.

As the credits rolled, I thought, 'What the hell has happened to our world?'

The Pentagon papers revealed that a slew of presidents from Truman to Nixon all lied about the Vietnam War. The CIA rigged elections, played both sides, and most importantly, knew from the beginning that it was a war that could never be won. In order to save face, and avoid humiliation, playing politics, the president(s) and government remained in the war; thus thousands of American lives had been lost, all because of a few men's egos and political aspirations. For many American's, this was simply unforgivable.

From the film and my memory of US history, the arguments and counter-arguments, boiled down to a primary point, counter-point. The publication of US government secrets was a matter of National Security. (How many times has the public heard this excuse) That American lives would be lost if the leaked documents were published. The counter-point was a Constitutional argument in line with the first amendment – freedom of the press. On a 6 to 3 majority, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the press. The purpose of the press is to inform the governed, the people, and do not serve the few who govern. Soon after this, The Washington Post revealed Watergate, resulting in the resignation of President Nixon.

Oh my, how things have changed.

The majority of Americans and people around the world, have no confidence in the MSM. Recent polls have shown a drop in confidence with the press, and find them mere servants to power. That said, however, there are certain independent news organisations and single journalists, who continue to carry the First Amendment mantle, informing the public, and informing the world of the truth.

When Wikileaks hit the world stage, the amount of sheer corruption in governments around the planet was rampant. This came with a drastic consequence, mainly in the beginning, a coordinated smear campaign against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Unfortunately this pounding of disinformation worked after the 2016 general election. Many mainstream journalists began a disinformation tirade that Assange was not a “real” journalist, etc. So many people bought into this propaganda, and interestingly, right at the same time, the Russia-gate disinformation was unrelentingly, bombarded on the world against Assange. Now he's in solitary confinement 23 hours a day, because he revealed the War Crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. These leaks have not resulted in a breach in “National Security”. All evidence shows no deaths have occurred from these publications. Despite The Pentagon Papers precedent, set by the Supreme Court, those currently in power, are trying to kill Assange, along with the First Amendment of the United States.

What the hell happened is since the early 80's, media outlets have been bought-up by billionaires, including The Washington Post. All these main stream outlets, including the television media, are beholden to their owners, in terms of what to write and what NOT to write or broadcast. Those pundits within the corporate system will deny any influence, but many of us have read Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent', and have observed the crumbling of real news over the decades.

Julian Assange is our 21st century Daniel Ellsberg. And by the way, Ellsberg is a on the record, loud supporter of Wikileaks, and Assange.

Re-watching 'The Post', today, showed me that whistle-blowers and the free press are so important as the 4th Estate, keeping power in check, in a functioning democracy.

Once the free press is gone, all we have left is totalitarianism.

For me, that's why independent news stations and journalists are so important.

And that's why Julian Assange must be exonerated and set free.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Tired of Corporate Shills on Twitter

Today on Twitter, a known Australian, right-wing conservative member, tweeted that Capitalism and Christianity was the perfect mix for success. (paraphrased)This, of course, came from a young man who is a member of Hill Song: a christian Pentecostal group, who speak in tongues, and pray for the rapture. Our illustrious Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is also a member of this cult. What he really meant was Christianity and politics/capitalism, is a great mix for success. When asked why he believes this rubbish, as anyone who has read the NT knows, capitalism is anathema to the word of Jesus Christ. Their is also the doctrine of the necessary separation of Church and State. This is not a comment on theology, but a observation that these Corporate/Christians, and corporate shills overall, usually have no argument to back their propositions. And one can see this on Twitter on a daily basis.

It really became evident to me earlier in the week, when a Bernie Sander's staff member commented that it would be great if not only the government pay for the Coronivirus treatments, but also cancer and diabetes; she was instantly attacked by right wing pundits, and democratic corporate shills. The woman was attacked on the “tone” of her tweet, and piled on with straw man arguments that had nothing to do with the content of her tweet. The original content, paraphrased, was if the government can pay for treatment of Covid 19, why not cancer, too. This was obvious to anyone with half a brain, but certainly revealed that the Right and the corporate owned neoliberals have no arguments, and rely on ad homenim attacks and non-sequitur nonsense.

Another good example of zero arguments against social issues like medicare for all, is the “Bernie bro” phenomena. Simply this was an army of men and boys attacking neoliberals and conservatives (sometimes not in the most civil of tones) who attacked Bernie Sanders. To be fair these “bros” could get quite heated and aggressive, but always honed in on the issues. Suddenly in MSM it became a “thing”. Bernie should take responsibility for his followers, while clutching their pearls and calling for civility. The real “thing” is the issue that none of these Bernie haters, had any substantial arguments against the man's actual policies. They'd attack the man, attack his followers, but never make mention of his policy proposals.

Over the last three years, all these neoliberal meatheads could come up with against Sanders and anti-war pundits, is that they're Russian bots, Putin puppets or Chinese assets. Indeed putting these outrageous claims out there without a shred of evidence, and expecting people to go along. Unfortunately, other meatheads were propagandised to such an extent, anyone contrary to their neoliberal beliefs, was a Russian asset. This reveals they have no note-worthy issues, policies or arguments.

Hypocrisy appears to be the main stay on conservative and neoliberal politics. Avowed Christians in high places, push for regime change wars, and sanctions that are killing thousand of men, women and children. Self-proclaimed left wing Hollywood types, push for Joe Biden, while he is accused of an egregious act against a woman, The #metoo crowd remains silent on this one, in order to beat Trump at any cost. This hypocrisy is disgusting.

For the most part, arguing on Twitter is a worthless endeavour. The other night I was called a creep and told to read a book, by a famous LA director. This bothered me, because I'd admired his past films. I wanted to say, reading, writing and teaching books has been my life. But decided not to.

Occasionally one will have a great discussion on Twitter. Generally, however, take a pass. It's better to leave well enough alone. Self-sanity is important.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...