Thursday, 23 April 2020

Can we Blame MAGA Protesters?

Watching the news, observing “right-wing” Trump supporters, waving placards reading, “Give Liberty or give me Death”, calling Corona 19 a hoax, at first caused me to laugh. “What morons.” I thought. After having my little self-righteous giggle, feeling superior in the comfort of my own home, I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. That voice in my head asked, 'Why do you feel superior, you live in country, where the government has ensured you'll keep your job, paying you enough $ to at least eat...? (And health care) While in the US, if you don't work, you starve, and if you get sick, you go bankrupt, that simple.'

The U.S. Government doesn't care about their people, and like the corporations that bribe them, care only for the bottom line.

Certainly not news to the majority of Americans, every developed country on the planet has universal healthcare in one form or another. Indeed, including America's stated enemy's -Iran, Russia, N. Korea and Venezuela. I live in Australia, and though the health system is not perfect, we don't have to worry about going broke, because our kid is sick, and requires intensive care. We can walk away without paying a dime.

I grew up in Denver, Colorado. My sister, at the age of 12, concocted a strange disease, Rhys Syndrome. The poor girl went insane, dived into a comma, and we had to turn off the machines. This tragedy cost the family somewhere in the vicinity of $100,000. My father had to claim Chapter 11, (bankruptcy) and what remained of the family, scattered in opposite directions. I look back at this incident and wonder: if there wasn't this financial pressure due to medical bills, would we had to sell the family home? Would there had been a different outcome? Who really knows? But the financial pressure certainly contributed to the family tragedy.

Health care is a Right.

Living in a “somewhat” democratic socialist country, basics like health, transport and education are not huge issues. And when the pandemic hit in the U.S., the government, albeit reluctantly, began rolling out $ for the general population. While remaining in “lock-down”, I didn't worry for my fellow Australians. Although far from perfect, our conservative government has covered the basics. And for this I'm thankful.

In the country of my childhood, my family and good friends, the US has revealed to the world, that it cares for the rich, political donors and hold on tightly, to ageing excuses for capitalism. A $1200 check in the mail, while giving as much as 6 trillion to the banks, is a prime example of who's in charge over there. And it's absolutely not the people.

Then to see people push out to protest, demonstrating “social distancing”, and asking to go back to work, is understandable. What else can these people do? The rent is due, the fridge is bare, and the gas tank is empty. “Fuck this social distancing, I need to go back to work”!

The American elite has the people by the balls. The fist is capitalism, a system with zero compassion, and a tired ideology.

I believe these MAGA people have it half right. The rest of their views are dirtied by propaganda, and false patriotic conditioning.

We can be certain, that if these people were given a chance, $ in a time of need, these stupid protest, would never happen.

This is not a Democrat / Republican issue. This is about a government, both party's, who prefer their own interests over their constituents.

Once the people grow up, shed their brainwashing, and realise democracy is not about their leaders, but the people, this shit will continue.

Can I blame the MAGA people?


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