Sunday, 19 April 2020

Cynicism in the Age of Covid 19

Growing up in Denver, there were a few winters where they would shut down the schools for a week, and it was certainly too cold to go outside. As a result, my sisters and I would catch what is commonly called "Cabin Fever." We would literally climb the walls and drive our poor mother crazy. Now, during this pandemic lock-down, I do not so much have cabin fever but find myself becoming more cynical about the world.

I've been writing about geopolitics for some years, particularly American foreign policy, from the Vietnam war onward to today's persistent regime-change efforts by Empire to acquire the planet's resources and an economic stranglehold on the world's populations. Since the rise of Covid 19, the US has revealed its true colors as not an empire of democracy and virtue but a country hell-bent on maintaining hegemony. Since Vietnam, the excuse for war was always preventing communism from spreading and protecting US democracy. Over the last 20 years, the justification for war has turned to fight terrorism. We have been occupying Afghanistan for 19 years. And we know from the Afghanistan Papers that, in reality, it's about resources and maintaining a strategic presence in the region. In fact, the Taliban has a more significant presence now than it did when the US first invaded in 2001.

We all know about both Iraqi invasions that both were based on lies. Indeed, now that we know this as a population, Empire refuses to withdraw and continues its military presence, coming up with more weak excuses, including the US's arch-enemy, Iran. So why do we continue to believe this propaganda, our boy's fighting not for freedom but for oligarchical corporate interests? Because, for the most part, people listen to the MSM, and whatever is thrown at them, they gobble up as truth. From what we know now about government lies about the war, people should be protesting in the streets, but we choose to remain home, go to work, and try our best for what we have. Let me just say, the system is designed this way, certainly in the US.

Since the outbreak of Covid 19, as said, the Empire has revealed itself in many ways. It ramped up aggression against Iran and Venezuela. More sanctions on both countries, when they needed the world most, in terms of medical supplies, etc. Empire put out a hit on Venezuelan president Maduro, labeling him a drug lord, when laughably, most of us know, including the FBI, that Columbia and its US-controlled dictator are the central sources of drugs coming into the country. It comes down to the propaganda regarding the spreading of American values and "democracy," which is all a lie.

Take the US government's handling of Covid 19. It passed the Care Bill, giving the most significant transference of wealth to the banks, corporations, and the 1%. Doing this while providing the American people a $1200 check and a 4-month extension of welfare payments. The US government does not care about the ordinary person, the working class, and has shored up wealth for the oligarchy. At this stage, we do not know the future ramifications of this wealth transference, but if 2008 is anything to go by, it will not be pretty for the working class.

My cynicism has run deep lately, now that I've been studying the Jeffery Epstein case. First of all, he did not commit suicide, he was murdered, and that has been covered up. Second, the man was an active pedophile, running, along with government agencies and the elite, a global child-sex trafficking operation that is planet-wide. The connections run to the highest levels of government, including presidents, royalty, and the wealthy. We know this because the investigations have been shut down or simply ignored by all the top law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and district judges. The corruption runs like rivers across the continent, and the MSM refuses to cover these stories because they're owned by the perpetrators.

My cynical view of institutions once placed in high esteem is falling apart, revealing themselves to be as sociopathic as corporations. But, unfortunately, those in power are covering up their vile actions, and the so-called "free press" is complicit in these cover-ups.

My "cabin fever" ebbs and, it has been flowing, forcing me to confront that the ruling class and their servants, with their actions, have gone beyond the pale of common decency.

The planet is run by psychopaths.

1 comment:

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...