Thursday, 2 April 2020

Tired of Corporate Shills on Twitter

Today on Twitter, a known Australian, right-wing conservative member, tweeted that Capitalism and Christianity was the perfect mix for success. (paraphrased)This, of course, came from a young man who is a member of Hill Song: a christian Pentecostal group, who speak in tongues, and pray for the rapture. Our illustrious Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is also a member of this cult. What he really meant was Christianity and politics/capitalism, is a great mix for success. When asked why he believes this rubbish, as anyone who has read the NT knows, capitalism is anathema to the word of Jesus Christ. Their is also the doctrine of the necessary separation of Church and State. This is not a comment on theology, but a observation that these Corporate/Christians, and corporate shills overall, usually have no argument to back their propositions. And one can see this on Twitter on a daily basis.

It really became evident to me earlier in the week, when a Bernie Sander's staff member commented that it would be great if not only the government pay for the Coronivirus treatments, but also cancer and diabetes; she was instantly attacked by right wing pundits, and democratic corporate shills. The woman was attacked on the “tone” of her tweet, and piled on with straw man arguments that had nothing to do with the content of her tweet. The original content, paraphrased, was if the government can pay for treatment of Covid 19, why not cancer, too. This was obvious to anyone with half a brain, but certainly revealed that the Right and the corporate owned neoliberals have no arguments, and rely on ad homenim attacks and non-sequitur nonsense.

Another good example of zero arguments against social issues like medicare for all, is the “Bernie bro” phenomena. Simply this was an army of men and boys attacking neoliberals and conservatives (sometimes not in the most civil of tones) who attacked Bernie Sanders. To be fair these “bros” could get quite heated and aggressive, but always honed in on the issues. Suddenly in MSM it became a “thing”. Bernie should take responsibility for his followers, while clutching their pearls and calling for civility. The real “thing” is the issue that none of these Bernie haters, had any substantial arguments against the man's actual policies. They'd attack the man, attack his followers, but never make mention of his policy proposals.

Over the last three years, all these neoliberal meatheads could come up with against Sanders and anti-war pundits, is that they're Russian bots, Putin puppets or Chinese assets. Indeed putting these outrageous claims out there without a shred of evidence, and expecting people to go along. Unfortunately, other meatheads were propagandised to such an extent, anyone contrary to their neoliberal beliefs, was a Russian asset. This reveals they have no note-worthy issues, policies or arguments.

Hypocrisy appears to be the main stay on conservative and neoliberal politics. Avowed Christians in high places, push for regime change wars, and sanctions that are killing thousand of men, women and children. Self-proclaimed left wing Hollywood types, push for Joe Biden, while he is accused of an egregious act against a woman, The #metoo crowd remains silent on this one, in order to beat Trump at any cost. This hypocrisy is disgusting.

For the most part, arguing on Twitter is a worthless endeavour. The other night I was called a creep and told to read a book, by a famous LA director. This bothered me, because I'd admired his past films. I wanted to say, reading, writing and teaching books has been my life. But decided not to.

Occasionally one will have a great discussion on Twitter. Generally, however, take a pass. It's better to leave well enough alone. Self-sanity is important.

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