Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Never let a Good Crisis go to Waste

Our history has shown that during any type of crises, our governments will take advantage, chipping away at our basic freedoms, and move towards authoritarianism. After 9/11, the US leaders pushed through The Patriot Act, instigating mass surveillance, essentially destroying the Bill of Rights. Now that we are in the fourth month of Covid 19, we see similar actions of empire, in form of foreign policy.

It is interesting to note, that Russia, China and Cuba, all “enemies” of the United States, have proven themselves to be the true humanitarians on a global scale. These countries have sent supplies, and medical expertise to Italy, for example, the hardest hit by Covid 19. While the US falters internally, at first underestimating the virus, finding themselves woefully unprepared and other countries take the humanitarian lead.

Rather than taking the role of helper and saviour, the US has gone in the opposite direction, ramping up their regime change efforts in Iran and Venezuela.

In 2018,when the Trump administration invoked even more brutal sanctions on Venezuela, which included much need medical supplies and necessary medicines, this resulted in over 40,000 deaths of the elderly and children. After several coup attempts, including a failed assassination attempt on president Maduro, further sanctions were imposed on the country, causing further misery on the population. But it only gets worse.

In the last week, the State Department, has put a bounty on Maduro and many of his cabinet, claiming they're Latin American drug lords. This is, of course, a complete lie. In reality, what the US government are hoping, is someone close to the president, will get $ signs in their eyes, and murder the president. Venezuela's main export is oil, as their the largest oil-rich country, even surpassing Saudi Arabia. In fact, the main exporter of drugs into the US is Colombia, run by a right wing dictator, as the American DEA is quite aware of. This but another regime change action, as all the others have failed. While other countries are moving forward with supplies into the Venezuela, the US is trying to destroy it. This is State Terrorism on a grand scale.

Iran and Italy has been the hardest hit by Covid 19. Iran has been under savage economic sanctions by the US. Under these sanctions, any country caught giving aid to Iran, is severely punished by the US. The US, despite a pandemic, announced last week that further sanctions will be placed on Iran. People are dying in Iran from Covid 19, and the US decides to place further sanctions upon them. This is not only cruel, but in the high realms of psychopathy.

Under normal circumstances, economic sanctions are an act of state terrorism. Considering the planet is experiencing a pandemic, to further hammer Iran, goes beyond the pale of basic humanity. This is a international crime. But the US does not recognise the Hague, the international courts, and believes it can do what ever it desires, in the goal of global hegemony.

Any powerful government knows that during a crises, people's attentions are elsewhere, and knows that imposing undemocratic policies or actions will, for the most part, go unnoticed.

The US during this world-wide pandemic have chosen to be the monster, using pain and suffering to their advantage. This is state terrorism, high crimes against humanity.

Shame on you.

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