Saturday, 7 March 2020

Tulsi Gabbard & Corruption of the DNC

After the obvious establishment/DNC/MSM coup on Super Tuesday, their strategy against Bernie Sanders, that worked beautifully, substantiated my belief in the utter criminality of the US ruling class. Indeed, these institutional greedy elites have surpassed even the most egregious types during the last years of the Roman Empire. The DC insider elected puppets, supported by their ultimately psychotic corporate donors, who are the true rulers in America, have gone full throttle against the people's working class candidate, Bernie Sanders.

It was certainly not surprising, although troubling, that the DNC changed their debate rules again, to specifically exclude the only woman of colour, democratic candidate, Tulsi Gabbard.

To be certain, Gabbard is the true anti-establishment candidate, calling out the hypocrisy of the DNC, and the malignant IC (Intelligence Community) and their Russia-gate nonsense over the last 3 years. She has even sued the “queen of warmongers” Hillary Clinton, the true crime boss of DC insider corruption. For all things, calling Gabbard a groomed Russian asset, is a vacuous and lazy smear.

All said, in Ruling Class politics, $ rules. When the once dictator of NYC, Michael Bloom- burg, a midget-billionaire-racist-friend-of-sex-trafficker- Epstein, bought his way on to the debate stage, making a fool of himself, by the way, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. While a true politician, Gabbard, only single donations campaign, a war vet, a current acting major and out spoken about the US's illegal perpetual war, is relegated to the sidelines, for fear of embarrassing the elite contestants. And after qualifying on the most recent DNC debate rules, the corrupt creeps change the rules again. People for true democracy should be shouting from the highest rooftops, but in the main, no. The MSM and the DNC, has made Tulsi Gabbard, all but a ghost.

Aside from the blatant coup by the Establishment on Super Tuesday against Sanders, this is a further action against the real issues facing the American people: Endless war for profit, and the utter corruption of the American democratic system.

As another aside, when the IC through the MSM, began the Russia smears against Sanders, the man went a long, embarrassing many of his supporters. Gabbard stood up and called out the IC and MSM for their obvious attempt to smear Bernie, and without even a nod from Sanders. Personally, I found Bernie in this case, to be a bit spineless.

If you required any proof, that the DNC are corrupt up to their psycho-boy eyeballs, the exclusion of Gabbard from the debate stage, should at least raise an eyebrow.

And for those who “hate” Gabbard for her connection to MODI, aside from photo ops, tell us one thing that Gabbard has said about the dictator. Reminds of the “Assad-apologist MSM” idiots.

Tulsi Gabbard's exclusion from the democratic debate stage, should make you wonder.

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