Monday, 16 March 2020

Short Comment: “The Rising of a new McCarthyism” (Written late 2018)

Since the beginning of the “Mueller Investigation” the corporate owned media has been hammering an anti-Russia narrative, a Trump alleged collusion with Putin, helping a republican win in the 2016 election. To be clear, the only evidence of this interference, are numerous twitter and fb ads, run by 13 Russians in an attempt to rein havoc in the US democratic process. To a miniscule extent, this may have turned a few votes to Trump, but the actual evidence of “collusion” is simply not there.
From my observations of corporate owned news networks, i.e., BBC, CNN ABC, etc., these are the true propagators of conspiracy and decent.
Russia is now portrayed to Americans as the new evil empire, (along with North Korea) when Russia or North Korea has committed no acts of aggression, aside from shooting off a few rockets, and Russia, have only been looking out for their own interests in Syria, Crimea and Ukraine.
We must put a few key points into context:
According to international stats, Russia’s economy is equal to the size of Spain.
In 2014, Russia's military budget of 2.49 trillion roubles (worth approximately US$69.3 billion at 2014, approximately 1/7th (14%) of the US military budget.
The US military budget has the base budget of $523.9 billion, which includes an increase of $2.2 billion over the FY 2016 enacted budget of $521.7 billion. Since Trump has taken power, the budget has risen to well over $750 billion. Further a budget of $80 billion over the next 5 years.

Where and who is the actual threat?

A New McCarthyism.

Managed to stumble upon an excellent documentary last night and it was part of a series on great American minds. The film’s subject was the legendary 50’s director, Elias Kazan, ( On the Waterfront, A Streetcar Named Desire, East of Eden) and Arthur Miller, Pulitzer prize winning playwright, ( Death of a Salesman, View from a Bridge, The Crucible) focusing on their highly creative relationship, and their infamous “falling out”, after Kazan named names with his testimony as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952, at the time of the Hollywood blacklist, which brought him strong negative reactions from many liberal friends and colleagues. 

Arthur Miller, on the other hand, gave testimony that he knew of communists in the entertainment industry, but refused “snitch”, or name names. Consequently, he was charged with contempt of congress, but later the charges were dropped.

During this time, the “red scare” enabled by such “luminaries” Senator Joseph McCarthy, (see image below) to ruin lives and create an anti-Russia sentiment that seemingly, remains, and is currently being pushed today.

If one takes a cursory glance at American history, knows all too well the number of “regime-change” projects executed by the CIA and hence, the US government: Iran, Colombia, Venezuela, Libya and Iraq, to name just a few.

The enemy is not on the outside, our enemy is within…

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