Thursday, 19 March 2020

Gabbard's Support of Joe Biden the Corruption of US Politics

It was certainly not surprising to wake up to the news that Tulsi Gabbard has now dropped out of the democratic race for president. What is surprising is her announced support for the democratic primary leader, Joe Biden.

Considering the current circumstances world wide, the Coronavirus exponentially killing people, to hold a primary, let alone crowded rallies around the country, would be irresponsible. However, this did not stop the DNC from continuing primary voting in Illinois, Florida and Arizona. Many pundits around the country, frowned on this move by the DNC, and looked at its motivation with heavy suspicion. Why risk spreading this terrible virus for the sake of a few votes, in a primary, no less?

Even observing these primaries from 20,000 Ks away from the bottom side of the planet, we can see *voter rigging*: unreliable voting machines, understaffed polling stations, and 3 to 4 hour waiting times to cast a vote, is all designed to suppress votes. Holding these elections on working days is also suspicious when, a citizen hasn't the time nor the money to vote. Add the corporate media and their biased reporting, supporting their corporate candidate, (Joe Biden) and the back door, closed-room-smoke-ridden politics of the DNC, and the so-called “will of the people” is a mere forgotten dream, if these days ever happened at all.

Take all the above under consideration, and Tulsi Gabbard didn't have a chance. Added to this, the woman was smeared on the first day, when, announcing her run, CNN published an article calling her a Russian asset. These ridiculous smears continued. MSM outlets like MSNBC and CNN called her an Assad-apologist, that, the woman supported dictators, when her trip to Syria was a fact-finding mission in the spirit of diplomacy. DNC thug and “hit woman”, Hillary Clinton followed suit, also jumping in on the Russian hysteria, alleging Tulsi was being groomed by the Russians. All this despite Gabbard is currently serving as a major in the reserves, a two tour vet in Iraq, and a serving congresswoman. American politics is corrupted to its core.

Then, why would Tulsi Gabbard, support the corporate-war-loving-candidate, Joe Biden?

There are two reasons that come to mind: Gabbard has said from the beginning of her campaign, that she would not start a third party, and would support the democratic nominee. Tulsi is a member of the democratic party, and has been from the beginning. Secondly, I believe, she did not support Bernie Sanders because, despite their similar policies, and her sticking up for Bernie over the Russian asset accusations; though Bernie did not back her on these ridiculous smears, plus, him not fighting for her to be in the debates, that, I believe, settled it.

What bothers me is the voter “tribalism” in American politics. It reminds me of rooting for your favourite football team. Tulsi did not betray her supporters by supporting Joe Biden. She believes what she believes, and nothing has changed on that. You must be a meat head to believe she lied about her policies throughout her campaign.

American politics, go figure.

What is revealing is all the Tulsi haters now changing their tune, when she seemingly “changed sides”. These corporate, war-loving shills have no ethics. It's about maintaining American empire, their cushy day jobs, and their adoration of the !%.

Tulsi Gabbard is not going away.

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