Sunday, 29 March 2020

Self-Isolation and Greed as a Chosen Lifestyle

As Covid 19 is in full swing, economies are tittering on disaster, and Federal governments are clamping down on our basic behaviours, those being self isolation and social distancing. In Australia, as of today, no groups greater than 2 people, can gather together in a public place. We are told, this will be enforced by police. These measures are unprecedented.

What is truly disturbing, just last week, teenagers and university students gathered in large groups on St. Kilda beach in Melbourne. The children, as they do, drinking, swimming and touching each other with not a care in the world. This behaviour continued despite orders from health officials and government. Teenagers are notorias for their brainless-selfish-liaise fare-attitudes. That said, the beaches are currently vacant – as they should be.

This morning, made my weekly visit to the grocery store. There are markers on the floors, telling the public where to stand. (1.5 metres apart from other human beings)) All the checkouts have a plastic barrier, separating the customer and the cashier. We were ordered to pack our own groceries, so the cashier would not have to touch the bags. Security guards stood at the exits, ensuring everyone was following the rules. Again , these measures are unprecedented.

I'm reminded of the western governments' procrastination of enforcing pandemic protocols, at the start of this current disaster. Australia managed to drag along, until the deaths began to rise at an alarming rate. Thank goodness we have a relatively small population, and a single payer health care system. Finally the government has implemented economic programs like rent control, and money for those who have lost their jobs. We have also given subsidies to small businesses to pay their staff, and to help keep their businesses afloat. It appears the Aussie government is doing the right thing by the little guy, the workers, who actually keep the economy going. The USA, however, is an entirely different beast.

The US government, in the guise of a “bailout”, has transferred trillions to all the top corporations, while the American people are given $1200, to be received in 3 months. Gathered from various sources, the corporate trillion dollar give-away, is in the realm of 9 trillion. The US government has screwed the people once again, taking care of their donors, and ignoring their constituents. Let's be honest, this “bailout” is criminal, and a scheme to ensure the politicians, donors and the corporations get richer in a crises, a pandemic. On a 1-10 psychopathy scale, it's a 10. And they're getting away with it.

My first intention in writing this BLOG, was to point out that self isolation and social distancing, for me at least, has been a chosen lifestyle. As a avid reader, writer and film person, remaining at home is a pleasure. But paying attention to what greedy, corrupt governments around the planet are doing to the people, as a result of this crises, is simply diabolical. It needs to be written.

What did a US politician once say? “Never let a good crises go to waste”.

So true.

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