Tuesday, 17 March 2020

US Empire has Zero Empathy for Humanity

The US has decided to add to existing sanctions on Iran. During our current Coronavirus pandemic, the time could not have been more perfect, for the US State Department's regime change efforts on the Islamic State. The rest of humanity has recognised the utter insanity of the US, when it comes to their “sanction” efforts, on other named “enemies” of the US. These further sanctions on Iran, proves *US foreign policy psychopathy*, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Sanctions are a form of economic terrorism. In other words, causing terror on populations for political purposes. What the US is doing to Iran, especially, during this current pandemic, is state terrorism, in its purest form.

Iran has been one of the countries hardest hit by the Coronavirus. And to now stop the supply of basic medicines, ventilators, and face masks, to name a few, is barbaric. What this sociopaths in power do not understand, is the Iranian people will not rise up against their government for lack of care, but will blame the US government. The US is infuriating the Iranian population, causing further American hate throughout the middle east.

In 1996, US ambassador, Madeline Allbright, was asked on 60 Minutes, if she believed the millions of women and children deaths due to US sanctions in Iraq was worth it, and her response is representative of US foreign policy:

I think that it was a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price was worth it.”

In retrospect, what we know now about the Iraq war, that the invasions were based on falsehoods and lies, in order for corporate America to make a profit, this, of course, takes the term “inhumanity' to an entirely new level. In fact, I would call it the justifications of a psychopath.

Indeed, these current efforts against Iran, and past sanctions on Iraq, reveals the propaganda in the US media;and the further acceptance of these lies, by the American people. In the last 20 odd years, the US has been at war in the name of fighting terrorism. What many have come to discover, these wars had nothing to do with combating terrorism, but about American imperialism, and the corporate piracy of the planet's natural resources.

The US desires to topple Iran, not because it is an authoritarian regime, but because it is the dominate country in the middle east. Iran has oil and natural resources that it trades in with other countries. Added to this, Iran was once a puppet country to the US and the UK. Once the Shaw of Iran was toppled, (a sadistic dictator) Iran's oil was no longer in US and UK control. Regime change would fix this problem.

Take political ideology out of the equation, and what you have left is economic terrorism. Regime change is not about saving the Iranian people, it's about economic and military dominance in the middle east.

So to exact further economic sanctions on Iran, is nothing less than an international criminal act. The amount of innocent people that will die because of further US sanctions on Iran has yet to be revealed. But similar to Iraq, it could well reach in the hundreds of thousands.

A psychopath is an individual without the capability of feeling empathy for another. A psychopath will stop at nothing to achieve their narcissistic goals, even if it means destroying one's fellow humans.

These latest sanctions on Iran, has shown the world, that the US doesn't care about humanity, but only its personal, narcissistic goal of dominance and economic wealth.

US: Country as Psychopath.

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