Saturday, 30 May 2020

Comment: America on Fire.

The murder of African American, George Floyd, by MPD officer, Derek Chauvin, has ignited protest in not only Minneapolis, Minnesota, but across the nation from LA to Brooklyn, New York. The rioting has set a new precedent in civil unrest in the US, as property damage is estimated to be in the millions.

The MPD Officer, Derek Chauvin, it has been reported, has several incidents of brutality on his record with little to no disciplinarian action.

Since the Trump regime came into power, reports of police brutality against African America's has risen in leaps and bounds, calling for hundreds of investigations across the United States.

The killing of George Floyd was indeed the spark that set the bonfire into motion, when you examine the current lock down due to Corona 19, and the lack of a stimulus money for working class Americans. While the $4 trillion stimulus for Wall street and political donors was immediate, the so-called $1200 check for citizens, was slow to come, while rents have gone unpaid, and small businesses remain closed. What the WW pandemic has revealed, is the extreme class distinction between the wealthy and the working class. And that the US government really don't care about the people, and prefer to give billions to the wealthy and billions to the war machine, and its continued bloodshed overseas.

As one African American academic/activist stated on CNN, paraphrased: ...the American social experiment has failed, and it's time to move on.

America has always been a racist country. One only has to look at its history, the genocide of the native people, slavery, Civil war and later the Civil Rights movement. What is adding salt to the national wound, is the current class war between the corporate world and its wealthy, and the working class. As said above, this class war has been underscored with the spread of Covid 19.

What I personally find hilarious and absurd, is a major news anchor on cable news, attempted to blame the protests on the Russians. This has become a go to excuse for the liberals when the system is shown to be failing. Unfortunately, however, the cable news audience will believe him, as this propaganda has been running deep since 2017. See my BLOG:

What is even more disgusting, despite the reasons for this civil unrest and America's sorry response to Covid 19, the US president continues to blame China, and the neoliberals, Russia, when a close examination of America's on-going imperialism and a unequal capitalist system, is the root of the unrest across the country.

When you have endemic racism, an economic system that only rewards the rich, combined with a buffoon president, I'm not surprised by the protests, and believe it will only get worse, before it gets better.

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