Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Thoughts' on Jeffrey Epstein (P.1)

I've seriously been looking into the Epstein case since reading Whitney Webb's comprehensive series in Mint Press News. (I'll list the link below) After reading these articles, more information has come to light. This information came in the form of a phone call to Ms. Webb from a ex-Epstein/Maxwell employee, Maria Farmer, exploding the story on so many levels. (There is a recording of this call, listed below). The Farmer recording not only confirms Webb's work, but adds to the many elite connections, including Clinton, Bill Gates and Donald Trump. And it only gets worse.

If you're not familiar with Epstein, he is a convicted sex trafficker and paedophile. He was convicted in 2008 on sex trafficking charges, and given a reduced sentence, a sweetheart deal, from Trump appointee, U.S. Labour secretary, Alex Acosta, who later resigned because of criticism concerning this “sweetheart deal” in 2019, when Epstein was arrested.

In a high security New York prison, where Epstein had been held, in July 2019,“committed suicide” in his cell. This was the story given by MSM, when the suicide has been highly contested by many. For certain, the convicted paedophile did not commit suicide, as he wore only a paper uniform, as the post-death findings revealed, this could not be possible. He was also under recorded video surveillance. However the recordings have been “lost”, and the guards claim they were “on-line shopping”, during the alleged death. The only people to be charged in this breach of security are the guards. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together, can see this is a major cover up. Why the cover-up?

When you read Webb's investigations, the sex trafficking ring(s) go far back as the 1940's, including the CIA, FBI, Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) and the American mob. I believe, as Webb suggests, had a many pronged purpose: blackmail, sex for the powerful, and also included political gun-running and drugs. It served as a black budget for these agencies, and leverage over the powerful. It is well known that J. Edgar Hoover had extensive files on just about anyone he could leverage. This is historical fact. So it stands to reason that these agencies would continue this practice to ensure dominance on the world stage.

Epstein and his handler, Les Wexner, billionaire and founder of Victoria's Secret, managed a vast network of young women and children, servicing the elite. Many have wondered where Epstein received his millions; well, many believe, that he was financed by Wexner and certain intelligence agencies, to service and blackmail the powerful.

What is truly disturbing, since the Maria Farmer revelations, is the collusion of the FBI and Epstein/Wexner operations. Farmer came to the FBI with proof of sexual abuse of her and her sister, and was systematically ignored. Major news organisations have been aware of the Epstein operation, and the connection to many of the powerful around the world, yet have refused to report the story. This reveals to me, at least, and to many, that MSM is owned by the powerful, and as messengers of the powerful, cannot do real news. How far does this perversion go?

End of P.1.

Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Speaks With Whitney Webb, Full Phone Call - Part 1:

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