Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Assange/Donziger: Similar Corruption


The report concerning Steven Donziger, the humanitarian lawyer, who sued Chevron for over $ 9.5 billion and won, has been under house arrest for two years on a class b misdemeanor. Earlier last week, he was given a 6 months jail sentence for contempt of court which, when you get in the weeds of the charge, is a highly dubious ruling. The Federal Judge Preska, a Federalist member that takes donations from Chevron, said of Donzinger, "Mr. Donziger spent the last seven-plus years thumbing his nose at the U.S. system," she said. "It's now time to pay the piper." The judge and prosecutor, in this case, are apparent tools of the oil industry; there is an evident conflict of interest, and they should be investigated themselves for corruption.

The United States of Corporations, by definition a fascist State, has infiltrated our judicial system and represents the power of the corporate state. Donziger, because he won the case against the oil giant for the indigenous people's of Ecuador for flagrant economic and environmental maleficence, the oil giant came back hard on this humanitarian lawyer, and through, in my opinion, judicial malpractice put Mr. Donzinger under house arrest over the last two years on a misdemeanor. The Rule of Law has been trumped by the corruption of the oil giant and their judge-appointed cronies.

The Donziger case is unlawful on its face, so why hasn't the DOJ intervened? I believe government and the corporate are so intertwined that justice comes last compared to pure profits. We know who really drives the ship in the U.S., and it ain't the elected government or their politically slanted judge picks on the federal level.

This is similar to the Julian Assange extradition case in the U.K. Based on the Rule of Law, Assange should have been released from prison over a year ago. Instead, the charge was jumping bail, which comes with a maximum sentence of 1 year. So why is Assange still in prison?

When you look at the recent revelations of violation of attorney-client privileged (Assange and lawyers were bugged in the embassy), the fact that the prosecution's key witness lied to the FBI, this case should have been thrown out long ago. Yet Assange remains in prison without charge. This is another example of corporate, permanent government influence in the judicial system. The actual rule of law has been violated by those who should be practicing it.

By definition, fascism is a corporate/government, running society based only on self-interest. Consequently, our governments are compromised by corporate interests. This has currently seeped down into the judicial, where the Rule of Law does not exist and only the dictates of our corporate overlords.

The Donziger and Assange cases are similar because the permanent corporate state compromises those in the judicial.

By definition, this is not democracy but unmitigated fascism.

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