Tuesday, 5 October 2021

War with China is a Stupid Idea


Since 9/11, at least, the war on terror has been an utter catastrophe. Perhaps a bit of oil, but overall we left Afghanistan in demoralizing defeat. The majority of Iraq wants the US and their allies out of their own sovereign land. Libya is in total shambles, a failed state with actual human slave markets on the streets. To use a well-known phrase, Syria has been 'bombed back to the stone age' with zero results. Except, of course, occupying northern Syria that contains the country's oil and food. Our military support of Saudi Arabia in the pulverization of Yemen has created the worst humanitarian crises since WWII. Looking back even further, Vietnam again was a disaster, leaving close to 60,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotian deaths.

This southeast Asia fruitless exercise has been called by many historians a genocide. What was achieved? Except for corporations manufacturing war machines and keen bankers, nothing was gained by these deaths. And now the warmongers are turning their sites on China, which is really a stupid idea. Particularly looking back at 50 years of regime-change failure.

Remember, war is never about "freedom," "democracy," or "human rights; it's about the acquisition of wealth from other countries. War is about global political and economic hegemony. Over the last 20 years, the West has made more enemies than friends. So after great profit for the few and the massive carnage of millions in the middle east, the sociopaths turn their sites on the sleeping dragon. After 50 years of utter failure in our regime change wars, what makes these assholes think they can win a war with China? They can't; unless it all goes nuclear, then we're all screwed.

The new AUKUS coalition between Australia, UK, and the US to build 9 nuclear submarines to cruise the South China Sea is not merely sword rattling but sticking the blade directly at China's throat. This is not good for business or a peaceful move to maintain international relations. In fact, this new alliance can almost be called an 'act of war.'

Australia is the US's lapdog and has been since WWII.

Creating these WMDs also paves the way for Australia to become a nuclear state. Australia with nuclear capability takes the world even closer to nuclear destruction. AUKUS is not a defensive move but an economic one, which doesn't make sense considering China is our main trading power. But this makes sense when you think the planet is run by oligarchic sociopaths.

It is a fact that China, over the last 50 years, has never been the aggressor. Indeed, there have been proxy wars like in Vietnam, but the West started that conflict and lost miserably.

A ground war with China would be a slaughter on both sides. And Australia would be in the middle of this planetary cluster bomb. Anyone with any intelligent foresight can see nothing but full-scale death and a real possibility of nuclear war.

I listened to a mainstream Canadian broadcast interviewing the infamous chicken hawk, John Bolton. These morons come up with the same rhetoric as they have since 9/11. All lies. Why hasn't Bolton moved on to a lower plane of existence where he belongs? I guess the powers are still deciding on which level of Hell to place him. He's no help for humanity in this dimension.

This latest move by Australia, UK, and the US can lead us nowhere but mutual destruction.

We live in an oligarchic corporate world, where the wealthy call all the shots, and our so-called leaders simply follow orders. If nuclear war does occur, these oligarchs will scurry to their protected underground bunkers while the planet burns and humanity, as we know it, disappears.

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