Monday, 25 October 2021

Living in the Mandate Camps. (Part 1)


It has been over three years since the first outbreak of Covid 19.

I'm currently sitting in a structure surrounded by others who decided to not conform to the governmental mandates regarding receiving the vaccine designed to combat the virus. Like many others, at first, around 100% of the population went along, of course, to the draconian lock-downs. Later, only 20% would not conform. In Melbourne, Australia, particularly, the government at first helped small businesses and workers. Still, when the second Delta variant hit, the government money dried out, and many lost their jobs and family businesses.

The mainstream media, like the government, has been flying by the seat of their respective pants. Every day is new orders and mandates, while economically and socially, the entire system goes to shit. My job with the local teacher's college seemed rock solid. Once the number of infections flat-lined, I was assured my position was there waiting for me. Until the vaccine mandates became law.

As a semi-educated man, I knew the vaccines were untested. Later, it was revealed that the number of infections significantly rose in countries with over 80% of the population vaccinated. This happened in Melbourne as well. The closer we got to 80% vaccination, the more people were getting sick. The vaccine would not prevent you from receiving the virus or from spreading it. We were told that our chances of getting mortally ill were less likely when taking the vaccine. There was no scientific peer-reviewed study to back up this claim. Yet we were mandated to take the jab, or we would be banished from any meaningful public life.

Based on the vaccine side effects studies, and considering my heart was not in the best shape, I refused to take the shot. This started an avalanche of problems for my family and my life.

When I told the school that I would not be receiving the jab, they fired me on the spot and called me selfish and a coward. However, because my wife and family were healthy, they all received the double dose of the vaccine.

At the beginning of 2022, I was picked by the police from my home as a 'public menace' and put in the local police lock-up. My usual Rights as a citizen of Australia, a liberal democracy, were taken away. I wasn't permitted to call my family or a solicitor. For the next 6 months, I was bullied by the guards, called a freak, and treated less like a human being and more so, a stray animal.

I believe it was around July, I was later taken to a train station. A young woman asked, "Where are we going?" The soldier smirked, "The camp for the unvaccinated." "And where is this camp?" I asked. I was struck by the butt of his rifle... blackness, pain...

I awoke in darkness. The soldiers were ordering us off the train. "Where are we?" I asked. A young soldier whose uniform looked too big for him replied, "This is what you get for not following orders. You all deserve to rot." It was then directly ahead, I saw the fence and the bob wire above it.

The young guard in the oversized uniform told us to line up. They handed out masks. The sun was coming up in the east, and the humidity was unbearable, telling me we were somewhere up north...Queensland, Northern territory?

The morning sun began to sting on my skin. Looking ahead were small hut-like structures as far as the eye could see. This looked like a camp, but no summer camp, no vacation, or no holiday retreat.

A scuffle began at the end of the line. A young indigenous woman began arguing with the guard that she didn't want to wear a mask, that it was too hot. Three guards came out of nowhere, grabbing her, kicking and screaming behind one of the small buildings. I heard a piercing, blood-curdling scream, and it was the last time I ever saw this young woman again.

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