Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Called a "Alarmist" for Warning about Nuclear War.


Like other pundits across social media and the publishing world, particularly since the start of the US proxy war with Russia via Ukraine, I've been called an 'alarmist' or the default label, (mainly from ignorant neoliberal warpigs) 'Putin Puppet', On this subject, generally, all my political predilections go by the way-side, because above every other issue facing the survival of our planet today is nuclear war. 

We must take our heads out of the sand. 

It should go without saying, that 99% of politicians, celebrities and journalist who poo poo the possibility of a nuclear winter, are those individuals who've never seen or experienced war first hand. The cliche' is "armchair pro-war-cheerleaders." The vast majority of the unelected neocons running the US government right now have never seen a war they didn't love and promote. They sit around mahogany tables in air conditioned offices in their 'think tanks' figuring out ways for the US to attain world domination at any cost. In every survey I've ever read, asking what country is the most threat to world peace, 80% answer the United States. The reason for this overwhelming majority is obvious: the US has started more wars than any other nation in the last 30 years. 

Indeed, I was a child of the Cold War. In 2nd and 3rd grade, I remember nuclear bomb drills, where we had to hide under our desks to prevent exposure and death. This was absurd, however, the threat of nuclear war was real. One of which was the Cuban Missle Crises, where a low-ranking Russian submarine officer had the sense not to follow orders, believing the order was a mistake. The US, Russia and China have the nuclear capability to destroy our planet in a heart beat. More terrifying, like the Cuban Missle Crises, where it was a FALSE alarm, and someone had the sense to stop armaggedon, next time during this current intense period in Ukraine, we might not be so lucky.

If our world leaders and their political slaves had more sense, choosing diplomacy over perpetual war, would end the Ukranian conflict tomorrow. Ending the war for the US, NATO and Zelenski's fascist government, is not an option because for a few, cutting off Moscow's economic influence and weakening her military power is the goal. As the American's have said: 

"We will win this war against Russia with US bullets and Ukranian blood." The death of the Ukranian people in the 100 of thousands does not fit into the US and NATO's plan. These innocent people are simply collateral damage. 

When one considers the combined forces of the US and NATO against Russia, could well place Russia in an escapable corner. For sure, at some point the trapped bear will feel threatened enough and fight back with unbounded fury. Then. of course, we're all screwed. 

What is so sad and frustrating, a diplomatic solution in Ukraine could have been reached several months ago. The US made treaty's Russia not to spread NATO too close to their borders. The other agreement was Ukraine was off limits in terms of NATO membership. Like all of the treaties America has made over the century, they've broken them. NATO war bases surrounding Russia are numerous and would goad a saint to retaliate. 

Nuclear War is a very real possibility considering US and NATO aggression against Russia. 

Diplomacy is the only answer. 



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