Saturday, 14 January 2023

Musings on Russian War Propaganda - OPINION.


Now that we are close to a full year since Russia invaded Ukraine, the mainstream media in the US and Australia have deemed it not as newsworthy as before. Like all headline news, once its appeal has diminished, it drops down the editorial list. Despite this lack of coverage, the war has grown more intense while the propaganda has been reduced. COVID-19, for example, has not disappeared, though the virus continues to rage in many places around the planet. We just don't hear about it anymore. because its uses in "informing" the public have achieved its goal. Once the public's mindset has been adequately framed toward the establishment agenda, mainstream media will move on to the next "crisis." 

The propaganda and censorship surrounding Russia/Ukraine proxy war began years before the invasion in 2021. I believe Russian propaganda truly started in 2016 during the presidential election. What we now know as Russiagait primed the public to view Russia as America's number one enemy. Russia stole the election away from Hillary Clinton. The Podesta emails by way of Wikileaks were a Russian plot. Even though Assange denied the source of the emails came from a state actor, however, mainstream media continued to push this lie. Over the four years of Trump's presidency, one could not turn on the television, radio, and computer without hearing the word *Russia*. 

MSNBC's number one show was Rachal Madow. This "journalist" could not stop her hype and fear-mongering about Russian interference in our elections and, later, Russia influencing all aspects of our lives. She claimed that Russia would likely tamper with the US eastern power grid during winter to freeze Americans to death.  These "news reports," although 100% speculation and anti-Russian propaganda, her audience of millions believed her every word. American propaganda was in full swing. 

After these four years of anti-Russian propaganda, Rachal Madow was taken to court for spreading false information. The woman's defense was she wasn't reporting the news and that her show was entirely for entertainment purposes. After this court case, Madow retired and disappeared from the public landscape. 

The number of lies and deception about Russia continued post-Madow, though it slowed down after the Mueller Report was published. The reason was there was zero evidence revealing any collusion between Trump and Russia. It also turned out that the FBI and certain democratic operatives pushed this agenda, despite zero evidence. 

Countless articles and books were published, pushing the "collusion lie." The problem is that 99% of these published lies have never been retracted. This was a diabolical disinformation campaign on the American people and the world. The damage was done - Russia was bad; Russia desired to conquer the world like Hitler. Russia and Putin is the west's greatest enemy. All lies.

The fact that most people do not have the time or inclination to investigate this disinformation is what those spreading the bs are counting on. We accept what's given to us at face value. 

The spread of anti-Russian sentiment goes even further. When watching espionage thrillers in movies and television, 9 times out of 10, the antagonist is Russian. This was prevalent during the Cold War - in a way that's understandable. Continuously placing Russia as the "bad guy" on film will seep into people's brains, reinforcing the lie. It should be common knowledge that the CIA has a considerable foothold in Hollywood. In many instances, film scripts are sent to the CIA for approval. And if you need Black Helicopters and certain inside information militarily, bringing the CIA on board for a film is highly advantageous. Constantly placing Russia as the evil antagonist in films will affect the public psyche. 

Another anti-Russian phenomenon that was ongoing before the invasion of Ukraine was any journalist, politician, or pundit who questioned American imperialism around the planet was called a Putin puppet, Kremlin spy, or traitor. Hillary Clinton called Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard a Russian dupe. (paraphrased) Gabbard responded on Twitter, calling Clinton the queen of warmongers. For a high-level statesperson, a once first lady and presidential hopeful, to call Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy reveals the depths of this anti-Russian propaganda. Suddenly anyone was called a "Putin puppet" who questioned US foreign policy. It became insane, bordering on psychotic. 

So in 2021, Russia invaded Ukraine for apparent reasons. These reasons were hidden from the general public, and Ukraine flags sprung from the lawns of "patriotic" Americans like weeds in a bean field. No one wanted to understand the history of Ukraine and its relationship with Russia. No one wanted to know that the Ukraine government had been bombing Russia leaning Donbast, killing 14 thousand of innocent civilians. Why? Because in counterintelligence, the *silence* of information is just as efficient as *misinformation*.  

In the west, we have been groomed to despise Russia. To offer any alternative perspective is met with antagonism and childish name-calling - worst, banishment from media platforms that offer different voices. 

We have been groomed to view Russia as the west's enemy. This grooming has been going on for some years. Censorship has risen in leaps and bounds since 2020. 


Censorship is a tool of authoritarianism. 

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