Tuesday, 17 January 2023

"So that we can Fight Russia over there, and we don't have to fight Russia over here..."


After close to a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many people have realized that this is a proxy war between Russia and the US. The reasons for this war come down to pure economics. Russia has a 40% monopoly on gas in Europe. The US desires this market. War is an investment for the US, throwing billions into the Pentagon and weapon manufacturers. As Julian Assange once commented on the Afghanistan War (paraphrased), this war is a money laundering exercise, funneling money back to American business and government. He also commented that these wars are never meant to be won. They are meant to be perpetual - bullets for blood and continued profit. The US has been planning this proxy war with Russia for some time. This was revealed by Adam Schiff in his closing arguments at Trump's impeachment trial:


In a previous article, I proposed a long-term propaganda campaign by US politicians pushed by the Security State to posit Russia as the US's number one enemy. This came in the form of Russiagate and other forms of media manipulation. My conclusion was this propaganda worked, and liberals across the board in Congress approved vast amounts of money in support of Ukraine. So far, it is estimated to be well over 100 billion dollars. See article:


To see "progressive" members of congress vote for this unhealthy amount of money for the most corrupt nation in Europe reveals the power of the military-industrial complex. This gets a little more serious.

Politicians and high-level military personnel have admitted that the Ukraine people are simply cannon fodder to achieve the American empire's goal of crushing Russia economically and otherwise. 

In fact, a high-ranking ex-military man involved in the now-forgotten Iran Contra scandal (Oliver North) more or less said that our war with Russia would be won with American bullets and Ukrainian blood.  

The US doesn't care about the Ukrainian people as long as they can use them to weaken Russia. 

I invite you to research our politicians' comments and guests on corporate media,  expressing this view on the war in Ukraine. These war pigs don't even attempt to hide this fact anymore. The propaganda has run so deep in the public consciousness that many seem to miss this nefarious point.

The neoconservatives and their corporate media talking-head megaphones, are currently preparing us for a war with China. Occasionally, I'll watch Australian mainstream news and find these "experts" continually spreading lies about China and how we must protect "democracy" and the freedom of Taiwan. A small faction in Taiwan desires to break away from China. These factions have US support in the way of CIA infiltration and propaganda. Before Labour was voted into office in Australia's conservative party last year, a week wouldn't go by without some diplomatic crises and lies coming out about China in the press. 

War with China would be a planetary disaster for Australia and the western world. I heard one politician say that Ukraine is a practice for our next conflict with China. 

As a people, if we can identify this continual war pig propaganda, stop falling for the age-old "freedom" and "democracy" excuses, and see that war is only about profit, perhaps something can change. 

For at the moment, WWIII can become a reality in the notso distant future. 

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