Tuesday, 26 September 2023

A Reminder – War is a Racket


When it comes to the subject of war, those who start one finish one or simply keep one going for decades, we must always consider that all those involved are lying. War is never portrayed in its true light; it is always about something else.  

For example, we were fully pulled-in to the Vietnam War based on a false flag, known as the Gulf of Tolken incident. Later the Pentagon Papers, thanks to the whistleblower, Daniel Elsberg, the government continued to lie to the public about this “conflict.” 

After 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan to find the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. We never found him there but ended up fighting the Taliban for 20 years. We found out much later that Afghanistan was a huge money laundering scheme, including the manufacture of weapons and the opiate industry. We discovered this fact through WikiLeaks. As a side note, this needless war went on for so long, that in a presidential debate, a sitting Congressperson thought it was the Taliban who attacked the Twin Towers. He was immediately corrected by informing him that it was Al Quada that was responsible for 9/11. Embarrassing yes, but it reflects something about the true nature of American wars overseas.  

We were lied to about the invasion of Iraq. This country had nothing to do with 9/11, and they certainly were not manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. The government lied to us, as did the legacy media. This war caused millions of innocent deaths, while those responsible walks free and are guests on talk shows. Again, this war was about economics: oil and “war reparations.”  (see Dick Cheney's company, Halliburton).

Now we come to the proxy war in Ukraine. we know the invasion was provoked by the US, NATO, and Ukraine. This is not justifying the invasion, but it was provoked. Russia had the Nord Stream pipeline, that supplied 40% of Europe's natural gas. The pipeline was sabotaged by orders of the US with a little help from their friends. This opened the market enabling US gas companies to sell their gas at twice the price.  

The war in Ukraine could have been stopped at the beginning when peace talks were planned. NATO and the US sabotaged these talks, pushing Ukraine to continue the slaughter. Again, this war is not about preserving democracy, it is about western hegemony and pure economics.  

One of the best antiwar books in American history is General Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket 

One of his more famous quotes: 

I served in all commissioned ranks from a second Lieutenant to a Major General. And during that time, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. 

These are the real reasons for war. Everything else that is told to you by legacy media, or the government are absolute lies.  

I always keep this fact in mind regarding any new war “they” are pushing.  

Remember: War is a Racket.

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