Thursday, 21 September 2023

Another Opinion on the Russell Brand Saga


One cannot go online, watch legacy media, or scan the internet without seeing Brand’s face and the anonymous accusations of rape and sexual assault. 4 Dispatch, a UK news outlet, ran a documentary with his accusers revealed in shadow form or played by actors. The production value, copy and music are designed to look and sound sinister. Brand’s photograph looks like an American mug shot of your run-of-the-mill serial killer. Legacy media has already found him guilty and social media is all over the place. There is something wrong here, and many people across the internet world feel the same.  

Personally, I have never been a celebrity “fan boy,” specifically actors. A long time ago, I saw Brand in a BBC mystery series, playing a disturbed young lad. At the time I thought the boy was good and had presence as an actor. The next time he came across my attention was his marriage to the pop star, Katy Perry. In fact, it was only recently that I discovered their divorce. (celebrity gossip is not my thing). It was only when he began his You Tube show that I became aware of his anti-establishment views, politics, and attacks on corporations. I like most of his views, and soon his subscription numbers surpassed 6 million.  

It is now common knowledge, or should be, that governments, their agencies, and legacy media have all combined to censor dissenting voices in independent media and the internet. This feels like a concerted effort to smear and cancel his voice in the worst way possible. Accusing someone of rape or sexual assault is important. In our western democracy there is a thing called Due Process and Innocent until Proven Guity. Trial by media takes up the space, and we the public, make our uninformed judgements based on zero evidence. To date, the police have not even got involved in the Brand case.  

Interestingly, Brand caught wind of this dubious documentary, and made a statement on his You Tub channel, getting ahead of the smear.  

Since the accusations, Brand’s You Tube channel has been demonetized. Ironically, you can still watch his videos, including ads, where You Tube retains all the profits. For me this is a big red flag. Evidently, Brand has also lost his agent, publisher, and other affiliated businesses. This is all based on anonymous accusations. I believe this to be cowardly in the least. It gets worse. 

A department in the UK Parliament sent a letter to Rumble, an independent free alternative to You Tube, to demonetize him or take down his channel completely. In response, Rumble eloquently declined, stating this goes against their company values and policies. (Rumble published the letter on Twitter). For the government to interfere in this case when there has not been (so far) any formal charges, is a red flag the size of Texas.  

It is known, Brand has been all too transparent about his drug fueled promiscuity in his past. I believe he has authored a few books on his rehabilitation. He claims he has nothing to hide. Due process can reveal the truth.  

When I read that the UK government is involved to silence this man and wreaking his livelihood, is another concerted-censorship- circus by our current government’s efforts to silence another popular dissenting voice.  

Those who question establishment narratives, especially about war and corruption in governments and corporations, you become a target.  

These criminals are serious.  

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