Thursday, 14 September 2023

Establishment Censorship means Business.


After taking a few days off from the political world, to hear that financial organizations are freezing independent journalists' accounts and a few of their affiliated publishers came as little shock once reading the Twitter Files. Establishment organizations, and the government pushed and bullied social media site, Twitter, ordering for many accounts to be taken down. In this instance once Twitter checked the list, found that none of them defied their terms and conditions and 99% of them were basic American citizens. The problem was they were practicing their Free Speech Rights, disagreeing with the establishment narrative. Silencing voices is one thing but cutting them off from making a living because they disagree, smacks right into totalitarianism.

The most shocking event in censorship in the last few weeks is the Go Fund Me shenanigans against the anti-war news site, The Grayzone. Evidently the publisher wanted a few of their important journalists to receive payment for their work. Over 90 thousand dollars had been raised, and the editor, Max Blumenthal received a letter stating that their account was "under review". In fact, Go Fund Me never got back to him. After a lot of back and forth, they agreed to return the money to the donors. Blumenthal found another fund-raising site that agreed to pay them. 

The Grayzone is an anti-establishment and anti-war news site that has received a lot of grief for their reporting. Ironically, once Blumenthal changed to another donor site, the money, it is said, exceeded the 90 thousand, going beyond their original expectations. 

Freezing the accounts of journalists is becoming a common occurrence.  

German journalist, Alina Lipp now faces three years in jail for her reporting from eastern Ukraine, Donbas, stating that she "misreported facts" on what she heard and saw in the area. The 3-year prison sentence came later; earlier her accounts had been frozen in Germany, around 3000 Euros, for her on the ground reporting. She now refuses to go home for fear of being imprisoned for merely doing her job. Cutting off the funds from a citizen's account strikes hard and is the center of totalitarianism. 

There are other examples, and the list is getting long. 

I believe it was The Mint Press (another ant-war publication) was kicked off Pay Pal, and other financial institutions. 

Any counter narrative, particularly when it comes to war that punches up against power are now being silenced where it hurts: $, a means to make a living. 

The most flagrant example of establishment censorship is the case of the publisher/journalist Julian Assange. The journalist is being punished for revealing to the planet the crimes of the US and other countries in the arena of war, politics and financial crimes. Think about it, the man is in Belmaris prison in London without charge. For a free speech and free press advocate for over 50 years, I find this particular case appalling. And I believe it's only going to get worse. 

Because the "Free World" depends on the petrol dollar, this enables the US to sanction any country they deem as not part of the team. Sanctions never hurt the elites of a certain country, but the common people are the only ones who really suffer. 

Now they're sanctioning journalists, and this, as far as true democracy is concerned, is the opposite. 

Australia legacy media is pathetic. I fear that journalists and writers who go against the dictates of our master's will be targeted. It's only a matter of time. 

Corporations and the governments under their control will continue to censor, and they mean business. 

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