Thursday, 28 February 2019

The Rise of Right-Wing Vulgarity in the Post-Truth Era of Trump.

When Trump became president in 2017, after promising his followers everything but a new kitchen sink, a new type of political identity, came out strong from the trash heap of humanity. Named a “populist president”, Trump captured the imaginations of the “common working” citizen. Enough of these lying Neo-liberal warmongers, and elitist, Wall Street banksters; the “swamp would be drained” of these establishment hacks, and it would be time to make America Great Again. Well 2 years later, nothing much has really changed for the people. Trump and the GOP passed a tax bill in favor of the 1%. The promise to the middle class that their tax returns would be higher, turned out to be false. Wall Street is recording record highs, and 40% of the American people cannot handle a medical emergency, and would certainly go bankrupt if any family member got seriously sick. Last but not least, Trump has raised the bombings in 8 foreign countries by 400%; and pushing for regime change in Venezuela, who, by the way, have the richest oil reserves on the planet. What makes all this worse, is the co-called “common-people”, cannot argue civilly, never use evidence, and create 'alternative truths' to make their stand. This is not only happening in the US., but all over the Western world.

A new comer to Twitter since 2017, I was surprised at the hostility and vitriol from 'Trump supporters', never, really, any actual arguments, but merely name calling, ad hominem smears, to then walk away feeling triumphant. They're like Baby Huey in a China Shop, bouncing off the walls, destroying everything, claiming victory with blatant false premises, or more so, no premise at all. As one writer commented: It's like playing chess with a pigeon, where you make one strategic move, and the bird knocks down all the pieces, and shits all over the board, waddling away as the victor. Aristotelian logic no longer applies in this current vulgar, right-wing political environment. It is now post-truth alternate realities, anti-science, religious narratives, with mafia-like tactics to bring the opposition down.

This has been a right-wing political tactic throughout history - naming any 'critical media' the enemy of the people. Create a common enemy the mob can agree upon, like Jews or Hispanic immigrants. Deny the truth and the facts with new 'facts' and a narrative that will be popular with the people. Crush the opposition with blatant lies, like all Democrats want open borders with no security. Create a 'national emergency' to get people scared and behind you as the great protector and saviour – when there isn't any real emergency.

I was not really surprised reading twitter the other day at the hypocrisy or 'blind allegiance' to Trump no matter what he or his regime put out there. Mentioned above, Trump appeared to be anti-war. When he announced the withdraw of troops from Syria, they all cheered. But the current lies and regime change tactics on Venezuela, their pretzel logic twists and turns, making this regime change right, because “Maduro is a bad dictator, and Socialism is evil.”These people absolutely believe anything that comes out of Trump's slurry mouth. And no mater how many true facts you put in front of these cultist, they will name call you: Russian agent, communist, Putin puppet, etc,.It's disturbing.

The rise of these so-called populist leaders around the planet is no accident or sudden phenomenon. The seeds were planted some years ago, with failing Neo-Liberal policies, perpetual wars, creating millions of refugees, and a gurgling racism under the surface.

This mindless leadership, and their mindless followers, need a reality check.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Comment On Bernie Sanders: Time for a Change

Bernie Sanders announced running for the 2020 Presidential Election. Many in the US., and around the planet, welcomed this announcement. No matter what drivel you believe about the man, he has stood by his beliefs for over 50 years.
Like so many mis-understood men, Bernie is attacked, usually about his character, rather than his policies. The old dude's policies have always been mine, for a better world.
Extraordinary, that the establishment continue to attack him. The man simply wants a better go for the people.
Bernie is Anti-war. Anti-regime change. He believes in diplomacy rather than bombs. He understands our Vets, and understands the BS. Help the Vets.
Bernie believes in Medicare for All. For American's, a strange, foreign concept, but for the rest of the planet, a given.
A Living Wage. In Australia the minimum is $18 an hour. Certainly should be better, but enough to raise a family.
Bernie is a good man. It is not impossible for the masses to have responsible health care. It is not impossible to have a living wage. It is not impossible to stop America's perpetual wars.
I have friends across the planet, and Bernie caused a sensation in the US and beyond.
The time has lapsed for elite lies and greedy wars.
It's Time for us.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Anthropologist on Mars...Oliver Sacks. A Review.

The most popular of Dr. Sacks' texts would have to be Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales After reading the latter some years ago, it opened my eyes to the numerous, strange neurological diseases that can befall a human being. In Sacks' engaging prose style, he relates the sad and debilitating deficits of the brain in layman's terms, giving the reader insight into neurology otherwise inaccessible for the untrained reader. "An Anthropologist on Mars" - Seven Paradoxical Tales", as a title, is somewhat misleading, as most people relate to the word "tales" as fiction. These tales are more or less "case histories" concerning, for example, a man, through an operation, can see again, but has to re-learn how to do so; a colour blind artist; a surgeon with Tourette's syndrome and a PHD with autism. In fact all the cases are fascinating and perplexing at the same time.

For some years in my career as a school teacher, I've worked with teenagers afflicted with autism and the experience has made me a more patient man but more so, gaining greater insight (and empathy) into the condition. This excellent book has only extended to further my understanding into autism.

The etiology of autism continues to be debated in neurological and psychiatric circles; however the symptoms vary in intensity; most lack emotion and insist on "order" in their environment and can "meltdown" if anything changes in their own world. There are different traits for each individual, and some have the ability in which they demonstrate; such as painting, writing or music that far excels the norm...years ago, these people were often tagged, "Idiot Savants."

The most intriguing case, for me at any rate, is the chapter, "A Surgeon's Life": a doctor, pilot and successful family man with Tourette's syndrome.

In Sacks' own words:

"Tourettes Syndrome is seen in every race, every culture, every stratum of society; it can be recognized at a glance once one is attuned to it; and cases of barking, of grimacing, of strange gesturing, of involuntary cursing and blaspheming, were recorded by Aretaeus of Cappadocia almost two thousand years ago."

Would you trust a surgeon with Tourette's to cut you open with a scalpel? Most people, I believe, would respond with a concrete, "No!"

Dr. Carl Bennett is a successful practicing surgeon and demonstrated to Dr. Sacks in the O.R., his calmness of mind and adept ability without any traits of someone with the syndrome; after the operation, however, these traits returned.

Dr. Bennett is also an accomplished pilot, flying Sacks over the countryside without any sign of Tourette's, landing the plane like a professional aviator. When Sacks asked his fellow pilots what they thought of Bennett's flying, all responded with nothing but praise for the man, some saying he was one of the best pilots in town.

How can this be?

A mystery: a remarkable individual with Tourette's Syndrome, who can transcend his condition and move to an area of his brain where he can practice surgery or pilot a plane without incident - nothing less than astonishing.

As already mentioned, all the seven cases in this text are terribly fascinating.

If you have any interest in the brain and human behavior, you will not go wrong by reading this text.

Friday, 15 February 2019

A Lesson about Oppression

Australian politicians' have been paid off for years.

Back in the 70's, the Gough Whitlam government was toppled by the CIA and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. (The debate continues on this tumultuous time in Australian history). The Whitlam government was pro socialism: free college, medicare for all; the Rights of the common worker. In the midst of the Cold War, the CIA could not allow a socialist government to appear "successful", so the Whitlam government was "removed".

That said, we continue to have medicare for all, and the Rights of women. (Right over their own bodies)

In present time, those now in power, the Conservative Party, has systematically removed the rights of the people, while their lips are firmly planted on the warmonger colon of the United States.

We currently have a non-elected PM., Scott Morrison. He moved into power because of a 19th century glitch in the Australian Constitution. That should say everything about Scott Morrison. A wannabe Trump, waving his arms around like a bad rendition of Mussolini.

Gough Whitlam wanted out of the Vietnam war, too. Thank God he was not shot in the head, like Jack Kennedy. So, I guess, most people desire the same, peace and prosperity.

The United States has been on a planetary take-over since 1947.

Never trust a politician who goes against the common interests of the people.

We trusted Gouph Whitlam. He is now only a “controversial” figure in Australian history.

A lesson of Clandestine Oppression.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy. James Klagg. A Review.

This splendid text is a collection of erudite essays covering the many aspects of the philosopher's thoughts, ideas and scattered pieces regarding his interesting life and eccentric personality.

There are nine essays in all, including an intriguing essay by Ray Monk, (Wittgenstein's biographer) arguing that philosophy as biography is simply a path to understanding the philosopher but can also blaze a greater learning path to understanding the work itself.

Another German philosopher, Fredric Nietzsche, proposed that all philosophy is but a biography of the particular philosopher. This could well be true however this argument continues to rage to present time.

In David Stern's essay, "Was Wittgenstein a Jew", explores specific pieces of Wittgenstein's writing that on face value can be interpreted as anti-Semitic. At this time, though, circa 1929, in his study of language, Stern writes, 

"...Wittgenstein came to see that the notion of an underlying essential structure (in language) was a demand imposed by a certain way of seeing things, rather than something given to us by the nature of things." (P. 253) 

It seems though, that in order to get to the root of the matter, that is, language as natural yet relative to time and social conditions, one would need to delve into a deep self- analysis. Interestingly, Wittgenstein was intensely retrospective all his life, and confessed to a few friends that he had lied about his Jewish heritage. These "confession(s)" were an attempt to clear his conscience, cleans his soul, so to speak, because he felt his research, as a philosopher would be fruitless in a state of self-denial.

My personal favorite essay is "Deep Disquietudes" (excellent title), writes about Wittgenstein's extreme sensitivity and sense of vulnerability. (P. 109) He discusses the philosopher's possible schizoid personality. He uses many examples from his writings, letters and those who "knew" the man. This essay is well written and offers a plenitude of food for thought.

At least a familiarity with the works of Wittgenstein would be of value for the reader of this text, then again, someone new to the man's work with a kernel of curiosity would enjoy this well edited collection of essays.


Wednesday, 13 February 2019

The Crimes and Arrogance of Elliott Abrams

Elliot Abrams while being questioned by Rep. Ilan Omar today, in front the House Committee on Foreign Relations, maintained his arrogance, and uppity demeanor, when Omar asked, “I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should any testimony that you give today to be truthful.” As Omar continued, Abrams squirmed, protested and whined through most of her time with the war criminal. For many anti-war pundits and progressive politicians, this was a watershed moment, when a neocon war criminal is put to task with no holds bard.

Trump's pick for the new envoy to Venezuela is problematic on so many levels. Elliott Abrams is a convicted criminal. He certainly is the poster boy for everything horrible in America's Foreign policy over the last 30 years. Abrams participation in a number of bloody coups on the South America continent is extensive. In a just world, the man would have been tried by the Hague, and currently serving time in a maximum security prison. However, this is not a just world, so rather than spending time in a cell, he ends up in President Trump's inner circle.

Abrams was involved in the Iran Contra scandal, and found guilty for lying to the US congress. (Later pardoned by president George H.W. Bush) He was also the central architect in the 1981 El Mosote massacre, that US trained El Salvadorian soldiers, who murdered over 800 civilians. The witness testimonies of the massacre are beyond evil, charging that there were extensive raping of young women and even a two year old child. Abrams, when asked at the time, believed the conflict to be a “fabulous achievement”.

Rep. Ilian Omar was certainly unrelenting in her questioning. At one point Abrams gesticulated, uttering,”I'm not going to respond to that kind of personal attack, which is not a question.”
Rep. IIan Omar asks, “Would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide, if you believe they were serving US interests, as you did in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua?” Abrams uncomfortably replied that he refuses to reply to such questioning. The war criminal was obviously way out of his comfort zone...and rightly so.

Finally a Representative of the American people confronting a war criminal in power that has spread so much suffering around the planet for the sake of their corporate masters.

But this begs the question: Why would the Trump Administration hire a known war criminal who, in 2002, attempted a coup in Venezuela and failed miserably? Despite, too, the fact that Abrams is a convicted criminal and known liar as well?

Well, Trump has a habit of hiring criminals, so the answer to this shouldn't be too difficult.

The pattern is of public record.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Opinion: AIPAC Owns the United States Government

The unfettered attacks on Rep Omar by both party's, on her truthful criticisms of AIPAC and politicians in bed with the Israeli Lobby Firm, proves two things: they're bought and paid for politicians, and have put Israel first above the interests of the American people. The first act of Law the Congress pushed was the ant #BDS bill. This reveals which side of their bread is buttered on. This first act was for their true constituents, Israeli money. Calling Rep Omar a anti-Semite, borders on the truly absurd.

During the height of the #Russiagate hysteria in the US, (2016-18) the left wing leader of the British parliament, Jeremy Corben, was smeared as anti-Semitic from every main stream media outlet from the tabloids to the BBC. These accusations were unfounded, and later proven to be a Tory smear campaign. The term anti-Semitic has been bandied around so much particularly from right wing Israelis, that it has began not to hold any meaning at all. You use a term often enough, it has a tendency to disappear.

A week before, AOC, in a committee meeting, questioned individuals on campaign finance, which led to the conclusion that the political system is broken. This gained substantial attention on social media and alternative media across the world. When you can essentially buy a politician for a specific reason, whether against the public interest or not, there is no true democracy, but a system run by the few, the oligarchy.

In earlier BLOGS, I have discussed AIPAC, and their major influence to sway American politics to their own interests. In fact every freshman congress person's first cab off the rank, is a visit to AIPAC HQ for a briefing, and then offered an all expenses paid trip to Israel. If this is not professional grooming, than what is?

When Rep. Omar made her brave criticism of a deeply broken system, pointing out the “paid for politicians” from the Israeli lobby, she wasn't smearing Jews, but pointing out far reaching corruption that is currently destroying American democracy. When one criticizes an Apartheid State, one is not shaming the people, but the government. In this case, the far right Israeli government.

The #BDS movement is not about Jews. It is about humanitarian Rights – Palestinian human rights.

So just know that all our representatives in government who bullied and pushed Rep. Omar to apologize for her *truthful statements*, do not work for the American people, but the Zionist State of Israel.

And this must change.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Yellow Vests' will not Give Up. Why?

Paris is in its 13th week of protests, and according to many on the ground, there is no end in sight.

Today a yellow vest had his hand blown off from a type of grenade, while many protesters have come forward with various wounds, including rubber bullets blinding some, and hospitalizing many, over the last three months. Tear gas fills the air on a daily basis, while Macron's police are becoming more aggressive, and unrelenting in their violence.

Main stream media has refused to report the Yellow Vest protests except for today's major violence. Rather most corporate media, have been promoting Venezuela, a country under a “socialist dictator”, and the people, “starving”. This is absolute propaganda, as the majority voted Maduro into office., and their economic woes are mostly due to the US and other countries drastic sanctions, adding to a downturn in oil price's., the country is hurting. But Venezuela's streets are not filled with violent protesters, nor is the government moving in their violent police force to combat the “unrest”. Venezuela is doing fine despite US propaganda to the contrary; France, however, is in strife, because the people are tired of taxes on the poor, while giving the wealthy all the breaks. This is a global phenomena. People are doing without the basics while the 1% get richer. The French people are saying enough is enough. And, really, I believe, should the rest of the world.

The corporate MSM will not cover these important demonstration in France, because they are part of the 1%; choosing to keep us in the dark, and feed us distracted rubbish.

It's quite incredible, really, that when ever the Left bring up social issues, health care. etc., the response from the Right is always, “How are we going to pay for that?” Another important issue from the Left is the minimum wage or “Living Wage”. The response is the economy would suffer and unemployment will rise. This is also untrue. Many developed countries around the world have a living wage for all workers, and their respective economies are doing just fine, thank you. The elite are telling the people lies, couched is anachronistic propaganda, (socialism is evil) to maintain their own money and power. When it comes to war, though, never is there a question of how are we going to pay for this. Wave the flag, call everyone against war, a traitor, and off we go. It is totally insane.

The French people have the right idea, have recognized the problem, and are doing what the common people do: protest injustice against tyranny.

In this case, similar to 250 years ago, the elite are amassing wealth on the backs of the worker. And the French responded with a violent revolution. There are better methods than violence to bring about a more fair and equal society.

Then again, what will it really take.?

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Opinion: #BDS = Anti-Semitic?

The Irish parliament has recently put into motion, a bill that bans all Israeli goods and services, including Irish companies dealing with Israel, imposing heavy fines on those who engage business-wise with the Arpartied State. The #BDS (Boycott, Sanction, Divest) movement has been active and strong for years in Ireland. Israel has been violating international law, ignoring UN resolutions, and since 2017, have ratchet-up illegal settlements – kidnapping Palestinian children, murdering journalists and blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza. By any standard, Israel is committing blatant war crimes against humanity in the most foul ways, while naming those who stand up to them, anti-Semites.

This is simply wrong.

One major reason why Israel is getting away with murder, is Netanyahu's right wing fascist government is seamlessly aligned with the current Trump administration. The US opening their embassy in Jerusalem in 2017, essentially tells the world community: “Where with Israel. And we as a country are exceptional, fighting for peace and democracy.” And as many understand, this is utter propaganda to justify regime change and perpetual war. That said, is calling the #BDS movement anti-Semitic an accurate characterization of its goals and values?

In a word, no.

There are Jewish communities around the planet who support #BDS, because they do not want to be affiliated with a fascist Israeli party, that is currently performing a slow form of systematic genocide of the Palestinian people. Pointing out crimes against humanity is not anti-Semitic, but consciously a must, in the light of the on-going massacre of an entire race.

Just over 40 years ago, the planet began to boycott South Africa as an Apartheid State. Over time it worked, and the indigenous people of South Africa came out from under this oppression, and began to rule the nation. Cultural heroes such as Nelson Mandela came into view, revealing that peace will conquer oppression, if given half a chance. The same should go for Israel.

There is only so many times that these right wing fascists can scream antisemitism before it lacks all meaning.

#BDS is not against the JEW, it is against an apartheid regime in the process of destroying an entire race of people: Palestinians.

Boycott, Sanction and Divest the current Israeli regime, and leave the the world's Jews out of it.

They're not the same.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

American Exceptionalism and Regime Change

Listening to the SOTU, there was for certain many cringewothy moments. Certainly not the least of which, was President Trump's comments that he wants immigrants coming into the country, but only the “legal” ones. This administrations' behavior on the southern border, separating children from their parents, however, throws this statement out the proverbial window. In his first year in office, Trump instigated, by Executive Order, the Muslim Ban. Interesting that all the countries he banned are countries the US are currently bombing the shit out of... just might have something to do with it. The hypocrisy of any government, really knows no bounds, yet the Trump regime's hypocrisy has a different stink to it. The Trump regime and specifically Trump, are currently infamous for their outright lies and corruption.

During Trump's entire speech, a term continued popping up in my mind: American Exceptionalism. The 'ideology' actually has its roots as far back as 1941. Ironically, it was Joseph Stalin who coined the idea after a few leading communists in the United States broke from his way to a more Trotsky centered notion of socialism. Later the term was picked up by the Reagan administration during the fall of the Soviet Union. However, the idea has been bandied about by both the GOP and the DNC for their own political agendas since then. Generally the term describes the US as the born exception on the planet, to ensure “freedom and democracy' remain and flourish around the world. The Bush regime used this notion heavily post 9/11, placing the US as the “city of light on the hill”, a beacon of democracy, policing the planet to America's way or the highway, so to speak. This ideology has been the underlining principle as justification for regime change in other sovereign nations around the planet. It is currently being pushed down our throats in regard to Venezuela, for the propagandist states the “people need to be free from Maduro and the tyranny of socialism”.

This is absolute propaganda as 80% of the people want the US to butt out of their country. “Yankee Go Home”, they are shouting...yet the American Exceptionalists want 'regime change' to “uphold democracy around the world'”. As a people, haven't we learned anything about the regime change activities of the United States? Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and lastly, Libya, the now murky haven for rogue terrorists and the center for the world's largest slave trade activities. So much for democracy.

What we should have learned from the US's perpetual wars in these countries since 9/11, is not that we are “freeing people” or “paving the way for democracy” but raping and pillaging their natural resources, murdering thousands of innocent civilians, and creating dystopian states. Once we realize that this American Exceptionalism is an excuse to bomb and steal from other nations, and not instigating freedom for the peoples of said countries, perhaps these wars will finally stop.

It's the greatest of ironies that the same people who have been screaming about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, are advocating the usurpation of a democratically elected government in Venezuela...

American Exceptionalism is the height of hypocrisy, and essentially a lie.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

#Russiagate-Tulsi Gabbard-Venezuela

The main stream media has indeed gone completely insane. #Russiagate has now become a form of McCarthyism in the US, where any public figure, simple “tweeter” or outspoken pundit will be accused of supporting Putin and Russia - if you state an opposing point of view to the establishment narrative. A good example is Venezuela.

Those who support President Maduro, claiming that the attempted coup to topple his government, is a sham, is singled out as a Russian agent, and the mob will join in, orchestrated by the MSM. In fact any person opposing regime change or war in general, for that matter, is currently labelled a Russian, a traitor to the United States. This of course is absolutely absurd. But the red scare is on, and growing in leaps and bounds as of this writing.

So much so, really, that Tulsi Gabbard, a democratic hopeful for president in 2020, this morning was essentially called a traitor by NBC News, stating in a tweet, that her candidacy, is supported by Russian Bots, indicating that Mother Russia, desires Gabbard as the president. This is the lowest kind of smear attempt, aligning a elected US Congresswoman, a traitor.

Only two years ago before the Trump regime, it would be absolutely unheard of to call a US Congress woman a Russian asset. But since Trump, all the gloves are off it seems, and facts have all become non-existent. And this is certainly a big part of the problem.

The main stream media have ridden this Russia story beyond any conceivable reality. The last fake story came out of the Buzz Feed concerning non-existent phone calls made by Trump Jr. Before that, The Guardian published a false story concerning Paul Manafort, Trumps one time campaign manager, claiming Manafort visited Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy, not once but twice, which turned out be false.

Why is MSM pushing #Russiagate so hard, even to the extent of simply “making shit up”?

It should be shouted from the rooftops, that the MSM is a mouthpiece for the neocons and the deep state institutions such as the CIA, and the Pentagon. I can remember when the democratic party could always be counted on to vote against regime change or any war for that matter. This is no longer the case. Democrats are even more the “cheerleaders” for war than the GOP.

Suddenly the FBI and the CIA are the great protectors of democracy in the MSM. The over-paid “journalists” rattle the swords for war; ex-CIA Directors are now “paid experts”, pushing the reasons for more regime change and war. And Rachel- Russia-gate- Maddow should be wearing a tin foil hat, for she expounds how Russian's are under every bed in America. It's beyond absurdity, it's nothing less than insane.

The situation in Venezuela is not what the MSM is telling you. Certainly the country is in a economic down-turn. (US sanctions are crippling their economy) Maduro was elected twice into government. The Jimmy Carter Foundation, acted as observers in the election, and came back stating, that these elections were the most democratically clean they had ever observed. (Google it) As John- I've never seen a war I did not like-Bolton stated on Fox News, it's all about the oil. So don't believe this save the Venezuelan's from tyranny BS, it's not true. It's all about the oil, the natural resources, and maintaining US hegemony over the South American Continent.

But why would NBC News want to smear Tulsi Gabbard, a US Congress woman running for president? The woman is an Iraq vet, and totally against regime change and war in general.

Gabbard is not going along with the warmonger narrative. She has no corporate donor such as Lockheed Martin, etc. One of her central campaign platforms is *anti-war*. So, the establishment media go after her because she is not falling nor following the corporate/MSM/neocon call for regime change and perpetual war.

America always requires an enemy to justify their perpetual war. Over the last two years it has been Russia. Now, we have Venezuela, not because the people are suffering under a dictator, but for oil.

Every foreign policy move the neocon Trump regime has made over the last two years, is a reason for war. Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal; funding right wing rebels in Ukraine; continued bombing in Syria; and currently cancelling the no-nuclear proliferation agreement with Russia. In fact, since Trump took office, the drone bombing around 8 countries has risen over 400%.

And now these psychopaths want regime change in Venezuela.

If we do not at least attempt to stop these ass holes and their MSM mouthpieces, our children will live in a war torn planet.

Then again, we may not have any planet left at all.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...