Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Sound of My Voice: A Review

I've been following the work of Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglig for some years. Their first co-written film, The East, focuses on a secret community of Eco-terrorists. Brit plays an undercover agent, who infiltrates the group. In Sound of my Voice, two budding documentary film makers, Lorna (played by Nicole Vicious) and Peter (played by Christopher Denham) infiltrate a mysterious cult, led by a mesmerising woman (played by Brit Marling) who claims to be from the future, the year 2054. Most recently, the Netflix hit,The OA, also comes from the minds of Marling and Batmanglig, that explore near death experiences (NDE's) and multiverse theory.

What the viewer can gather from the back stories, Peter and Lorna were required to “prepare” for the initial meeting with Maggie, the cult leader. An involved secret hand had to be learned, as this ritual is performed upon entering the basement before the meeting. The couple are picked up from their home, handcuffed and blindfolded, so as not to know the whereabouts of the cult house. Once they arrive, are required to shower, and clean themselves thoroughly, as Maggie is susceptible to disease, as she's from the future. Once the initiates are seated cross-legged on the carpet, Maggie enters the room dragging an oxygen tank behind her. Dressed in a sheet-like smock, she sits and begins her story. One morning, she states, awoke from a sleep while under water. She found herself face down in a full bathtub. She gets out of the tub fully nude, not knowing who she is, and where she's from. Walking the streets for weeks, Maggie depends on the kindness of strangers to survive. A man hears about the strange woman, who bears a tattoo on her ankle of a ship's anchor and the number 54. This man takes her in, knowing she is a messenger from the future. She tells the group the anchor represents the “traveler”, and the number 54, the year she is from.

Marling as “Maggie” gives a believable performance, almost creating an ambiance of danger and possible malice behind those beautiful grey-blue eyes. She has the power to kick out any cult member, which she does once, for the initiate insists on some kind of proof that she says who she says she is. Because they are stripped of everything, wearing only a sheet, Peter must divine a way to get recording equipment into the basement to film Maggie. What he invents to do this is quite ingenious, though he is almost caught, causing the audience to feel anxious. This was an excellent scene that reveals Batmanglig's skill as a director.

There are scenes in the film which make no sense, only to connect as the film unfolds. The ending leaves the audience with a few questions, pushing us to enter our interpretations.

The reviews were mixed because this was Marling and Batmanglig's first feature film. Some praised the film's originality, and Marling's performance, though generally dissatisfied with the story's ending. Like most feature films, the ending is usually tied up like a bow for the audience. In this case, taking a risk leaves the audience to engage their own imaginations.

For me, of course, loving art house films since a teenager, the ending was a welcome surprise.

The Sound of My Voice is worth a look at, even if only for its refreshing originality.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Religion/Government: a Dangerous Mix.

Religious fundamentalism has proven to be a problem when its dictates enter the halls of government. Designing legislation, for example, based on a religious belief, can have dire consequences on the voting population as a whole. Particularly issues such as LBGTQ rights in the military; the question of same sex marriage; abortion: when is it “ethically” right to perform one?; anti-war, when in one's faith, killing of a human being in any circumstances, is wrong., therefore war is wrong in any circumstances. There are many examples of religious faith, a personal belief, entering the public and political sphere. In a Utopian Republic or Pure Democracy, religion would never enter the political discourse. To be fair, the American forefathers, had been quite clear on the subject, as Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Believing with you that:
religion is a matter which
lies solely between man and
that he owns account to none other
for his faith or his worship;
that the legitimate powers of government
reach actions only, and not opinions.

I contemplate with sovereign reverence
that act of the whole American people
which declared that their legislature should
make no law respective on establishment
of religion, or prohibiting free exercise
there of;
thus building
a wall of separation between
Church & State”.

In Jefferson's opinion, “faith” is between the individual and their God. In this way, faith is opinion and should not have any sway in the legitimate powers of government. Adjudicating laws in the halls of the American legislator, based on a religious belief, is not a democracy, but a theocracy, for example, Saudi Arabia. More to the point, Jefferson wrote,

Erecting the Wall of Separation
Between Church and State
is Absolutely Essential in a
Free Society”.

Personally, I have no qualms with those of many varied religions. In fact, I have studied most of the world religions over the years, and have had greater insight into the human condition as a result. My problem is when one's of a specific faith attempts to convert and rule over you with their religious opinions. Religion of the Christian fundamentalist type has entered American politics in a influential and dangerous way. Their literal interpretations of scripture has no place in a secular democracy, designed to be non religious republic; this once free society, will be dominated by these *narrow beliefs*, thus the US will become a theocracy, where, like Saudi Arabia, removing a non believers head is common place.

If one has any familiarity with religious history, will notice the mass murder, suffering and general chaos it has created in many countries throughout time. Unfortunately, this religious bigotry remains with us in present time across the planet. Hindu vs, Buddhism, Muslim vs. Muslim, Christianity vs, Islam, and one Christian sect against another. All these religions has entered politics at one time or another, culminating in disastrous results.

Indeed, erecting a wall of separation between the Church and Government is absolutely necessary to maintaining any semblance of a Free Society.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Why the American People can't get what they Need

From the latest polling data, and many polls done in the past, there are three issues that concern at least 80% of the American people. The first and highest concern is Health Care. To become ill in the US., is an economic, and sometimes physical, death sentence. Second highest concern is the availability of a Living Wage. In the majority of “free” western democratic nations, the minimum wage is high enough to survive, without being forced to get a second job. In the US., people including professionals, for example school teachers, in some cases are forced to receive food stamps, and a second job is necessary when looking after a family, and your the basic breadwinner. The third issue is free education, including a free higher education, that is Community College and University. There are other important issues, such as stopping the regime change wars. All four of these issue are closely connected or intertwine with the other. If most of the “free world's “ people already have these things, why doesn't the United States, the richest nation in the world?

The reasons, aside from draconian Neo-liberal policies, maintaining that the rich get richer and the poor can barely sustain a living, is the US. political system itself. The system has created the Donor Class. In order to run for office, the system requires you to have a lot of money, for many reasons. The law states that you cannot have a single donation above $2000, However, from a passed Supreme Court ruling, corporations or “lobby groups” , have gotten around this rule. Therefore a single politician or candidate can receive millions of dollars from these corporations, thereby boosting their chances for being elected. The issue is that, for example, Nancy Pelosi, receives a million dollar donation from Raytheon, a weapons manufacturer, Nancy is beholden to the corporation. They expect something in return for that million dollar investment. Thus, the war in Afghanistan rages on, when the American people want the war ended. Nancy will vote to continue the war, so her donors can continue manufacturing guns, tanks and bombs. In essence, Nancy is not representing her constituents, but the Raytheon Corporation.

The biggest issue for most of the American people is Health Care. As mentioned above, every “free” democratic nation around the planet has some form of Medicare for all. In Australia, for example, we have a mixed system , whereby you can choose an insurance company and are covered for most health aliments. We can also choose to remain on Medicare, the public option, and not pay a cent for any treatments. There are disadvantages and advantages in either category, but that said, no one can go bankrupt from getting sick. That simply never happens. The only reason that the American people do not have medicare for all is, well, their politicians are all bought by the pharmaceutical and medical insurance corporations. Again, the majority of Americans want medicare for all, but their elected officials, bound by their corporate masters, will spout any excuse not to have free health care.

Free education is also a Right for any citizen living in a democratic and wealthy society. It never seizes to astound me, how congressional candidates and presidential wannabes, represent themselves as the Education Candidate. And, more often than not, (never) once in office, does nothing for public education, let alone higher education. The education standard is not that great in Australia, but the US is hovering around the bottom in terms of international test scores. The reason is simple, there's no investment. In one area, why not pay teachers a higher wage thus getting higher quality people. The old adage applies, “you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”.

The third issue should be self explanatory. A minimum wage should be high enough, when working a forty hour week, to pay rent, food and clothing, at least. As many right wing idiots have proposed, this will only slow down productivity. This is statistically false. Again, the majority of democratic countries have a livable wage, and productivity, in many cases goes up, not down.

The true irony about these tragic issues is that the United States is the richest country on the planet.

So the obvious question is Why?

The core reason is that US politicians are bought and paid for by the corporations. These politicians are a greedy pack of gangsters. Rather than end wars, murdering millions of innocents, they put out some sorry propaganda, freedom or something, wage war, while the people die on the battle fields and the politicians and corporations just get richer. On face value, this is psychopathy in motion. Murder for money, out of pure and utter greed. Even more criminal, at the American taxpayers expense.

More progressive politicians of late have refused corporate donations, only to receive individual monies, so they are not beholden, and thus, can work on behalf of their constituents. This is a good sign. Generally, however, for the majority of politicians, they work for a corporation, not their voters.
Change the system, vote for real politicians that will work for you, get $ out of politics forever.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Why are People so Mean?

The majority of people in their lives have been on the receiving end of a mean person. This is not a uniformed opinion. Pick some random person on the street, in a restaurant, walking their little dog along a path around the park. Most all will answer in the emphatic positive. And when you hang around and give them the expression of a listener, will give you a single example that changed their lives, in many cases, for the worse.

Most of us have had to confront a bully. These are the people who expose a weakness in our characters, our most vulnerable attributes; our obvious trait as a race, our beliefs in religion, our political views of the world. In fact, it doesn't really matter, when a bully strikes, the reason could well be about anything. But the nastiness is real, and whether we admit it or not, their criticism and violence really hurts. It effects us in profound ways.

My first bully experience happened in Melbourne, Australia. At the age of five, attending a Catholic school, and wearing a blue and white uniform, that stood out like a red pimple on a white, big nose. Walking home, my backpack heavier than my actual body weight, three boys surround me, chanting: “You dirty little mick. You dirty little mick.” One of the boy's tackled me to the ground, pinning me down, and began slapping my face, over and eyes filled with tears from the pain. I remember thinking: 'What is a mick?' Soon later, the 6th grader's from my school came to the rescue. The biggest, Shawn, walked me home. “Don't worry little mate, we'll protect you.” I later learned that a “mick” is a catholic. Soon later, however, my father came back from the US, and we moved back to the US, my home.

There are many examples from my childhood, but soon I was introduced to the *adolescent bully*. As a teacher, my experience of mean people in children, moved to a whole new level. The old cliche', that children can be the most cruel, is true. Some children can be unrelenting, leading for some victims, to suicide. So sad. But so real.

For many years, I refused to create an account on Twitter.. A good friend of mine in France, a lovely person, warned me not to, that the platform was too full of hate. Because the new president of the US used Twitter, I thought it was a good way to see into his mind and heart. Over the 2 years, for certain, I knew Trump, from his tweets alone, to be a liar, and of low intelligence. That said, though, he too is a bully. People can be very cruel on twitter. People will form packs, and bully you as a crowd. In some cases, this led to Twitter, banishing these bully's accounts. That said, the snide, sarcasm, and hateful intent from these bullies continues. And now, not surprising, the President of the United States, is one of the core bully's on Twitter.

Many good people believe that they must have done something to bring on this emotional violence. Somehow, it is their fault. It is certainly not. Why?

We need to understand that people who attack you, who pummel you, are *suffering*. These souls are in pain. They are paying for some injustice. They have experienced pain, and have caused and created pain in others. These people are in suffering. They see you, and want you to have their pain, to make themselves feel better. It never works. Remember, they are paying for a terrible deed, a bad choice, but they cannot forgive themselves. Thus, they pay-out their pain on you.

When you understand this dynamic, there is no need to respond with hate. The person attacking you is hurting, so ignore them.

In a domestic family-violent situation, this dynamic becomes a *crises*. The act of leaving is dangerous, and the decision to remain can be much more a nightmare. This writing is not about domestic violence. A situation much more complex, than mean people. A topic for another time.

Once you realize that your oppressor is suffering, that his actions are a result of a severe deficit in their soul, you do not need to retaliate, because, the bully is already suffering. To be sure, a justice of the heart. Now you do not need to attack in the same emotional hatred of your attacker, because you know they are sick, are paying for an injustice, and so, you can now move on.

People of hate are always suffering.

Perhaps like the prophets of old told us, forgiveness of these suffering souls is a possibility.


Time will tell.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Is the Planet going as Crazy as I think?

Over the past 35 years, this time of year, Easter, has always been a period of deep self-reflection and emotional depression. One of the main reasons for this turn of attitude, is during the month of April, many family members have passed, including close friends. Depending upon which hemisphere I reside in at the time, either Spring or Fall, this dark cloud descends, and life becomes a burden. I know this is unproductive, and certainly not conducive to living a meaning existence, however, the feeling remains.

Since about 2008, my interest in geopolitics had become intense. This was due to George Bush winning a second term, and the lies about the middle east proliferated, pushing for more war. The “war on terror” amplified world wide, assassinating so called terrorists across the globe. Since the Wikileaks revelations, we have come to discover that most of these wars have been launched, based on blatant state propaganda. The invasion of Afghanistan was supposed to bring down Osman Bin Laden. This never happened. But yet the US and it's allies are still fighting the Taliban, 19 years later, the longest war in US history. If one reads geopolitics, knows that Afghanistan is crucial to hegemony over Africa and the Middle East. This is a game of empire,(Google: The Great Game.) and the acquisition of natural resources such as oil, minerals, and drugs. Money and hegemony is at the centre of the whole game. These wars are certainly not about freedom and democracy, but American Military Imperialism.

During Barrack Obama's tenure as President, in terms of America's “War on Terror” only intensified. Only under Obama less soldiers were killed because of the drone program. This seemingly elegant and intelligent man created a “kill list”, even murdering an American teenager, the son of another “terrorist.” We do not know the amount of civilian casualties from these massive drone strikes, (thousands, perhaps more) because it's a “matter of national security”. Meaning the government is committing war crimes that the public should not be aware of...bad for business. This goes against everything the US once stood for, but these warmongers are getting away with it in plain sight. And no one seems to care? Why?

The propaganda created by the CIA and other agencies has been in action since 1945. A CIA program, called *Project Mockingbird*, went into full swing starting in the 1950's, during the Korean War. This project plants their own agents into every media outlet around the world. In particular the main stream outlets: The Washington Post, The New York Times, all mainstream television and cable outlets, for the sole purpose of what Noam Chomsky called, “Manufacturing Consent”. In basic terms, controlling the narrative, to ensure public opinion moves in their direction, namely, war.

This has really, in no uncertain terms, worked.

Libya and Syria are prime examples of public manipulation through propaganda to justify regime change. Qaddafi and Assad were painted as ruthless dictators, punishing their own people. Assad was accused of gassing his own people, which turned out to be false. In Libya, Clinton and her henchman (CIA) paid terrorists millions of dollars, to overthrow his government. Britain and France were doing the same, in air support and training. Libya fell to the terrorists, and it is now a failed state where actual slave trading is occurring on the streets. The US and its allies attained access to all the resources, while the people suffer in poverty and state violence is wide spread. This caused a major refugee crises, and you know what these animals feel about refugees.

The Pentagon and the CIA attempted to do the same in Syria. But the Syrian Army along with Russia's help, prevented another Libya. These warmonger have not stopped there. Next regime change project: *Venezuela*.

Rather than go into the specifics of this blatant “grab-for-oil” effort, (see my BLOG) my point is the warmongers have tried to manufacture consent in similar ways they did with other countries. But some people have woken up to their game. And it's turning out not to be as easy. Economic sanctions and freezing central accounts; blocking countries doing business with Venezuela, have contributed to their economic woes...not Socialism, as the propaganda states.

The last straw for me was the illegal apprehension of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy. People have been so brain washed about Julian Assauge, that they have missed the central issue: The first Amendment of the US: Freedom of the Press. The only reason big brother are attacking and jailing the man, is he revealed their war crimes and political corruption. Period. “Well, I don't like the man, because he's a rapist.” These charges were dropped, and even the woman making the charge said she was coerced to do so. Is the fact you don't want to know the corruption of your government? Would you rather not know about your political parties corruption? The purpose of the press is to keep power in check. Now our governments want to silence a real publisher, so you will be kept in the dark. Thus the government can do whatever they want, in your names.

Racism rising.

The US government has literally gotten away with murder, have lied to the world, and want to continue to do so, Jailing Julian Assange is silencing the one voice who is willing to expose the evil of Empire. And you have consented to the power's propaganda, painting Julian as some sort of pervert. Shame on you for falling to CIA slander operations to silence a voice of truth.

Granted, my attitude is quite negative this time of year. But considering the awful racism from president Trump, and his war on refugees and support of Yemen and the genocide of the Palestinians, can there be any light at the end of the tunnel?

Only when people start to consider as a stable point, that all governments lie; that war is not waged for noble ideals but money and power, and begin to feel a little compassion for their fellow humans, nothing will change.

For me, the world is going more crazy, and it's that time of year.

Monday, 1 April 2019

“Sanction King” -Trump Sanctions Countries as a Foreign Policy Default.

My intent in this writing is not to give a lecture on economic trade between countries. Nor will it be a dissertation on the differences between sanctions or blockades; (blockades are acts of war, though today it is hard to tell the difference), but what tough economic sanctions do to the innocent of said countries. Further more, how these sanctions are not so dissimilar to war using torture, mayhem, guns, bombs and destruction. In fact, they both are similar in there affect of populations and their rights for survival.

The general definition of economic sanctions, are financial and commercial penalties of a country against a self-governing state, group or individuals. Economic sanctions were originally designed to change the behaviour (emphasis mine) of elites in targeted country. Generally, however, these economic sanctions rarely affect the ruling elites, and seem only to punish the civilian populations, at times causing great suffering.

A good example are the economic sanctions during the first and second Iraq wars. These sanctions began as a “food for oil trade off”. The name “food for oil” should self explanatory enough; the not only food for oil, but these sanctions included basics like water, basic amenities and much needed medicines during a time of intense war. These American and British economic sanctions resulted in the deaths of 500.000 children over a 10 year period, mainly due to lack of nutritious foods and mainly required medicine for the sick, elderly and children.

In a controversial interview on the American news show 60 Minutes, Madeline Albright, President Clinton's Secretary of State, when asked about the 500.000 dead children as a result of sanctions, replied, “It was worth it” , despite the fact of no-existent WMDS. This was later disputed, as a wrong number of deaths, and spun by the establishment machine, that it was Saddam Hussein, who caused these deaths. The government and their media allies told the world so many lies during this time, that is was hard for many to believe anything that came out of their collective, warmonger mouths. Looking back, though, even half that many child deaths, due to these horrific sanctions, is too many.

Since Trump has taken office, the amount of sanctions on various self-governing states is quite astonishing. Trump doubled down on Russia, pushing certain oligarchs out of oil deals, and threatening other countries, allies in fact, from doing any business with Russia. For certain, Trump's regime has tripled sanctions on Iran. He not only pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement, but has essentially blocked any trade with Iran, including Iran's trade with other countries, threatening US allies from doing so. This amounts to a blockade, a War Crime, per International Law.

Now this brings us to Venezuela. Particularly over the last 10 years, both the Obama administration and Trump's regime, like Iran, have all but put a trade blockade on said country. If one reads actual investigative journalist, know that Venezuela is not in dire straights, lacking even toothbrushes or deodorant. In reality, Venezuela is doing quite well under the circumstances. That said, the trade blockades that the western world has put upon this country, is almost breathtaking in its scope. Our Right wing pundits would have you believe Maduro is a dictator, punishing his own people. On the contrary, it is the severity of economic sanctions on the country that is really causing their economic woes. It is not socialism that is the bad guy, but the military Industrial Complex, along with the corporate oil Czars, who are imposing suffering on the Venezuelan people, for greed, oil and the bottom line. *$*

Economic sanctions is a tool of war.

To listen to the arrogant and ignorant American president brag about imposing even harsher economic sanctions on Venezuela, in truth, is a further act of war on a sovereign state. These further, harsher sanctions are essentially blockades of all trade with said country. These blockades, as mentioned above, are WAR CRIMES.

Trump has thrown around the “sanction” word to the media and his “holy-roll- rallies” like its nothing, something the US does to their “enemies”. He knows nothing of geography, let alone foreign policy. So some neocon sociopath has been whispering in his ear. Go figure.

Trump has used sanctions as his go to foreign policy. Rather than diplomacy its sanctions. Rather than telling the truth, its lies at the *expense of human beings*. He doesn't care.

Economic sanctions are a tool of war. Blockades are a War Crime.

And the US in present time, are doing both.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...