the past 35 years, this time of year, Easter, has always been a
period of deep self-reflection and emotional depression. One of the
main reasons for this turn of attitude, is during the month of April,
many family members have passed, including close friends. Depending
upon which hemisphere I reside in at the time, either Spring or Fall,
this dark cloud descends, and life becomes a burden. I know this is
unproductive, and certainly not conducive to living a meaning
existence, however, the feeling remains.
about 2008, my interest in geopolitics had become intense. This was
due to George Bush winning a second term, and the lies about the
middle east proliferated, pushing for more war. The “war on terror”
amplified world wide, assassinating so called terrorists across the
globe. Since the Wikileaks revelations, we have come to discover that
most of these wars have been launched, based on blatant state
propaganda. The invasion of Afghanistan was supposed to bring down
Osman Bin Laden. This never happened. But yet the US and it's allies
are still fighting the Taliban, 19 years later, the longest war in US
history. If one reads geopolitics, knows that Afghanistan is crucial
to hegemony over Africa and the Middle East. This is a game of
empire,(Google: The Great Game.) and the acquisition of natural
resources such as oil, minerals, and drugs. Money and hegemony is at
the centre of the whole game. These wars are certainly not about
freedom and democracy, but American Military Imperialism.
Barrack Obama's tenure as President, in terms of America's “War on
Terror” only intensified. Only under Obama less soldiers were
killed because of the drone program. This seemingly elegant and
intelligent man created a “kill list”, even murdering an American
teenager, the son of another “terrorist.” We do not know the
amount of civilian casualties from these massive drone strikes,
(thousands, perhaps more) because it's a “matter of national
security”. Meaning the government is committing war crimes that the
public should not be aware of...bad for business. This goes against
everything the US once stood for, but these warmongers are getting
away with it in plain sight. And no one seems to care? Why?
propaganda created by the CIA and other agencies has been in action
since 1945. A CIA program, called *Project Mockingbird*, went into
full swing starting in the 1950's, during the Korean War. This
project plants their own agents into every media outlet around the
world. In particular the main stream outlets: The Washington Post,
The New York Times, all mainstream television and cable outlets, for
the sole purpose of what Noam Chomsky called, “Manufacturing
Consent”. In basic terms, controlling the narrative, to ensure
public opinion moves in their direction, namely, war.
has really, in no uncertain terms, worked.
and Syria are prime examples of public manipulation through
propaganda to justify regime change.
Qaddafi and Assad were painted as ruthless dictators, punishing their
own people. Assad was accused of gassing his own people, which turned
out to be false. In Libya, Clinton and her henchman (CIA) paid
terrorists millions of dollars, to overthrow his government. Britain
and France were doing the same, in air support and training. Libya
fell to the terrorists, and it is now a failed state where actual
slave trading is occurring on the streets. The US and its allies
attained access to all the resources, while the people suffer in
poverty and state violence is wide spread. This caused a major
refugee crises, and you know what these animals feel about refugees.
Pentagon and the CIA attempted to do the same in Syria. But the
Syrian Army along with Russia's help, prevented another Libya. These
warmonger have not stopped there. Next regime change project:
than go into the specifics of this blatant “grab-for-oil” effort,
(see my BLOG) my point is the warmongers have tried to manufacture
consent in similar ways they did with other countries. But some
people have woken up to their game. And it's turning out not to be as
easy. Economic sanctions and freezing central accounts; blocking
countries doing business with Venezuela, have contributed to their
economic woes...not Socialism, as the propaganda states.
last straw for me was the illegal apprehension of Julian Assange from
the Ecuadorian Embassy. People have been so brain washed about Julian
Assauge, that they have missed the central issue: The first Amendment
of the US: Freedom of the Press. The only reason big
brother are attacking and jailing the man, is he revealed their war
crimes and political corruption. Period.
“Well, I don't like the man, because he's a rapist.” These
charges were dropped, and even the woman making the charge said she
was coerced to do so. Is the fact you don't want to know the
corruption of your government? Would you rather not know about your
political parties corruption? The purpose of the press is to keep
power in check. Now our governments want to silence a real publisher,
so you will be kept in the dark. Thus the government can do whatever
they want, in your names.
US government has literally gotten away with murder, have lied to the
world, and want to continue to do so, Jailing Julian Assange is
silencing the one voice who is willing to expose the evil of Empire.
And you have consented to the power's propaganda, painting Julian as
some sort of pervert. Shame on you for falling to CIA slander
operations to silence a voice of truth.
my attitude is quite negative this time of year. But considering the
awful racism from president Trump, and his war on refugees and
support of Yemen and the genocide of the Palestinians, can there be
any light at the end of the tunnel?
when people start to consider as a stable point, that all governments
lie; that war is not waged for noble ideals but money and power, and
begin to feel a little compassion for their fellow humans, nothing
will change.
me, the world is going more crazy, and it's that time of year.
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