Sunday, 21 April 2019

Religion/Government: a Dangerous Mix.

Religious fundamentalism has proven to be a problem when its dictates enter the halls of government. Designing legislation, for example, based on a religious belief, can have dire consequences on the voting population as a whole. Particularly issues such as LBGTQ rights in the military; the question of same sex marriage; abortion: when is it “ethically” right to perform one?; anti-war, when in one's faith, killing of a human being in any circumstances, is wrong., therefore war is wrong in any circumstances. There are many examples of religious faith, a personal belief, entering the public and political sphere. In a Utopian Republic or Pure Democracy, religion would never enter the political discourse. To be fair, the American forefathers, had been quite clear on the subject, as Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Believing with you that:
religion is a matter which
lies solely between man and
that he owns account to none other
for his faith or his worship;
that the legitimate powers of government
reach actions only, and not opinions.

I contemplate with sovereign reverence
that act of the whole American people
which declared that their legislature should
make no law respective on establishment
of religion, or prohibiting free exercise
there of;
thus building
a wall of separation between
Church & State”.

In Jefferson's opinion, “faith” is between the individual and their God. In this way, faith is opinion and should not have any sway in the legitimate powers of government. Adjudicating laws in the halls of the American legislator, based on a religious belief, is not a democracy, but a theocracy, for example, Saudi Arabia. More to the point, Jefferson wrote,

Erecting the Wall of Separation
Between Church and State
is Absolutely Essential in a
Free Society”.

Personally, I have no qualms with those of many varied religions. In fact, I have studied most of the world religions over the years, and have had greater insight into the human condition as a result. My problem is when one's of a specific faith attempts to convert and rule over you with their religious opinions. Religion of the Christian fundamentalist type has entered American politics in a influential and dangerous way. Their literal interpretations of scripture has no place in a secular democracy, designed to be non religious republic; this once free society, will be dominated by these *narrow beliefs*, thus the US will become a theocracy, where, like Saudi Arabia, removing a non believers head is common place.

If one has any familiarity with religious history, will notice the mass murder, suffering and general chaos it has created in many countries throughout time. Unfortunately, this religious bigotry remains with us in present time across the planet. Hindu vs, Buddhism, Muslim vs. Muslim, Christianity vs, Islam, and one Christian sect against another. All these religions has entered politics at one time or another, culminating in disastrous results.

Indeed, erecting a wall of separation between the Church and Government is absolutely necessary to maintaining any semblance of a Free Society.

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