Thursday, 30 January 2020

Opinion: Why the US's Russia Hysteria will lead us to Nuclear War.

On January 23, 2020, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, released their latest Dooms Day Clock prediction, bringing us ever closer to a world wide nuclear war. According to the scientists, we are only 100 seconds away from a nuclear holocaust. This should scare the hell out of any citizen on this planet. That said, the MSM, barely covered the news, preferring to focus on the US impeachment trial of president Trump. What is darkly ironic, the corporate democrats taking part in the trial, focused on the US's arch enemy, Russia. “All roads lead to Russia.” claimed the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Senator Adam Schiff, the impeachment manager, in his opening statement, spewed anti-Russia propaganda, proposing that the reason we are arming Ukraine, is to prevent the “war” with Russia to be played out on American soil. This statement, in itself, is preposterous, and is the type of jingoistic rhetoric that could well set off nuclear war.

Particularly over 2017-8, before the Mueller Report was published, one could not turn on the TV or log on to social media, without hearing about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia. This was the basic premise of the allegations. However, the Mueller report did not find a shred of evidence supporting these allegations. Despite the reports lack of findings, the MSM, and the cheerleaders of Russia collusion seemed to pipe down. Personally, as one of the few people doubting the pundits and frenzied politicians, I received a lot of heat. The amount of times I was called a Putin Puppet, is too numerous to mention. However, despite evidence to the contrary, the politicians continue to push the anti-Russian agenda.

In essence, this Russia-collusion hysteria truly kicked in when Trump won the 2016 election. Rather than the failed HRC campaign, and the DNC, truly reflecting, that is performing a proper autopsy on the reasons they lost the election, projected outward, blaming Russian interference. And, indeed, ignoring the emails released by Wikileaks, revealing the deep-seated corruption of the HRC campaign. Note: Wikileaks was also called a Russian asset, when all the evidence revealed the contrary. And the American people bought it.

Surly, when one attempts to analyse this Russia hysteria, without evidence, will come to the conclusion, that the DNC have nothing to offer the American people. In fact, the democratic congress has approved all of Trump's proposals, including a massive war budget, and the largest transference of wealth to the 1% in American history. Even the anti-constitutional “Patriot Act”, was extended and approved by the democrats, all the while the MSM was spouting about Russia.

Taking even a closer look at this jingoistic, pro-war rhetoric against Russia, can see it all comes down from the US State Department: the press releases are sent down to congress and the MSM, that are put out as news to the masses. And anyone going against this pro-war propaganda is labelled a traitor or an asset of Russia. It's out of control. What I'm afraid of, is there could well be a great price as a result of these lies.

Most of the American elected officials have been lobbied in one way or another; given huge amounts of money to push an agenda. Adam Schiff, for example, is highly paid by the all powerful weapons manufactures. (Please google where your elected officials get their money, and you will be not surprised as to their pro-war stance.)

The US and Russia are the most powerful nuclear powers on the planet. And currently, the US congress are “poking the bear” with lies. This is dangerous.

President Trump pulled out of the INF Treaty with Russia. Why? This is one reason the Dooms Day Clock has moved closer to midnight.

The US government and the WH are absolute warmongers. The US is currently bombing 7 countries, and most people are unaware of this fact. $130 billion extra was given to the US Defence budget, more than at the height of the Iraq war, yet still the US has not declared war on anyone. Trump can assassinate a Iranian popular leader, giving the world lies as to why, and people simply go along. This warmongering must stop.

As a child of the first Cold War, we were taught the real devastating results of a nuclear holocaust. And it ain't pretty. Our current civilisation would come to an end.

So to watch and listen to our elected government, spouting lies about a Nuclear power, playing rhetorical games in the safety of DC, turns my stomach.

I don't want the world to end, do you?

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Paris Firefighters Clash with Police

In the city of Paris today, firefighters clashed with police over pay rises and a long overdue rise in their hazard bonus, which hasn't changed in 30 years. The protest became very violent as police used tear gas and heavy-handed baton tactics, causing injuries on both sides.

When one observes these battles between two institutions designed to serve and protect its citizens, and wonder, why is the government continuing to screw them over, pay-wise, when the cost of living in Paris continues to reach higher levels?

Indeed, the fire fighters have joined the “yellow vests” protest, that has been on-going for over a year.

Last Saturday, the protesters, hit the streets again, as they do every weekend, to bring to light to their government, that austerity, low wages, and their taxes going to the rich, will no longer be tolerated.

Not so surprising, however, the majority of the MSM, particularly in the US, is all but silent on the story. This makes sense, when their democratic socialist presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, rises in the poles. The US corporate owned government, and the corporate owned media, certainly does not desire to give the American people any ideas now, would they? What is heartening, is many American's are waking up to the lies of their government.

Back in Paris, the firefighters went even further to demonstrate their protest of continued low wages, by setting themselves on fire. (See image above) This only goes to prove how serious they truly are.

One wonders, now that the fire brigade has hit the streets along with the people, when will the police follow? Taking this further, if police strike and protest, all that is left is the military. Curiously, following the military clashing with the protesters, once the military turn against the government, the establishment has fallen., a true revolution will have commenced. Certainly fascinating to speculate a long these lines. But it seems to heading in that direction.

Any casual observer of world protests around the world, realises that the corporate greed and utter strangle hold the Neo-liberal establishment has had over the people, is reaching a tipping point. Austerity on the middle class, basic workers, and the poor can no longer be justified, when the ruling class steals all the money for themselves. And that's exactly what has been happening, as the 1% own more wealth, in a few families, than the bottom 45%.

Our governments are ruled by corporations, whose only goal is short term profits. Following the weapon manufactures, our paid politicians would rather send us to war, than help the elderly, sick and disadvantaged.

To be sure, all their empty rhetoric, and propaganda is beginning to fall on deaf ears.

The revolution is beginning, and the ruling class are running scarred.

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Happy Invasion Day Australia 2020

One can hear the celebrations down the road from our house: firecrackers, screaming kids, crying babies, and an average band playing 70's music. Fortunately, the smoke that pervaded the air like a mushroom cloud from the bush fires has dissipated from the rain. Our PM Scott Morrison appeared on public TV, asking for unity, and the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, has sent her regards on twitter. I guess, a normal January 26th, but the most refreshing images, for me at least, was the Invasion Day protests across the Nation. Each year, these protests just get better and better.

Our traditional reasons for celebrating Australia are the same reasons we have celebrated since 1915, the eighteenth century discovery of the continent by a British explorer, Captain Cook, and bringing “civilisation” to the indigenous people. In effect, we continue to celebrate brutal white colonialism. And the real history of this nation has been shrouded in white nationalism, and the attempt by the settlers, mostly rejects from the UK, to genocide an entire race of people. The aboriginals, the true Australians.

Beginning mostly in the early 90's, these Australia Day protests had taken hold, and with education of our true history landed in the mainstream curriculum for secondary schools in all our major states. I remember in 2003, going off the schools curriculum completely, and introducing a Year 9 class to the genocides that had actually happened in the neighbourhood of the school. I knew this would be popular for the students, as they actually lived on the land that these historical events occurred. During this particular time, late 19th century, land owners would lay in wait with their rifles and pick off aboriginals, including children, as “target practice”. This shocked the children, and white colonialism began to to take on a different colour in their malleable minds.

Right wing politicians want us to continue to believe in the “great white hope” of our modern civilisation. Our politicians still, refuse to acknowledge the indigenous people, on this day. To be sure, if it was absolutely up to them, the real history of white colonialism would be erased from the history books. The glorious white man would continue be exalted as the saviour of our modern world.

From another political perspective, Australia should celebrate its independence, like the Americans, from British rule. On paper at least, the Head of State of Australia remains the granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Elizabeth II. For any purpose, for any modern country, this fact is absurd. Legally, we have zero independence from British rule.

So Australia is in a double illusion of sovereignty: celebrating brutal white colonialism, ignoring the indigenous people, the natural Australians and, absurdly, our lack of legal independence from Mother England. Thus celebrating “Australia Day”, is hypocritical and a illusion at best.

Please, don't get me wrong, over the last 30 some years, the country has been good to me, and I have been good to it. I love this country, but the shackles of white nationalism must fall, and a break from England, too, before any real celebration can happen with a clear conscience, and a clean view of the future.

Happy Invasion Day, Australia.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Opinion: Feelings vs. Policy in Modern Politics

After spending time on social media over the last 3 years, there is a noticeable trend of users falling more on the emotional side of political issues, than that of facts and rationality. Particularly, directly after President Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017. People were drawing from the hip, never using facts, but forcing their political opinions upon others based purely on feelings. These illogical emotional outbursts could be read from the right and the left of the political spectrum. All facts flew out the window, especially after the Trump campaign came up with “alternative facts”. Meaning, we all have our own “truths”, and the notion of Truth is a relative concept: a postmodern concept brought into the political arena, that has become, less so now, extremely dangerous. Therefore, with only “alternative facts”, all that is left is our feelings. Is our feelings dominating modern political discourse?

Interestingly, which many people do not know, the famous ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, despised “democracy”, because he believed the unquestioning and uneducated masses would vote based on their feelings, and the perceived charm of a certain candidate. He thought that this would only bring in tyrannical rule, as the people would vote based on emotion and the perceived elect-ability of a candidate. Indeed, over 2500 years later, this continues to be the case.

Since the end of the Mueller investigation in 2018, revealing that the Trump admin did not collude with Russia during the campaign, the emotional hysteria in politics has toned down a bit. I found it extraordinary, however, that so many people bought into that “scandal”, even writing entire books of pure emotion and speculation. Russia-gate is a prime example of people operating from emotion devoid of any evidence. That said, those with less critical minds continue to push this ridiculous notion, as admitting one's wrongness, is too difficult to bare. Now, after Russia-gate, the democratic party is pushing it again, now in the impeachment trials, instigating an old McCarthy-like rant, close to the Stalin purges of the 40's and 50's. All this is based on emotion and lies. I believe the democrats have been expanding this McCarthy crusade for one reason: they have zero policies designed to help the people. Again, emotion continues to prevail throughout the political landscape.

It is also fascinating to observe Trump's rallies across the country. The man, despite his ignorance, is a master at holding an audience. He will spout lies about immigration, for example, knowing the right emotional button to push in the crowd, and the people react appropriately, right on cue, as if the whole spectacle had been rehearsed. If you ask a MAGA person what one policy that Trump has brought to the table they're most proud of, well, nine times out of ten, the questioner will be greeted by a blank stare.

Really, there has not been a time in western politics, that emotion has not played a major role with the single voter. Of course, policy has prevailed in certain cases, for example, FDR's New Deal, when the US was in a deep depression. But here again, people were voting from their empty stomachs, not their minds and reason.

Another good example of emotionally driven politics, is the 2018 Australian general election. The conservative government had the backing of the coal lobby. Over $80 million in adversity advertising against the Labour party was spent pushing lies to gain an emotional response. This lie was that Labour would close down the coal industry, resulting in thousands of job losses. Anyone investigating Labours actual policies knew this to be untrue. The party was merely looking ahead at alternative industries in light of the climate emergency. But the Conservative campaign of lies and fear, directed at the people's hearts won out, and Australia is left with a corrupt, right wing, climate emergency-denying government.

I learned at a very early age that all governments lie, and lie often. And, indeed, realised that research into actual policies of the specific party was imperative, in order to make a informed decision for my single vote.

Considering the vast amount of lies told to us by our politicians, it is only logical that we dig into their past and their policies. However, emotion prevails, and at bottom, many people simply do not have the time to research, because their holding down too many jobs merely to survive.

Overall, was Socrates correct, despising democracy, claiming it was a gateway to tyrannical government?

Look at the planets leaders in present time.

This should answer the question.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Glenn Greenwald charged with Cyber Crimes by the Fascist, Bolsonaro Government, Brazil.

Award winning journalist, Glenn Greenwald, most noted for the publication of the Edward Snowden revelations, and co-founder of The Intercept, was charged this morning of Cyber crimes, more specifically, is accused of being part of a “criminal organisation”, that hacked into the cell phones of noteworthy Brazilian politicians, prosecutors and right wing pundits, that conspired to send the left wing leader, Lula Da Silva to jail, and ensure a right wing victory in Brazil's last general election. Through the lies and trumped up charges, they succeeded in wining the election and imprisoning Lula. (Since these leaked messages, published by The Intercept Brazil, Lula has currently been released from prison.) That said, Glenn Greenwald is being charged of Cyber crimes.

To gain a deeper understanding of this current violation of Greenwald's rights as a journalist, under the Brazilian constitution, and these charges, one needs to understand Brazil's current president, Jair Bolsonaro. One can almost call him a cut-out cliche' of a right wing fascist dictator.

First of all, Bolsonaro has the full backing of the Trump government. This single fact alone should tell you all you need to know, but let's continue. Bolsonaro has boasted his admiration for the US supported military dictatorships which ruled the country from 1964-1985. He believed that Brazil prospered during these repressive times. Since becoming president, international and American corporations have swept into the country, enriching only a few. Like Trump, he is supported by right wing Evangelical groups, hating the LBGTQ community, and hoping and wishing for Armageddon. He is a climate change denier, and has opened the Amazon forest for more deforestation. Though claiming to be a man for the people, he is not. To be certain, the man is a gangster using violence against his enemies, and lying for political expediency. Finally, The Intercept Brazil revealed, by way of the hacked phones, the corruption of Minister Moro, then a leading judge, who lied and jailed Lula Da Silva, based on false charges, thereby preventing the most popular politician in Brazil from running for president, enabling Bolsonaro's win. It is no wonder this fascist government is coming after Glenn Greenwald.

Some months ago, Greenwald caught wind that the Federal police were hacking into his finances. This led to Brazil's Supreme Court ruling the barring of the F police from investigating Greenwald's role in the dissemination of the leaked emails and messages. Contrary to the nations law, this right wing government has charged Greenwald anyway, similar to the British holding of Julian Assange, (see blog: ) for it seems, like most dictatorships, the rule of law never applies to them.

It was heartening to see a few MSM journalist, sticking up for Greenwald on social media today. However most of them prefaced their tweets with, “Though you may not agree with the man...” or “Greenwald's politics might be (…) but...” , covering their corporate, collective asses.

Any journalist worth their salt, any person who upholds the constitutional right of freedom of the press, should be behind Glenn Greenwald, one hundred percent.

If not, they're either ridiculously stupid, or mere stenographers for the Intelligence community. And to be sure, I read a few of those this morning.

Glenn Greenwald, in a statement said, he would continue his work on this story, despite the governments illegal charges of Cyber crimes.

Greenwald is fearless and one of the best journalists we have in the world.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Ray Monk – Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius - Review

Even for those not acquainted with analytical philosophy or the subject of philosophy in general, the name Ludwig Wittgenstein will sound familiar. He is known in some circles as the "tortured genius" as his life was a passionate and agonising battle to be true to his nature and to discover `real' philosophy with the intent of putting an end to the subject all together. Some believed he achieved this end - the man certainly re-directed philosophical enquiry in our modern times. The problem with most of us lesser creatures, understanding Wittgenstein's thought and work is a momentous task.

If you have had the pleasure or tormenting experience of reading or studying his Tractatus Logico-philosophicus or Philosophical Investigations, or one or two of the literally thousands of commentaries and secondary sources on his work, you will comprehend or at least relate to the complexity of his thought.

The Duty of Genius is a great philosophical biography because the author has managed to elegantly connect Wittgenstein the man, his spiritual concerns and emotional preoccupations, with his philosophy, in one flowing, well-written narrative. I came away from this book with greater insight into analytical philosophy and a deep appreciation of the man himself.
Wittgenstein was one of the most opinionated men I have ever read about. In fact he had an opinion on just about everything, particularly music. He believed that no other music after Brahms was worth listening to and Mozart and Beethoven are the true "son's of God".

He loved reading American detective stories and believed our so-called modern age is a dark age in all respects. Similar to a good pragmatist, he believed that knowledge and doing, action, were intimately connected. He had a privileged up bringing in pre WW1 Vienna, a fascinating, tumultuous and highly creative period before the fall of the Austrian Hungarian Empire. He was a neighbour of Sigmund Freud and went to the same Primary school as Adolph Hitler. (Both remembered each other later in life during WW2.)

Ludwig inherited a large fortune and ended up giving most of it away. He wrote his first major work, The Tractatus, while a prisoner of war in Italy. All of these things are wonderfully described in the biography, but Monk has managed to convey something about the man that is hard to define, and that was his magnetic personality. Wittgenstein's magical presence is legendary and the numerous anecdotes described by Monk, I believe, truly gives the reader a vivid sense of this presence, his genius comes through loud and clear in this book. And this is what makes this biography so moving and interesting.

This biography will not give the reader a full comprehension of Wittgenstein's philosophy, however, as an introduction, putting the man and his work into their proper historical context, the clouds begin to dissipate and a glimmer of understanding begins to appear - extremely engaging, informative, well-written and entertaining.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Julian Assange: UK Breaking International Law

Julian Assange has now been locked up in the UK's maximum security prison, Belmarish, going onto two years. He is in solitary confinement, meaning, lock down for 23 hours, with 1 hour for exercise. According to the UN articles of what constitutes torture, this is one of the most egregious type, with no contact with any human beings, and only an hour of sunlight, that will eventually drive a mind insane. And according to recent reports coming from those who visited the man, his health and faculties are failing. The UK government is carrying out this torture on Julian Assange with the intent of breaking his spirit, and this is a documented international crime against humanity. The UK should be brought before the Hague (International war crimes court) on these charges, but are not. Why?

The reason Assange is in prison in the first place is the charge of aiding Chelsea Manning, allegedly, hacking into classified military files, and exposing American war crimes in Afghanistan, At the moment, Manning is in jail on contempt charges for refusing to answer questions to a Grand Jury. These are trumped up charges, as Manning has already spent 7 years in a military prison because of these crimes. This is a new attempt by the current Trump administration to silence whistle blowers and publishers, releasing sensitive information, including the war crimes of the United States of America.

The UK is holding Julian Assange for the US, and at the same time, committing crimes of their own. From the beginning, the US and their intelligence agencies have been spreading false information about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Unfortunately this propaganda has worked. But to hold a “political prisoner”, deny his right to meet with his lawyers, (only permitting two meetings since in Belmarish), is another crime, and is certainly against the UK justice system. That said, the UK, like Australia, has become a mere vassal state of the US. We do what we're told.

The US has been committing war crimes since they dropped two Atom bombs on Japan. After the formation of NSC 68, in 1948, the creation of the CIA, etc., war crimes has been a constant in American foreign policy. The latest war crime that we know about, was the assassination of a Iranian general, Soleimani, while travelling to Baghdad on a peace mission. This brought the world to the brink of war. Now Trump's lies he's putting aside, claiming it doesn't matter if the Iranian was an imminent threat, we did it anyway. The US and the UK are committing war crimes in plain sight, and the MSM, for the most part, is right behind them. How can we allow these evil actions to continue as a people?

The central problem is that all the main stream news outlets, including those who published the Wikileaks revelations, have been attacking Assange, and promoting the lies that the intelligence community has asked them to spread. In a few words, the attack on Julian Assange is an attack on the US constitution, that is, Freedom of the press. If Julian goes down, this sets a precedent, the rest of the “free press” go down to...and every news outlet will become state sponsored, like the Soviet Union, in their hey day. No real news, simply state propaganda.

Many independent news pundits have been screaming from the roof tops about Julian Assange. However, the MSM, like the good little corporate/state funded apparatuses they are, remain silent, or even worse, spread disinformation, like, for example: Julian Assange works for the Russians. Don't get me started on that Russia-gate bandwagon, CIA sponsored fiasco.

The UK is actually committing crimes against their own justice system, by keeping Assange away from his lawyers, and committing torture on the man, against International Law. And no one, except a few noteworthy journalists, public intellectuals and many enlightened people around the world, has said a damn thing.

As said above, the UK, from the behest of the US government, are committing crimes against humanity, as well as crimes against their own justice system. And many, including the British people, are not saying a damn thing about it.

Our governments are committing crimes around the world. The US, UK, Australia, and Julian Assange, a man who enlightened us to this egregious behaviour is in prison, denied due process and tortured.

These elites in power, and their sleazy mouth pieces, the MSM, need to be held accountable.


Friday, 10 January 2020

Thad Carhart – The Piano Shop of the Left Bank - Review

A beautiful musical instrument can be compared to a great vintage wine; one does not need to know all its subtleties in order to appreciate its fine texture, bouquet, and unique taste. Familiarity with art, for example, bolsters one's appreciation of its many forms, and puts one in a frame of mind never to take it for granted. In ~The Piano Shop on the Left Bank~ we are permitted entry into the world of the connoisseur of fine pianos and the magic of superior music. This book describes a re-acquaintance with a love affair of pianos, against the backdrop of romantic Paris and the diverse and unusual characters that make-up this world.

An American living in Paris comes across a little piano repair shop that lies almost hidden from the frantic vagaries of modern life. Something about the little shop captures his attention - a spell is cast, and with some persistence, he gains admittance into a secret world for the initiated only - and his journey begins into that predominately guarded artisan society in Paris which the general, foreign public believe only exists in 19th century novels. This elegant text is written with thoughtful care and attention that displays an attitude of mind that is quite rare.

Because Carhart is honest about his love affair with the piano and the Classic and Romantic music that we associate with the instrument, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven and Scarlatti, the reader cannot help but remember personal associations with this world. While reading the text, images from my own past concerning music and the piano rose to consciousness - lying at my mother's feet while she played Chopin, being fascinated by the movement of her feet as she depressed the foot pedals and the distinct fragrance of the wood. This beguiling book captures many such images and much more.

The book is also unique in so far as the reader receives a history lesson on the piano, from its beginnings in 16th century Italy to its height with the American Steinway to its circular return to Italy, the Fazioli, the finest hand made piano in the world. We actually meet Paola Fazioli in the book and experience the utter majesty and beauty of his creations. To be sure, without question, I felt humbled in the presence of this man and his works of art, following Carhart as he's invited to sit down and play the legendary 'Faziloi 308' - 'the world's most expensive piano' - actually feeling the instruments power of tone through the words on the page.

~The Piano Shop on the Left Bank~ is one of those texts which is difficult to put down, but you do so anyway because you want the reading experience to last. And once the book is finally finished, there is a certain sadness that the experience is complete, however, the beauty of a good book is that you can return to it time and again, entering its world.
This mesmerising little book is recommended to any lover of music, no matter what genre or classification. Carhart manages to harness music's universality, its common-shared magic that without, life would be much harder to tolerate. This book will enter, in time, the realm of classic. A pleasure.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Corporation Owned Politicians $ The Climate Crises

At this moment in time, the temperature in Melbourne hovers around 32 degrees C, (90 F) while from my place, the Melbourne sky line is shrouded in smoke, nearly invisible. An hour ago, took my afternoon walk to the shops, 2k journey each way, to return with burning, bloodshot eyes, sporadically coughing and spitting. My friend overseas suggested a proper mask to wear, considering my journeys are all on public transport. After today, I'll take the trek to the hardware store, and buy the mask. Really, it couldn't hurt.

Although the bulk of the Australian fire are to our east and west, the winds carry the smoke, a constant reminder of the death and utter devastation, not to mention, the fires could well spread to us soon.

Back in 2014, while living in the hills, the fires from the north was travelling at an alarming to the south, and our house was directly in its path. Listening to the radio, we finally received the order to evacuate. Grabbing my papers, spare cloths, my guitar and the two cats, we headed to the Safeway parking lot, to await further instructions. My cats were very well behaved, because I knew they knew the danger we were facing. Huge “Elvis's”, (fire-fighting helicopters) flew only a hundred meters overhead, booming across the sky, to put out the flames. After only an hour, we heard that the crises had passed, because of a drastic wind change, averting certain disaster. This time, 2020, the country is not that lucky, for the fires are everywhere, and out of control across the entire nation.

Despite the utter devastation, the conservative MSM, continues to either deny the crises or lay blame on ridiculous sources. The New York Times, usually the voice for perpetual war, has called out our government for their climate denials, and refusal to take responsibility. In this case, these writer's are right on the mark. For more detailed explanation of Australian government denial, see my BLOG:

What continues to disturb me, is the neoliberal MSM, and our right wing government “explanations” for the crises, no matter how absurd, is accepted by many people. Most of our daily newspaper are owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same guy who owns America's FOX News. This little known fact should at least ignite a few alarm bells, throw up a few red flags, but the vast population, will believe any news source that presents itself as “real” journalism. These MSM organisations, absolutely, weld way too much power, and are propagandising the masses with lies. And these people believe the lies, voting in more car salesman to lead our country.

The Climate Crises is real. The affects of the devastation is upon us. If you still believe the conspiracy, that climate change is a lie, read the 1980's reports from Exon Mobil. They predicted that the use of fossil fuels, at the continuing rate, will eventually destroy our climate, leading to water shortages, etc. The oil execs, at first, kept their own scientists findings secret. After a few years, began anti-environmental messages, claiming concerns for the air and environment to be a hoax. Many people are still amidst that propaganda fog, including President Trump, and Australia's PM, Scott Morrison. Interestingly, both “leaders” are funded by fossil fuel corporations, so go figure?

I'm currently living the beginning of the climate crises first hand. It's only a matter of time for the world to follow.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Comment: War with Iran & the Brain Washed

There's no doubt that the elected American officials on both sides of the aisle, has been 'bought and paid for' by the military industrial complex. Anyone with an education and a snippet of humanity, realises that war, at anytime over the last 100 years, has been a sham.

Every country that America has touched in the last 20 years, has turned to shit. Until we understand that American war is a profit making exercise for the elites, sacrificing the common young, while their fat bank accounts rise, all based on “spreading democracy”, rescuing countries from “evil” dictators, and “making the world safer”, war will continue, and warmongers, like those on social media, after president Trump murdered a Iranian general, will continue repeating elite talking points, like those mentioned above.

Trump committed a war crime, and most of the western world is silent.

The American people are the most propagandised people on the planet. I know this first-hand, after spending my first 30 years in the United States. I believed all the propaganda about Vietnam, about South American coups, and the evils of communism. I believed in American Exceptionalism, that we were the greatest democracy in the world, and it was up to us to ensure freedom, democracy and “real values” in every un-enlightened country. It was only after moving abroad and finishing my education, that this insidious propaganda became clear, and was sustained after the illegal invasion of Iraq, and the utter devastation of Libya.

These brutal invasions of sovereign countries had nothing to do with the national security of the US, and everything to do about resources, oil and economic dominance. America was pulled into Iraq 1 based on faulty propaganda, and pulled into Iraq 2 on blatant lies.

Syria is quite simple. America's fight in this country is solely based on a natural gas pipeline, that Saudi Arabia want, that must run through Syrian territory. Syria said no, because its ally, Russia, uses that port for their own gas interests.

Libya is also rich in oil. Their leader, Qaddafi, refused to give up their oil to American corporations, nor trade on the petrol dollar. Qaddafi stupidly trusted the Obama government, and gave up their nuclear intentions. Once they did, NATO backed terrorists, including Al Quida, with the help of US and UK air support, toppled Libya. The country looks like Dresden in 1945 now, with open slave markets on the streets. Currently the US control the country's oil. Mission accomplished.

The above said examples of US foreign policy, their imperialist intentions, fuelled by economic dominance throughout the middle east, should be enough evidence for anyone with a conscience, to protest any war with Iran. But the propaganda is strong and unrelenting.

A war with Iran would be devastating on so many levels. Not to mention, of course, the thousand or millions of deaths of soldiers and innocent civilians.

But hey, the warmongers and their vacuous followers, despite the horror of war, spout Imperial talking points, like the useful idiots they have become.

The neoconservatives in Washington have been screaming to topple Iran for years. And the moron real estate agent, game show host president, just committed an act of war. Not surprisingly, too, the MSM, positioned General Soleimani as the “No. 1 bad guy” in the middle east. This is absurd as he is revered as the general who toppled ISIS. And there is no doubt that he did in Iraq and Syria, respectively.

Realise that the only people that cheer-leads for war are the wealthy, the elite, and has been profiting from war for years. The only one's who suffer is the common people, brainwashed into believing the Right-to-wage war on any country that does not submit to the US economic will.

Anyone who has experienced the evils of war, first hand or otherwise, know it is no answer to the difficulties of this life on a world scale. American actions in the middle east, observing the devastation structurally and individually, of these countries, should get a clue. But they do not.

War with Iran is a big mistake. I would guess that many people across the world would agree. But we are led by rich-war-loving-ass-holes, and their brain washed followers.

And really, in this respect, nothing has changed in over a century, at least.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Comment: Australia's Bush Fires and a Coal-Loving PM

After hearing and reading about the brutal destruction of Mallacota, and the personal devastation of the people of this town, my brain seemed to seize-up, and the body took control, and tears filled my eyes. To my embarrassment, the tears continued, and I found a safe haven away from prodding eyes. This hasn't happened for some years now. The last time was the second invasion of Iraq. I knew that this was a useless, $ and power motivated invasion of a sovereign country based solely on lies. Australia's bush fires, too, is an act of war from the planet. Yes, Australia has been in a terrible drought. But the warnings from the experts were ignored by our current conservative government. Yes, the fires would have happened anyway, but the destruction could well have been minimised, if the government listened, and they didn't – for political reasons. And this is the crime.

Australia's current PM, Scott Morrison, all said and done, is a coal loving ass hole. He also is a climate crises denier. Adding insult to injury, he's a Pentecostal “Christian”, a cult that desires the *end times. The notion that any soul outside of the Pentecostal-chosen-few, are headed to eternal damnation. In the real world, this back-biting politician won the 2019 general election, on the false adverting campaigns, ($30 million) paid by Australia's biggest coal barons. He won based on the lie that labour Party world take away thousands of Queensland coal jobs. This is of course another big lie. In effect, he won the Premiership based on blatant untruths, and now he's faced with a National Emergency, that is undeniably equated with the Climate Crises. So what does the leader of Australia do when the crises begins? He removes his family from danger, and decides to take a holiday in Hawaii. It only gets worse.

Australian twitter erupted, including many left wing news sites, that Scott Morrison is a coward, has lost leadership, and needs to return and lead a country in terrible trouble. He finally returned, to then utter, (paraphrased) “ It feels good that the Australian people wanted me back in times of these fires.” The arrogance of the man cannot be overstated. As usual when the press confronted the man on the issues, he smirked, snarled and offered vague answers. Since he has returned from his shortened holiday, his answers to softball questions from the Aussie MSM, has been the same. But this morning in the news, revealed more how the people feel about our PM.

He visited a devastated town, a town where pretty much had lost all their homes and businesses. The cliche' of “a picture is worth a thousand words”, certainly came to the fore, when, he attempted to shake hands with a pregnant woman, and she refused, forcing the shithead to force his hand. Later, he visited a group of fire fighters, and the same thing. These brave fire fighters would not voluntarily shake his hand. Either out of necessity or the cameras, he forced his hand. What does this mean?

Generally, the people despise PM Scott Morrison. He bailed at a time of need, and has nothing relevant to say. We understand his political snake-like behaviour. We now see his uncaring attitude to a Nation in deep strife.

The devastating bush fires in Australia has brought a Nation together, a people together, against an incompetent PM.

Let's hope the rains come soon. In more ways than one.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

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