Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Corporation Owned Politicians $ The Climate Crises

At this moment in time, the temperature in Melbourne hovers around 32 degrees C, (90 F) while from my place, the Melbourne sky line is shrouded in smoke, nearly invisible. An hour ago, took my afternoon walk to the shops, 2k journey each way, to return with burning, bloodshot eyes, sporadically coughing and spitting. My friend overseas suggested a proper mask to wear, considering my journeys are all on public transport. After today, I'll take the trek to the hardware store, and buy the mask. Really, it couldn't hurt.

Although the bulk of the Australian fire are to our east and west, the winds carry the smoke, a constant reminder of the death and utter devastation, not to mention, the fires could well spread to us soon.

Back in 2014, while living in the hills, the fires from the north was travelling at an alarming to the south, and our house was directly in its path. Listening to the radio, we finally received the order to evacuate. Grabbing my papers, spare cloths, my guitar and the two cats, we headed to the Safeway parking lot, to await further instructions. My cats were very well behaved, because I knew they knew the danger we were facing. Huge “Elvis's”, (fire-fighting helicopters) flew only a hundred meters overhead, booming across the sky, to put out the flames. After only an hour, we heard that the crises had passed, because of a drastic wind change, averting certain disaster. This time, 2020, the country is not that lucky, for the fires are everywhere, and out of control across the entire nation.

Despite the utter devastation, the conservative MSM, continues to either deny the crises or lay blame on ridiculous sources. The New York Times, usually the voice for perpetual war, has called out our government for their climate denials, and refusal to take responsibility. In this case, these writer's are right on the mark. For more detailed explanation of Australian government denial, see my BLOG:

What continues to disturb me, is the neoliberal MSM, and our right wing government “explanations” for the crises, no matter how absurd, is accepted by many people. Most of our daily newspaper are owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same guy who owns America's FOX News. This little known fact should at least ignite a few alarm bells, throw up a few red flags, but the vast population, will believe any news source that presents itself as “real” journalism. These MSM organisations, absolutely, weld way too much power, and are propagandising the masses with lies. And these people believe the lies, voting in more car salesman to lead our country.

The Climate Crises is real. The affects of the devastation is upon us. If you still believe the conspiracy, that climate change is a lie, read the 1980's reports from Exon Mobil. They predicted that the use of fossil fuels, at the continuing rate, will eventually destroy our climate, leading to water shortages, etc. The oil execs, at first, kept their own scientists findings secret. After a few years, began anti-environmental messages, claiming concerns for the air and environment to be a hoax. Many people are still amidst that propaganda fog, including President Trump, and Australia's PM, Scott Morrison. Interestingly, both “leaders” are funded by fossil fuel corporations, so go figure?

I'm currently living the beginning of the climate crises first hand. It's only a matter of time for the world to follow.

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