the city of Paris today, firefighters clashed with police over pay
rises and a long overdue
rise in their hazard bonus, which hasn't changed in 30 years. The
protest became very violent as police used tear gas and heavy-handed
baton tactics, causing injuries on both sides.
one observes these battles between two institutions designed to serve
and protect its citizens, and wonder, why is the government
continuing to screw them over, pay-wise, when the cost of living in
Paris continues to reach higher levels?
the fire fighters have joined the “yellow vests” protest, that
has been on-going for over a year.
Saturday, the protesters, hit the streets again, as they do every
weekend, to bring to light to their government, that austerity, low
wages, and their taxes going to the rich, will no longer be
so surprising, however, the majority of the MSM, particularly in the
US, is all but silent on the story. This makes sense, when their
democratic socialist presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, rises in
the poles. The US corporate owned government, and the corporate
owned media, certainly does not desire to give the American people
any ideas now, would they? What is heartening, is many American's are
waking up to the lies of their government.
in Paris, the firefighters went even further to demonstrate their
protest of continued low wages, by setting themselves on fire. (See
image above) This only goes to prove how serious they truly are.
wonders, now that the fire brigade has hit the streets along with the
people, when will the police follow? Taking this further, if police
strike and protest, all that is left is the military. Curiously,
following the military clashing with the protesters, once the
military turn against the government, the establishment has fallen.,
a true revolution will have commenced. Certainly fascinating to
speculate a long these lines. But it seems to heading in that
casual observer of world protests around the world, realises that the
corporate greed and utter strangle hold the Neo-liberal establishment
has had over the people, is reaching a tipping point. Austerity on
the middle class, basic workers, and the poor can no longer be
justified, when the ruling class steals all the money for themselves.
And that's exactly what has been happening, as the 1% own more
wealth, in a few families, than the bottom 45%.
governments are ruled by corporations, whose only goal is short term
profits. Following the weapon manufactures, our paid politicians
would rather send us to war, than help the elderly, sick and
be sure, all their empty rhetoric, and propaganda is beginning to
fall on deaf ears.
revolution is beginning, and the ruling class are running scarred.
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