Thursday, 2 January 2020

Comment: Australia's Bush Fires and a Coal-Loving PM

After hearing and reading about the brutal destruction of Mallacota, and the personal devastation of the people of this town, my brain seemed to seize-up, and the body took control, and tears filled my eyes. To my embarrassment, the tears continued, and I found a safe haven away from prodding eyes. This hasn't happened for some years now. The last time was the second invasion of Iraq. I knew that this was a useless, $ and power motivated invasion of a sovereign country based solely on lies. Australia's bush fires, too, is an act of war from the planet. Yes, Australia has been in a terrible drought. But the warnings from the experts were ignored by our current conservative government. Yes, the fires would have happened anyway, but the destruction could well have been minimised, if the government listened, and they didn't – for political reasons. And this is the crime.

Australia's current PM, Scott Morrison, all said and done, is a coal loving ass hole. He also is a climate crises denier. Adding insult to injury, he's a Pentecostal “Christian”, a cult that desires the *end times. The notion that any soul outside of the Pentecostal-chosen-few, are headed to eternal damnation. In the real world, this back-biting politician won the 2019 general election, on the false adverting campaigns, ($30 million) paid by Australia's biggest coal barons. He won based on the lie that labour Party world take away thousands of Queensland coal jobs. This is of course another big lie. In effect, he won the Premiership based on blatant untruths, and now he's faced with a National Emergency, that is undeniably equated with the Climate Crises. So what does the leader of Australia do when the crises begins? He removes his family from danger, and decides to take a holiday in Hawaii. It only gets worse.

Australian twitter erupted, including many left wing news sites, that Scott Morrison is a coward, has lost leadership, and needs to return and lead a country in terrible trouble. He finally returned, to then utter, (paraphrased) “ It feels good that the Australian people wanted me back in times of these fires.” The arrogance of the man cannot be overstated. As usual when the press confronted the man on the issues, he smirked, snarled and offered vague answers. Since he has returned from his shortened holiday, his answers to softball questions from the Aussie MSM, has been the same. But this morning in the news, revealed more how the people feel about our PM.

He visited a devastated town, a town where pretty much had lost all their homes and businesses. The cliche' of “a picture is worth a thousand words”, certainly came to the fore, when, he attempted to shake hands with a pregnant woman, and she refused, forcing the shithead to force his hand. Later, he visited a group of fire fighters, and the same thing. These brave fire fighters would not voluntarily shake his hand. Either out of necessity or the cameras, he forced his hand. What does this mean?

Generally, the people despise PM Scott Morrison. He bailed at a time of need, and has nothing relevant to say. We understand his political snake-like behaviour. We now see his uncaring attitude to a Nation in deep strife.

The devastating bush fires in Australia has brought a Nation together, a people together, against an incompetent PM.

Let's hope the rains come soon. In more ways than one.

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