no doubt that the elected American officials on both sides of the
aisle, has been 'bought and paid for' by the military industrial
complex. Anyone with an education and a snippet of humanity, realises
that war, at anytime over the last 100 years, has been a sham.
country that America has touched in the last 20 years, has turned to
shit. Until we understand that American war is a profit making
exercise for the elites, sacrificing the common young, while their
fat bank accounts rise, all based on “spreading democracy”,
rescuing countries from “evil” dictators, and “making the world
safer”, war will continue, and warmongers, like those on social
media, after president Trump murdered a Iranian general, will
continue repeating elite talking points, like those mentioned above.
committed a war crime, and most of the western world is silent.
American people are the most propagandised people on the planet. I
know this first-hand, after spending my first 30 years in the United
States. I believed all the propaganda about Vietnam, about South
American coups, and the evils of communism. I believed in American
Exceptionalism, that we were the greatest democracy in the world, and
it was up to us to ensure freedom, democracy and “real values” in
every un-enlightened country. It was only after moving abroad and
finishing my education, that this insidious propaganda became clear,
and was sustained after the illegal invasion of Iraq, and the utter
devastation of Libya.
brutal invasions of sovereign countries had nothing to do with the
national security of the US, and everything to do about resources,
oil and economic dominance. America was pulled into Iraq 1 based on
faulty propaganda, and pulled into Iraq 2 on blatant lies.
is quite simple. America's fight in this country is solely based on a
natural gas pipeline, that Saudi Arabia want, that must run through
Syrian territory. Syria said no, because its ally, Russia, uses that
port for their own gas interests.
is also rich in oil. Their leader, Qaddafi, refused to give up their
oil to American corporations, nor trade on the petrol dollar. Qaddafi
stupidly trusted the Obama government, and gave up their nuclear
intentions. Once they did, NATO backed terrorists, including Al
Quida, with the help of US and UK air support, toppled Libya. The
country looks like Dresden in 1945 now, with open slave markets on
the streets. Currently the US control the country's oil. Mission
above said examples of US foreign policy, their imperialist
intentions, fuelled by economic dominance throughout the middle east,
should be enough evidence for anyone with a conscience, to protest
any war with Iran. But the propaganda is strong and unrelenting.
war with Iran would be devastating on so many levels. Not to mention,
of course, the thousand or millions of deaths of soldiers and
innocent civilians.
hey, the warmongers and their vacuous followers, despite the horror
of war, spout Imperial talking points, like the useful idiots
they have become.
neoconservatives in Washington have been screaming to topple Iran for
years. And the moron real estate agent, game show host president,
just committed an act of war. Not surprisingly, too, the MSM,
positioned General Soleimani as the “No. 1 bad guy” in the middle
east. This is absurd as he is revered as the general who toppled
ISIS. And there is no doubt that he did in Iraq and Syria,
that the only people that cheer-leads for war are the wealthy, the
elite, and has been profiting from war for years. The only one's who
suffer is the common people, brainwashed into believing the
Right-to-wage war on any country that does not submit to the US
economic will.
who has experienced the evils of war, first hand or otherwise, know
it is no answer to the difficulties of this life on a world scale.
American actions in the middle east, observing the devastation
structurally and individually, of these countries, should get a clue.
But they do not.
with Iran is a big mistake. I would guess that many people across the
world would agree. But we are led by rich-war-loving-ass-holes, and
their brain washed followers.
really, in this respect, nothing has changed in over a century, at
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