Thursday, 27 February 2020

Assange's Show Trial and the Arrogance of Empire

Rose this morning in a foul mood. After watching the MSM corporate shills spout right-wing talking points about Bernie Sanders, revealing their true hatred of the American working class; the establishment is reeling in fear and loathing, and for all intents and purposes, this should be a good thing. But my foul mood remained. Across the pond, the Julian Assange show-trial is in full swing, and the utter arrogance of Empire, their lies and straw man arguments, and their utter contempt for a journalist and first amendment rights, is astonishing, This establishment arrogance used to be slightly hidden from the public, but because their lies and propaganda has become so transparent, it's as if they're doubling down; their fascism, (their big black boots smashing down on our faces), is somehow viewed as normal, though it isn't normal at all. Thus my foul mood remains.

(Rather than a well constructed report on the Assange trial, this entry is more of a rant.)

Plenty of journalists around the world, albeit small, is on the ground informing us about the particulars of the Assange trial. Evil is difficult to confront, at the best of times. In this case, the behaviour of the prosecution and the judge is appalling, and aches the spirit to watch and read. To witness a publisher treated like a murderer/rapist, when all he is guilty of is exposing the war crimes of empire, has really turned the stomachs of well-thinking and compassionate human beings around the planet.

At the end of the 3rd day of this circus, it became apparent to me, that Julian would not receive a fair trial. The man is placed in a bullet-proof plastic box, away from his council, the judge refusing communication between them. We were told after the first day, that Assange had been handcuffed 11 times, placed in several holding cells, and most egregious, his trial notes were taken away from him. These actions are criminal, and designed to disorient the person. He has been in solitary confinement, locked in a little cell for 23 hours a day – no communication, and little exercise and sunlight. When Assange requested that he be removed from the plastic cage and next to his council, so he could communicate, he was refused. The reason was that the judge feared for the security of the court. This is absolute rubbish! Assange is not a criminal prisoner, but a political prisoner, and has zero history of violence of any type. A biased ruse by the judge to create a sensation, a kind of chest-puffing exercise to show the world who is truly in charge. Disgusting.

The UK has revealed itself as a mere vassal state of the US. Monkey hear order, monkey do, without question. As far as any credibility the UK judicial system once had, has now gone straight down the toilet bowl. Assange's rights by law have all been violated. And despite the compelling defence, destroying most all of the prosecutions case, this trial will go only one way. And that is Julian, against international law, will be extradited to the United States, and press freedoms and citizen rights of free speech, will all but be destroyed.

Adding to my personal depression, is how much the majority of people have bought into the CIA lies about Julian Assange. The majority could care less about press freedom, and would rather be led like sheep into servitude. The rub is, really, these sheep believe they are free.

In a earlier blog, I attempted to dispel the many lies about Julian Assange. Indeed many more competent than I, have done the same thing. See:

The establishment MSM, and our so-called institutions, such as our justice system, are revealing themselves to be nothing more than wannabe aristocrats in the 21st century. If the fascism wasn't so glaringly in our faces, it would be laughable.

The Julian Assange case is one of the most important events in my lifetime. It concerns our basic human right in a democratic society. So if you still believe the CIA lies about Assange, at least recognise that  our freedoms are on trial.

Unfortunately, thus far, it's not looking good for democracy.

And my foul mood remains.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

US's True Election Interference is not Russia: it's RW Israel & AIPAC

Well people, it has happened.

The establishment media called upon by the US IC, (Intelligence Community) has called Bernie Sanders' a favourite of Russian president, V. Putin, and ironically too, incumbent US president, Donald Trump. Yes, that's correct; the all pervading Russia, desires Sanders to be the next president, and the population, the voters, are at the mercy of their omnipresent influence.

Most of us with at least two brain cells to rub together, know this “Russian tactic” is BS, however, what the establishment hope for, is those people less informed about geo and domestic politics will fall for it. That said, I sincerely doubt it.

Since the start of Trump's reign, this Russigate crap filled our air waves, and the internet. One could not switch on cable news without hearing about Russian influence, and the Trump presidential campaign colluding with Russia. Well, indeed, after millions of $ later, Mueller investigation, the bottom line, found zero proof of collusion. Russia did spend $ on some FB ads, and a selection of Twitter bots, but that was the extent of it. The real interference in American politics is not Russia, but the right wing government of Israel, and one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington DC, AIPAC.

The reason AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) dislikes Bernie Sanders is obvious: the senator publicly has stated many times over his long career, that the Palestinians have equal rights as the Israelis, and the violent apartheid government is committing crimes against International Law. During the Iowa Caucus, a curious ad appeared, attacking Sanders, that turned out to be sponsored by the local AIPAC group. This ad has since been pulled, however, the bias was blatant.

Since 1985, a grant aid to Israel of 3 billion annually has been maintained. Meaning, 3 billion annually is given to Israel in the guise of a trade agreement. The US does not give this amount of “aid” to any other country on the planet.

Israeli influence in US politics only gets worse.

As of January 2019, a grand total of 27 states in the US has passed various anti- BDS (Boycott-Diversity-Sanction) measures. This legislation prohibits individuals or companies from doing business with the government or institutions within the state, who refuse to sign the anti BDS documents. Simply stated, if you do not sign the documents, stating you will not protest Israel, you will be refused business with the state. This is a direct violation of the US Constitution. See my blog on Abby Martin's Law Suit:

Compared to Russia's Facebook ads and Twitter bots, Israeli influence in US politics, has infiltrated the US Constitution. This should never have been tolerated.

Do not listen to MSM and their masters, The State Department. This is a sub-mental smear campaign to prevent a popular US presidential nominee, a man for the people, who presents a real threat to the corruption of the corporate run establishment.

The time for real change has arrived.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Gore Vidal - Dreaming War - Review

A few years ago, prior to ~Dreaming War's~ publication, the article, `Goat Song', was emailed to me from a friend. In this article, Vidal lists the numerous anomalies prior, during and directly after the events of 9/11. The questions this article raises are legitimate, considering the U.S. government has spent literally trillions of dollars on national "defence" since 1947. When the alarm bells began to ring on that terrible day, those in charge did not follow military protocol, but merely sat on their hands, and seemed to let it happen. This is a frightening thought. In the end, the investigation into these anomalies turned into a finger pointing exercise, and a few scapegoats made, but to this day, some questions still remain. 

However, Vidal has no doubts as to the aspirations and motivations of the current government's actions in the Middle East; as the title of the book makes perfectly clear: Blood for Oil. To finally read the full article and the ten or so other pieces in the book after reading that initial email was informative and quite disturbing. Vidal certainly lays it all on the line.

Gore Vidal has been called many things, but for certain, he has made it his life's mission to understand American history and point out how and why his beloved Republic has gone off the rails, particularly since the creation in 1947 of NSC-68. He laments the loss of his Republic to a National Security State, (Military Industrial Complex) including a noticeable dwindling of the Bill of Rights. The loss of the rights of citizens in a democratic country is a frightening scenario, (in my opinion, the worst scenario) and it's actually happening right before our eyes. Domination, control and wealth are the motivations, and the events Vidal has illustrated over the last half century, and that is nearly two hundred `incursions' in other countries since which the U.S. has been the aggressor, is simply too hard to ignore.

In the article, `Mickey Mouse, Historian', Vidal discusses the corporate ownership of America and the politicians, but also states, generally, what he would like to see changed:

" I am a patriot of the old Republic that slowly unravelled during the expansionist years and quite vanished in 1950 when the National Security State took its place. Now I want us to convert from wartime to a peacetime economy. But since the GE-style conglomerates that govern us will never convert, something will have to give, won't it?" (P.165)

Vidal not only lists the many problems about his beloved country, but also offers solutions that sound workable and real. But those holding power at the moment will be hard pressed to let the current system go. This book is highly recommended to anyone concerned about American and international affairs.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Why Abby Martin's Law Suit is Important?

Last week, filmmaker, journalist and activist, Abby Martin filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia over a law requiring she sign a document, showing her allegiance to Israel, and pledge she will not partake in BDS – Boycott Divest Sanction – a movement protesting Israel's illegal settlements, and their brutal treatment of the Palestinian people.

Martin and her lawyers claim that the States refusal to allow her to speak at a state college, because she refused to sign this #ANTIBDS document, is a direct contravention of her First Amendment Rights under the US Constitution.

As of January 2019, a grand total of 27 states have passed various anti-BDS measures; this legislation prohibits individuals or companies from doing business with the government or institutions within the state.

Martin was scheduled to speak at a Georgia state college on the subject of the media, (topic was not Israel) and was presented with the legislative document to sign, which she refused.

Of course, for any American or citizen of a democratic country, this legislation, is a flagrant
law against free speech, and begs the question: how does a foreign government like Israel, have so much sway in American State law making, flying the face of a citizens Constitutional rights?

AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is likely to be one of the most powerful lobby groups in DC. So powerful, it seems, they can influence individual State legislation.

As an observer of Geo-politics, AIPAC has much more influence in the halls of power in Washington DC, than ever realised before. So much so, that in 27 states and rising, American citizens must go against their constitutional rights, their right to free speech, if they desire to work in a US Government institution. This is undemocratic on so many levels. So how do they get away with it?

Unfortunately, understanding the extent of Israeli influence in the United States, is a topic for a later discussion. That said, these anti-BDS laws go against the core of our democratic rights.

Why Abby Martin's lawsuit is so important, is it throws a spotlight on Israeli influence in the United States. It reveals the extent that politicians will go for $, and foreign ideas, anathema to the core of American values.

For your information, States with anti-BDS legislation: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin.

For a in-depth understanding of Martin's lawsuit, see press conference at

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Bernie Sanders' IS NOT a Communist

After living in Australia, and knowing a few Europeans, listening to US politicians and their stenographer pundits, shouting from the rooftops, that Bernie Sanders is a communist, surpasses the absurd. If you really understand politics, compared to other capitalist/socialist countries on the planet, Sanders is a centrist, at best.

The US is the only developed country in the world who does not have universal health care.

Many developed countries have free higher education, or inexpensive tuition, where the US has a tuition rate designed for the wealthy. Either a student has to borrow thousands of dollars or get a scholarship to receive higher education. All graduates are saddled with debts that prevent them from investing in a house, and raising a family. If the US government decides (a Bernie Sanders policy) to eliminate these student debts, this would free these people up to invest, thus, in the end, enriching the overall economy. Again, the richest country in the world lags behind on these important public issues.

A capitalist country with sound government support in heath care, education, housing and transportation, is called democratic socialism, not communism. A government that have these basic needs available to the population, turns out to be more economically viable, than the current US system. What's the problem?

The first thirty years of my life was spent in the United States. As a child of the cold war, we were systematically propagandised to despise socialism/communism, and more specifically the Soviet Union. I was also a commie hater, and everything that was connected to that political ideology. It was only until I educated myself about politics and economics, to then look around the world, was this hate diminished. I finally new the difference between socialism and communism proper. In reality, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Cambodia, for example, were never communist, but fascist totalitarian regimes. The atrocities committed by these particular regimes was horrible. They called themselves communist in name only, and were something else entirely.

When a corporate stooge from the democratic or republican camp, call Bernie Sanders a communist, they want you to think of Cambodia and Pol Pot. When they call Bernie a stinking socialist, they want you to think of Stalinist Russia. When they call Bernie a dangerous “lefty”, they want you to think of Maoist China. Sanders' political philosophy doesn't come close to these totalitarian regimes.

What we see growing across the planet, and the United States, is an insidious take over of corporate/fascism. These people are the wealthy, the owners of public services, charging the population for services that is a Right for and of the people. These parasites are even privatising water, and water is the staple for human existence.

Trump gave the top 1% the biggest tax break in history; the greatest transference of wealth in the history of the planet. By and while, most people are working three jobs, and still bordering the poverty line. And, well, if you get sick, tough. Pay the bills, and end up living in your vehicle, because paying the exorbitant mortgage or rent now, is impossible. Trump talks a great game, like the economy is booming, but the economy is going well for the wealthy, while the middle class and poor continue to struggle.

When a right wing politician or corporate stooge, asks you how are you to pay for universal health care or education, ask them how the US has the highest defence budget than any country on the planet? The elite will give billions to war, because it has a great return for their investment. Let's face it, the US has a war economy, and perpetual war is a direct result.

To be sure, I do not want to turn this piece into a dissertation, but I hope you get the idea.

When the rest of the people of world looks at Bernie Sanders, outside of the US, we see him as a centrist politician. He is merely offering the US people some things the rest of the “free world” has and have had, for many years.

Corporate/fascism is destroying the planet, and it's time we stop them.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Robert Hare. Without Conscience - Review

After reading this extremely sobering text, and it is strongly suggested you do, you will recognise someone in your past, present or future to be a psychopath. As Hare suggests, it is dangerous to label individuals without proper clinical research including intense interviews and applying the "Psychopathic Checklist" before a likely diagnosis can be made. However recent research has shown that there are literally millions of psychopaths in jail, mental institutions or simply walking the streets. They can be in your work places, a problem child or sharing your bed. It's a frightening thought, and this book has been written to outline the essential characteristics of the psychopath and a general "survival guide" to help us recognise and prevent the majority of harm to oneself and our loved ones.

Hare provides many case histories from thousands of interviews with psychopaths and their victims. The renowned psychopathic checklist that he and his team developed over many years has proved to be a worthwhile tool in diagnosis. Most of these case histories are terrifying and ultimately sad as the psychopath invariably leaves a wake of destruction wherever they are and with whom they come in contact. These predators are the grand seducers because they have developed a strategy to detect one's weaknesses, doors of opportunity, to attain their every desire, whether money, sex or power. These characteristics seem obvious on first reading, but are a little more difficult to spot in actual physical contact.

The psychopath is usually glib and superficial, egocentric and grandiose and most importantly feels no guilt or remorse after committing an illegal or terrible act. Most often they are impulsive, deceitful and highly manipulative. Lack of responsibility for their actions and consistent antisocial adult behaviour are tell tale signs. Interestingly, most can be charming, good talkers and mesmerising - a lot share the attribute of the intense, cold stare, an excessive eye contact used to intimidate. As the title suggests, all are without conscience and move through life in the pursuit of self-gratification, no matter what the cost.

What is sobering about this study is that our understanding of the condition is poor compared with other mental illnesses. Psychopaths do not respond to treatment and if incarcerated and set free, are more than likely to re-offend. As treatment is not an option at this time, the best we can do is have the knowledge to identify the psychopath and apply survival strategies to ensure the least amount of damage to others and ourselves. Hare gives us a "survival manual" at the back of the text, including an extensive bibliography to continue our personal research into the condition.

This book is a must read for anyone working in welfare, legal, rehabilitation and education, including law enforcement. All too often we are appalled and confused by certain behaviours, and this information clears this confusion and provides tools to deal with it. Excellent resource.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

The Anti-Julian Assange “shite” must Stop.

If you continue to believe or push all the anti-Julian Assange lines, the lies and ridiculous rumours, then you are either un-informed, mis-informed or a member of the establishment, including the MSM, and the US State Department. Having seen the massive amount of disinformation bandied about on the mainstream news and social media over the last 5 years, I believe the majority of the masses have simply accepted the negative propaganda that has bombarded all our lives. A publisher's life is on the line, so anyone with a conscience and an awareness of the Human Rights of any citizen, should be deeply concerned.

The negative propaganda concerning Julian Assange even infected Nils Metzer, the UN Special Rapporteur, when Wikileaks requested that he look into Julian's case - at first he refused. Only after the organisation gave him evidence, that all of the smears were false, did Metzer decide to take up the mantle in defence of the famous publisher.

One of the biggest and long lasting attacks on Assange, was the rape allegations from two Swedish women. Interesting, over time, the Swedish government dropped the charges, only to reinstate them again. Text messages between the “rape victims” came to light, revealing that the Swedish Federal police were coercing the women to press charges, when no such rape had occurred. These were made-up charges, that moved Assange to take refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy, for fear of being extradited to the US. The Swedish government has dropped these charges again. Julian Assange is not a rapist.

The next most egregious attack, surly came from the US State Department. And that is Assange and Wikileaks spread lies, and is a foreign enemy of the United States. In the case of Nils Metzer, the organisation provided evidence to him, that Wikileaks has never had to retract a story. Every publication has turned out to be absolutely true. The organisation is an independent publisher that has zero ties to any government.

During the height of the Russia-gate hysteria, Assange was called a Russian cut-out, meaning a conduit for propaganda to sway the 2016 general election. Julian was called a Russian stooge that caused the highly corrupt Hillary Clinton to lose the election to Donald Trump. Indeed, the release of the Podesta emails revealed the ingrained corruption in the DNC, and the psychopathic warmongering of Secretary of State Clinton. These strange exchanges between powerful people, (emails) also showed many things that are highly suspect, in terms of a sexual nature. During the Mueller investigation, Assange, through an intermediary, volunteered to be a witness in the investigation, the Mueller team denied his request. Actually in present time, the DNC and their pundits, will call anyone a Russian asset, when it runs against their narrative. This Russia blaming and projection is all propaganda, used by the DNC to justify their loss to a clown, and their own systemic corruption. Julian Assange is not a Russian asset.

Julian Assange and his organisation, Wikileaks, has only published leaked information from whistle blowers, revealing war crimes, financial and political corruption; information that shows our governments lies and propaganda. What is a good trick by seedy governments, is to lay the crime on the whistle blower, while ignoring the actual crime revealed. The current Trump administration is good at this ploy, but, unfortunately, these crimes have been going on for a long time; and Trump is a bumbler, while Obama was a smooth operator, persecuting more whistle blowers, than any other president in American history.

The reason Julian Assange is currently in a high security prison, designed for murderers, rapists and terrorists, is he went up against the Empire's corruption and illegal crimes across the planet. For the elite establishment, who's sole intention is war for profit and domination, to let this be known is bad business for a “democracy”. Therefore, of course, Assange must be punished.

Why all developing countries governments around the world are not protesting the violation of Assange's basic human rights, is that most of them, including Australia, are complicit in these war crimes.

What you've heard about Julian Assange are blatant lies. Those spreading and substantiating these falsehoods is the establishment, the military industrial complex, their cronies or the propagandised public.

For our current “democracies”, let's face it, truth is bad for business.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Egregious display of US Imperialism during SOTU

Apart from president Trump's empty claims of a booming American economy, and now, since his reign, that the US is finally “great again”, his words concerning Venezuela, being under a socialist “dictatorship” under Maduro, to then point out in the gallery, the CIA puppet, and “true” president, Juan Guaido, the entire room rising to a thunderous standing ovation, turned my stomach. For this is true American imperialism, using lies and ideology, to justify the brutal regime-change of a democratic country, in order acquire their natural resources. Face it, most American's couldn't even point to Venezuela on a map, but certainly can bark-out CIA talking points about the terrors of socialism.

In 2018, out of the blue, president Trump announced the true president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido. Over the following days, all of the US's “client states” jumped on the imperialist bandwagon, falling properly into line, including the UK, Canada and Australia. In fact, Juan Guaido had never even run for the Venezuelan presidency - and turns out only to be a minor member in their government. Guaido was educated in the US, and has been under the tutelage of the US State Department. The boy has been groomed for this moment. Following this announcement, anti-government forces with in Venezuela, began a coup, that in the end, failed miserably. The elected Maduro government remains in power, the people and the country's military has held steadfast and loyal.

US imperial/militarism has a long history, particularly in Latin American countries. US backed coup d' etas, since the Nixon administration in South American countries include, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Peru. The reason for these CIA backed coups was that a left government had been voted into power, and refused to follow American dictates, in terms of their economies. Indeed, they had to be toppled, and replaced by a right-wing and oppressive puppet government, ruled by the United States. Venezuela is no different. As the Maduro government is socialist, and more importantly, has more oil reserves than that of Saudi Arabia, it is necessary for Corporations to get their claws on it. Otherwise, really, the US would not be interested.

So to see this by-partisan display if US imperialism during the SOTU, proved to me, and many other observers around the planet, that the US is not even hiding their intentions anymore, and are blatantly, (using ideology) to topple democratic nations, where there is an intense economic interest.

Take this American Exceptionalism even further, last year, the Venezuelan Embassy was vacated by diplomats, and replaced by the government with US protesters; these protesters were pro Maduro. Over a time of only a month, these protesters were attacked by pro-regime change Venezuelans and the Secret Service, including the DC Federal police. Against international law, the embassy was raided, and the protesters arrested under trumped up charges. In present time, the imperialist US government ignores the Geneva Convention, international law, when it thwarts their own economic ends.
As the MSM is a strong arm of the MIC, most people have no idea about the US' long history of regime change wars, for purely economic gain.

This warmongering needs to stop.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Comments on #IAcaucus

Most have known, at least since 2016, that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties. Both institutions are severely corporate driven, receiving bribes, in the name of campaign contributions, and hundreds of other loopholes; thus these politicians are beholden to their donors, lobby groups, and certainly not their constituents.
I follow American politics for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I grew up in Colorado, have many friends there, but more importantly, my children and grandchildren live there. These are reasons enough, so to see a blatant bias by the DNC and the corporate media's performance today in the #IAcaucus, is reprehensible.
A simple count of votes, leading to delegates in each district, including only around 7,000 voters overall, should have been a easy task. Suddenly, when the night wore on, and no results were coming in, MSM and the general media, including the voters, began to shout: What is going on?
It turns out that the DNC had hired an App firm, 'Shadow', to count the votes from each district. Reports began coming in that the App failed, and the districts had to revert to paper ballots.
The world literally waited for hours, long into the night. In the end no result was reported, and the planet went to bed without an answer.
What I found interesting, is the predicted democratic losers, like Klobuchar, Biden and Buddi-wine, all went to the podium, giving speeches like they had won the caucus. Particularly Buddi-wine, giving a speech suitable to winning the WH.
As the information continued to come in, an Intercept journalist, tweeted a connection between the failed app and Buddi-wine. Well, yes, the Buddi-wine campaign had paid for the software that failed, making the entire #IWcaucus a moot affair.
Really? I'm not one for conspiracy's, but this information smells to high heaven. Particularly, aware of the fact that the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries.
The establishment would rather Bernie Sanders lose, and give Trump a second term. This should be obvious, considering the DNC's actions, and false "Russia-gate" disinformation campaign since their loss in 2016.
The world is tired of neoliberalism. We are sick of the rich, their greed and their endless wars.
Many worthwhile pundits believe this was a deliberate action to take away Bernie's grand slam, and keep Biden and the rest of the corporate presidential runners in the race.
That said, NH is a different animal.
#IWcaucus is a dumpster fire, and a deliberate action to slam Bernie Sanders.
The war for the people is not over.
And will never be.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Ludwig Wittgenstein – Culture and Value – Review

This collection of Wittgenstein's "remarks" written over a time period of forty years was first published as "Vermischte Bemerkungen" in the original German in 1977. These remarks are taken from his private manuscripts and diaries, which were finally translated into English in 1980.

As a vast majority of Wittgenstein's manuscripts or notebooks were written with no intent by the author for publication, it makes one wonder how the philosopher would feel about this book. He comments on a vast array of subjects from architecture, Shakespeare and music. And, of course, his philosophical musings, some remarks actually taken from his famous text, Philosophical Investigations.

It would be helpful if the reader had some previous knowledge of Wittgenstein's work and life before embarking on this text, however, I don't believe it to be absolutely essential. Surprisingly, numerous remarks throughout the text can stand alone on their own merit without contextualisation. On the other hand, these remarks can also contribute to a greater understanding of Wittgenstein's philosophy, thus, in the end, Culture and Value is an excellent addition to the Wittgenstein Corpus.

I've come to understand that reading Wittgenstein is about a process of thought, a new method of thinking about our language and the world. Wittgenstein is not about a theory of reality but a process of thinking, asking different questions, never taking anything for granted, always pushing against conventional wisdom, pushing thought to its limits. At times these "aphorisms" can communicate as nonsense, ephemeral, disconnected, etc, but reading them slowly, immersing oneself into them, can produce some interesting results.

One of my favourite aphorisms: "Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself."

Or one of his descriptions of genius: "There is no more light in a genius than in any other honest man - but he has a particular kind of lens to concentrate this light into a burning point."

Reading Wittgenstein's remarks gives us a point of entry into his essential concerns as a philosopher and a human being. In fact the last remarks were written in 1951, the year of his death.

Culture and Value is that type of philosophical text that can be picked up occasionally over many years and one will continue to find stimulus for thought.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...