Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Comments on #IAcaucus

Most have known, at least since 2016, that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties. Both institutions are severely corporate driven, receiving bribes, in the name of campaign contributions, and hundreds of other loopholes; thus these politicians are beholden to their donors, lobby groups, and certainly not their constituents.
I follow American politics for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I grew up in Colorado, have many friends there, but more importantly, my children and grandchildren live there. These are reasons enough, so to see a blatant bias by the DNC and the corporate media's performance today in the #IAcaucus, is reprehensible.
A simple count of votes, leading to delegates in each district, including only around 7,000 voters overall, should have been a easy task. Suddenly, when the night wore on, and no results were coming in, MSM and the general media, including the voters, began to shout: What is going on?
It turns out that the DNC had hired an App firm, 'Shadow', to count the votes from each district. Reports began coming in that the App failed, and the districts had to revert to paper ballots.
The world literally waited for hours, long into the night. In the end no result was reported, and the planet went to bed without an answer.
What I found interesting, is the predicted democratic losers, like Klobuchar, Biden and Buddi-wine, all went to the podium, giving speeches like they had won the caucus. Particularly Buddi-wine, giving a speech suitable to winning the WH.
As the information continued to come in, an Intercept journalist, tweeted a connection between the failed app and Buddi-wine. Well, yes, the Buddi-wine campaign had paid for the software that failed, making the entire #IWcaucus a moot affair.
Really? I'm not one for conspiracy's, but this information smells to high heaven. Particularly, aware of the fact that the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries.
The establishment would rather Bernie Sanders lose, and give Trump a second term. This should be obvious, considering the DNC's actions, and false "Russia-gate" disinformation campaign since their loss in 2016.
The world is tired of neoliberalism. We are sick of the rich, their greed and their endless wars.
Many worthwhile pundits believe this was a deliberate action to take away Bernie's grand slam, and keep Biden and the rest of the corporate presidential runners in the race.
That said, NH is a different animal.
#IWcaucus is a dumpster fire, and a deliberate action to slam Bernie Sanders.
The war for the people is not over.
And will never be.

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