Sunday, 9 February 2020

The Anti-Julian Assange “shite” must Stop.

If you continue to believe or push all the anti-Julian Assange lines, the lies and ridiculous rumours, then you are either un-informed, mis-informed or a member of the establishment, including the MSM, and the US State Department. Having seen the massive amount of disinformation bandied about on the mainstream news and social media over the last 5 years, I believe the majority of the masses have simply accepted the negative propaganda that has bombarded all our lives. A publisher's life is on the line, so anyone with a conscience and an awareness of the Human Rights of any citizen, should be deeply concerned.

The negative propaganda concerning Julian Assange even infected Nils Metzer, the UN Special Rapporteur, when Wikileaks requested that he look into Julian's case - at first he refused. Only after the organisation gave him evidence, that all of the smears were false, did Metzer decide to take up the mantle in defence of the famous publisher.

One of the biggest and long lasting attacks on Assange, was the rape allegations from two Swedish women. Interesting, over time, the Swedish government dropped the charges, only to reinstate them again. Text messages between the “rape victims” came to light, revealing that the Swedish Federal police were coercing the women to press charges, when no such rape had occurred. These were made-up charges, that moved Assange to take refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy, for fear of being extradited to the US. The Swedish government has dropped these charges again. Julian Assange is not a rapist.

The next most egregious attack, surly came from the US State Department. And that is Assange and Wikileaks spread lies, and is a foreign enemy of the United States. In the case of Nils Metzer, the organisation provided evidence to him, that Wikileaks has never had to retract a story. Every publication has turned out to be absolutely true. The organisation is an independent publisher that has zero ties to any government.

During the height of the Russia-gate hysteria, Assange was called a Russian cut-out, meaning a conduit for propaganda to sway the 2016 general election. Julian was called a Russian stooge that caused the highly corrupt Hillary Clinton to lose the election to Donald Trump. Indeed, the release of the Podesta emails revealed the ingrained corruption in the DNC, and the psychopathic warmongering of Secretary of State Clinton. These strange exchanges between powerful people, (emails) also showed many things that are highly suspect, in terms of a sexual nature. During the Mueller investigation, Assange, through an intermediary, volunteered to be a witness in the investigation, the Mueller team denied his request. Actually in present time, the DNC and their pundits, will call anyone a Russian asset, when it runs against their narrative. This Russia blaming and projection is all propaganda, used by the DNC to justify their loss to a clown, and their own systemic corruption. Julian Assange is not a Russian asset.

Julian Assange and his organisation, Wikileaks, has only published leaked information from whistle blowers, revealing war crimes, financial and political corruption; information that shows our governments lies and propaganda. What is a good trick by seedy governments, is to lay the crime on the whistle blower, while ignoring the actual crime revealed. The current Trump administration is good at this ploy, but, unfortunately, these crimes have been going on for a long time; and Trump is a bumbler, while Obama was a smooth operator, persecuting more whistle blowers, than any other president in American history.

The reason Julian Assange is currently in a high security prison, designed for murderers, rapists and terrorists, is he went up against the Empire's corruption and illegal crimes across the planet. For the elite establishment, who's sole intention is war for profit and domination, to let this be known is bad business for a “democracy”. Therefore, of course, Assange must be punished.

Why all developing countries governments around the world are not protesting the violation of Assange's basic human rights, is that most of them, including Australia, are complicit in these war crimes.

What you've heard about Julian Assange are blatant lies. Those spreading and substantiating these falsehoods is the establishment, the military industrial complex, their cronies or the propagandised public.

For our current “democracies”, let's face it, truth is bad for business.

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