Thursday, 6 February 2020

Egregious display of US Imperialism during SOTU

Apart from president Trump's empty claims of a booming American economy, and now, since his reign, that the US is finally “great again”, his words concerning Venezuela, being under a socialist “dictatorship” under Maduro, to then point out in the gallery, the CIA puppet, and “true” president, Juan Guaido, the entire room rising to a thunderous standing ovation, turned my stomach. For this is true American imperialism, using lies and ideology, to justify the brutal regime-change of a democratic country, in order acquire their natural resources. Face it, most American's couldn't even point to Venezuela on a map, but certainly can bark-out CIA talking points about the terrors of socialism.

In 2018, out of the blue, president Trump announced the true president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido. Over the following days, all of the US's “client states” jumped on the imperialist bandwagon, falling properly into line, including the UK, Canada and Australia. In fact, Juan Guaido had never even run for the Venezuelan presidency - and turns out only to be a minor member in their government. Guaido was educated in the US, and has been under the tutelage of the US State Department. The boy has been groomed for this moment. Following this announcement, anti-government forces with in Venezuela, began a coup, that in the end, failed miserably. The elected Maduro government remains in power, the people and the country's military has held steadfast and loyal.

US imperial/militarism has a long history, particularly in Latin American countries. US backed coup d' etas, since the Nixon administration in South American countries include, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Peru. The reason for these CIA backed coups was that a left government had been voted into power, and refused to follow American dictates, in terms of their economies. Indeed, they had to be toppled, and replaced by a right-wing and oppressive puppet government, ruled by the United States. Venezuela is no different. As the Maduro government is socialist, and more importantly, has more oil reserves than that of Saudi Arabia, it is necessary for Corporations to get their claws on it. Otherwise, really, the US would not be interested.

So to see this by-partisan display if US imperialism during the SOTU, proved to me, and many other observers around the planet, that the US is not even hiding their intentions anymore, and are blatantly, (using ideology) to topple democratic nations, where there is an intense economic interest.

Take this American Exceptionalism even further, last year, the Venezuelan Embassy was vacated by diplomats, and replaced by the government with US protesters; these protesters were pro Maduro. Over a time of only a month, these protesters were attacked by pro-regime change Venezuelans and the Secret Service, including the DC Federal police. Against international law, the embassy was raided, and the protesters arrested under trumped up charges. In present time, the imperialist US government ignores the Geneva Convention, international law, when it thwarts their own economic ends.
As the MSM is a strong arm of the MIC, most people have no idea about the US' long history of regime change wars, for purely economic gain.

This warmongering needs to stop.

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