Thursday, 13 February 2020

Bernie Sanders' IS NOT a Communist

After living in Australia, and knowing a few Europeans, listening to US politicians and their stenographer pundits, shouting from the rooftops, that Bernie Sanders is a communist, surpasses the absurd. If you really understand politics, compared to other capitalist/socialist countries on the planet, Sanders is a centrist, at best.

The US is the only developed country in the world who does not have universal health care.

Many developed countries have free higher education, or inexpensive tuition, where the US has a tuition rate designed for the wealthy. Either a student has to borrow thousands of dollars or get a scholarship to receive higher education. All graduates are saddled with debts that prevent them from investing in a house, and raising a family. If the US government decides (a Bernie Sanders policy) to eliminate these student debts, this would free these people up to invest, thus, in the end, enriching the overall economy. Again, the richest country in the world lags behind on these important public issues.

A capitalist country with sound government support in heath care, education, housing and transportation, is called democratic socialism, not communism. A government that have these basic needs available to the population, turns out to be more economically viable, than the current US system. What's the problem?

The first thirty years of my life was spent in the United States. As a child of the cold war, we were systematically propagandised to despise socialism/communism, and more specifically the Soviet Union. I was also a commie hater, and everything that was connected to that political ideology. It was only until I educated myself about politics and economics, to then look around the world, was this hate diminished. I finally new the difference between socialism and communism proper. In reality, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Cambodia, for example, were never communist, but fascist totalitarian regimes. The atrocities committed by these particular regimes was horrible. They called themselves communist in name only, and were something else entirely.

When a corporate stooge from the democratic or republican camp, call Bernie Sanders a communist, they want you to think of Cambodia and Pol Pot. When they call Bernie a stinking socialist, they want you to think of Stalinist Russia. When they call Bernie a dangerous “lefty”, they want you to think of Maoist China. Sanders' political philosophy doesn't come close to these totalitarian regimes.

What we see growing across the planet, and the United States, is an insidious take over of corporate/fascism. These people are the wealthy, the owners of public services, charging the population for services that is a Right for and of the people. These parasites are even privatising water, and water is the staple for human existence.

Trump gave the top 1% the biggest tax break in history; the greatest transference of wealth in the history of the planet. By and while, most people are working three jobs, and still bordering the poverty line. And, well, if you get sick, tough. Pay the bills, and end up living in your vehicle, because paying the exorbitant mortgage or rent now, is impossible. Trump talks a great game, like the economy is booming, but the economy is going well for the wealthy, while the middle class and poor continue to struggle.

When a right wing politician or corporate stooge, asks you how are you to pay for universal health care or education, ask them how the US has the highest defence budget than any country on the planet? The elite will give billions to war, because it has a great return for their investment. Let's face it, the US has a war economy, and perpetual war is a direct result.

To be sure, I do not want to turn this piece into a dissertation, but I hope you get the idea.

When the rest of the people of world looks at Bernie Sanders, outside of the US, we see him as a centrist politician. He is merely offering the US people some things the rest of the “free world” has and have had, for many years.

Corporate/fascism is destroying the planet, and it's time we stop them.

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