Friday, 21 August 2020

The Student and the Closet


It's On the first day of school and sitting at my desk, Year 7's entered the classroom in a single file. Because I've been teaching for some years now, the behavior of a student as a first impression usually is the right one. On this occasion, the last period of the day, all were quiet, eyes darting around the room, wondering and wanting to go home. Like Maths and Science, this is English, a key subject and important for their overall education. I decided not to trouble them with a seating chart, but use this time for the students to get to know me and visa versa. The last student to arrive is a small boy for his age, but what stood out, is his uniform is clean and new, though his arms and face are spotted with smudges of dirt. This wasn't new mud from a playful lunch break or afternoon recess, but old soil, so long on his skin for lack of a good wash, that it appeared to be a permanent blemish on his skin. When I stood up the bell rang and the class remained silent in fearful expectation. (End of P. 1)

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