Friday, 14 August 2020

The World is Run by Psychopaths

It's certain that anyone you stop on the street and ask them about war will most often reply that they prefer peace. Their second statement would be that war is justified in the act of defense in one form or another. How many “wars” are you aware of that involve that defensive element? We're protecting the lives of our citizens against all foreign enemies.” This statement is, at least since the end of WWII, complete rubbish. The US and their allies have been staging war across the planet for the last 70 years for pure profit. No one loves war except those at the top of government. And the methods governments employ to gain public consent have become a science in itself over the last several decades. Generally, we call this “science” propaganda.

Back in the day I taught 20th century history, and the vast majority of my lessons revolved around WWI-II. A favorite lesson for students turned out to be WWI propaganda. We would study political cartoons published in major newspapers, depicting large ugly Germans hanging newborns over their open mouths, ready to swallow them. The Germans would essentially depict the same, showing French soldiers murdering young German children with their bayonets. In the 1990s, the American's went on a similar propaganda campaign, spreading the news that Iraqi soldiers had invaded Kuwait hospitals and were throwing newborns out of their incubators...” on the stone-cold floors.” This turned out to be a complete lie but was the turning point in public opinion to invade Iraq.

Some years ago, thinking about WWII, I always wondered how the Nazi's rose so quickly when Germany was in economic shambles after WWI. At Versailles, when the leaders of the West congregated to carve-up the planets maps, creating all-new countries, Germany not only was devastated by the war but was economically punished. Who financed the Nazis? After only a little digging, I discovered international industrialists, bankers, and certain millionaire families. These included the Rothschild family, the oil-rich Bush family from Texas, and predominantly, the Ford Motor Company. In fact, Hitler had a large painting of Henry Ford in his home in Germany. Ford was Hitlers central financial backer in the rise of the Third Reich. This fact is not known by many, but without question, it is a historical fact.

You see, war is good business. The elites will finance both sides in a war, and after the killing, they will move in with their reparations, making a profit. For these psychopaths, it never matters who “wins.” the conflict, but profiting from the aftermath and its devastation.

Iraq, for example, was a profitable war and continues to be so to this day. Afghanistan is a continuous war for the sole benefit of weapon manufacturers and certain corporations with interests in the countries raw materials. This 20-year-old “conflict” has nothing to do with fighting terrorism, but everything to do with money and power. Our children are sacrificing their lives for Boeing and the Rand Corporation, including certain pharmaceutical companies for Afghanistan's rich poppy resource. Remove the propaganda, and what do you have left? People are dying for profit for the 1% at the top.

This reality came further to light when observing a Twitter battle between antiwar tweets and the billionaire, Elon Musk. I came late to the argument; however, Musk was justifying and applauding the right-wing coup in Bolivia – a coup instigated and backed by the CIA. The country had a duly elected socialist president, who had attempted to secure the country's natural resources for Bolivia only. Corporate America would not stand for this. The coup was successful, and Bolivia, like other countries the US has interfered with, is now slowly becoming a failed state. That said, one of Bolivia's main natural resources is lithium. A mineral is central to Elon Musk's company.

So it was no surprise that this billionaire, Elon Musk, was applauding the coup and indigenous Bolivians' deaths. For these psychopaths, profit over human life is a standard operating procedure.

Indeed, there are many other examples of corporation's subsidizing war in history, which are clouded in “patriotic propaganda.”

When we finally get passed the thin lies of jingoism and the false ideals of nationalism. We may find a modicum of peace.

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