Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Why the Jimmy Dore Show is Popular. Continues to be relevant.

Reading and viewing American mainstream news, particular living here in Australia is a hopeless enterprise in so far as desiring the truth. After the non-stop Russia-gate propaganda in 2017-18 drove many away from MSM. Many were forced to seek-out other news outlets to get a grip on the insanity in US politics. Personally, I've been a reader of Matt Taibbi for years during his tenure at the Rolling Stone magazine, and now that he's writing for Substack, I continue to read his insightful pieces. I discovered in 2018 and have been an avid reader since. On YouTube, since it appeared that the Young Turks had turned to the dark side, promoting Russia-gate, I seriously turned to the Jimmy Dore Show and have never looked back.

Jimmy Dore, as he will remind us, is a pot-smoking jag off that can cover the news better than any mainstream organization. Over the past two some years of watching, broadcasting his show from his garage somewhere in Southern California, he's reported on all the important stories that matter: political corruption, mainstream news propaganda on such topics a Russia, the DNC, Syria, and Venezuela. During the non-stop Russia-gate onslaught from the MSM in 2016-20, he debunked every story they could push out. He poked holes in the Syria “gas attacks,” and the anti-Venezuela regime propaganda put out by the Trump regime and the US State Department. This has not come without a price.

Jimmy Dore is a passionate individual who, like myself, despises war. Some of his critics have stated that he's too emotional in his reporting, I find this passion and energy charming and infectious because he has integrity and knows he's stating the truth. Passion and truth is a powerful combination.

CNN had done a hit piece on Jimmy over his Syria reporting, I believe, but never the passive one, Dore came out swinging, and the number of hits and “likes” on these videos reached into the millions. Many other conservative and “left” outlets and journalists have dog-piled on the man's views, but he always seems to reveal their lies. Dore even goes as far as inviting his “haters” on his show, which to my knowledge, no critic has ever taken him up on it. Another sign that his critics are writing in bad faith. Dore has proved this time and time again.

It's been said that if you're on the right path for the truth, those in power will attack you, and it is a sure sign that you're doing something right. While the critics get louder, the Jimmy Dore show gets more popular. I remember back in the day when TJDS was resting at around 250,000 subscriptions and I would return to his channel to discover that I had been Unsubscribed. This happened more than once, and Jimmy knew this, reminding people to check on their subscription. Suddenly his subs grew in leaps and bounds. I don't know why he jumped in subs so high, but it's obvious because of his honesty and respect for the truth.

If you desire the truth about US politics and foreign policy, the Dore the show is the place to go because you'd be hard-pressed to find it anywhere else.

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