Sunday, 2 August 2020

How Extremism Weakens the Left

Since the start of the BLM protests, we have seen a wave of police brutality that, ironically, are what the demonstrations are all about, specifically against young African Americans. We have seen peaceful demonstrations turn violent because of Police instigation. This cannot be explained away with right-wing excuses, for I've seen the police reveal their violence in several videos on YouTube and MSM. Aside from the good intentions of peaceful protesters, there is an element of extremism within the protests that need addressing.

Organizations such as Antifa, white supremacy groups, and right-wing militias, attend these demonstrations for the sole reason of causing violence on the peaceful as well as opposing political organizations. Most often, these extremist groups attend the protests for the sole reason for causing trouble. In the end, what this does is cause the people to fight amongst each other, when we should be systematically fighting against corrupt governments and the capitalist elites who really are the source of most of our problems.

There is nothing more convenient for the establishment and elites when a protest turns violent, enabling them to express their authority by cracking down on all the protesters, whether peaceful or not. We've seen this with the US president sending his secret thugs to Portland, bashing and kidnapping demonstrators off the streets. The individual mayors or governors didn't request military assistance, but Trump, in a desperate attempt to gain in his abysmal polls initiated the move, to appear as the “law and order” president. This is quite pathetic; however, it shows us that violence during protests is the perfect excuse for authority to wave its reptilian claw over the rest of us.

Let I put this out there: I've been anti-fascist for more years than I can remember, at least when I established my political leanings. Read my writings, and you can see it for yourself. That said, I believe the Antifa “organization is doing much more harm than good.

From what I can gather, Antifa is not organized and is based on anonymity. Most dress in black, mask their faces, and their basic philosophy is violence vs. violence. They seem to believe that any “revolution.” in history was only successful through violence. They believe the establishment is violent; therefore, they're justified to respond in kind. Although I can empathize to an extent, what their violence achieves is basically nothing. (Their philosophy is based on hate). It does achieve a further crackdown by the real enemies to individual economic and political 'freedom.' And these are the true oppressors, the neoliberal government intent on screwing the common working individual.

The police, white supremacist, Antifa, and any extremist organization,  using violence, take away any moral authority that the Left has established. All policies for the people and the common worker go straight out the window when the establishment and MSM put all demonstrators in one ridiculous basket. Violence only strengthens the capitalist elites because they can label the Left as violent and simply a marginal group with no power.

In an effort at transparency, and to be brutally honest, the Left in the US truly were sent to the margins with the betrayal of the Bernie Sanders campaign. People around the world had hope for the Sanders movement. But when the elites moved in with their corrupt tactics, lies, and threats, Bernie caved and ironically pledged his loyalty to a candidate representing everything we fought against. Even to the extent of shaming his followers for not backing Joe Biden. The effect of the betrayal continues to be felt around the world.

Living in Australia, Bernie Sanders's policies were quite centrist. He was proposing policies like Medicare for All and free college that's been around in many other first-world countries for almost a century. Bernie was sidelined by the establishment and replaced with their choice for president to go against Trump. But when you look closely at these two men, their policies are essentially the same. The Left took a heavy blow in 2020.

The Left has lost its soul in a sea of propaganda created by a government intent on continuing wars, corporatism politics, and creating the false narrative that socialism is akin to Stalinism. If anyone cares to rise above the fog of propaganda, they will see that the system needs to change. Fighting each other over “cultural differences” will never achieve an economic and political result that benefits the people.

Extremism has its roots in jingoism, nationalism, and endemic racism. Extremism is at the bottom, all about hate. And hate will lead to nothing but totalitarianism.

1 comment:

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...