Friday, 31 July 2020

War & Porno Industries the Same

We've all heard the line, “War is a Racket” from the book by General Smedley Butler. In this book, he reports being the “pimp” for the corporates, making war in foreign countries for their benefit and profits. American and innocents abroad are murdered for the Capitalist Elites. Any other reason to go to war is a blatant lie; propaganda designed to gain public consent. The pornography industry parallels the war machine's methods in terms of exploitation and , frighteningly, similar recruitment techniques during times of economic depression.

Since the introduction of NAFTA in the US., where the manufacturing sector was moved to Mexico and overseas for the purposes of better profitability, cities, and towns across the US were decimated. In times of economic stress, it has been undeniably proved that crime rates rise, drug addiction is prevalent, and prostitution then becomes the go-to profession for working-class women to simply make ends meet. From prostitution, if the woman meets certain physical requirements are recruited into the billion-dollar industry of pornography.

During times of a countries economic downturn, it has been observed that military recruiters come to swarm lower-income high schools. Where employment has become a lost dream, the recruiters promise a better life for students and their families. An ideal picture is painted for the future grunt: travel overseas, (see the world) a steady income, free education, and an opportunity to serve one's country, to be a true patriot. Seeing no other alternative, the young man or woman, of course, jumps at the chance and joins. The reality of military life is nothing like what he/she was originally told. After basic training, they are sent to the middle east, fighting for corporate profits. More often than not, the soldier returns with major mental issues, turning to drugs/alcohol. The statistic is true: 22 Vets commit suicide every day in the US.

The pornography industry is strikingly similar. Most often, women have already been sex trafficked, and later, promised a lucrative career. At first, they are promised a glamorous life, earning outrageous money for a mere two hours of work. As time goes on, producers prod the women to cross moral lines they never thought possible. Suddenly the woman finds herself involved in torture, sadomasochistic situations, forced into medieval scenarios. It is said that most women only last around 18 months in this industry. Once they're finished, going back to normal life is impossible. Because they have developed heavy and expensive drug dependence, they're usually back on the streets to feed their habit, ending in death from overdose or suicide.

Both war and pornography are billion $ industries. (I believe it's much more) Both industries are professionals at the exploitation of the individual. Both promise life out from under economic hardship, when, the reality, in the end, it only sends the individual further into hardship.

At Capitalism's root, it's the exploitation of the common person, and that's their MO. Both industries *use the poor for profit*. Whether your a prostitute or a grunt solider, you are exploited, where only the few gain, the wealthy... 1%.

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