are living in tumultuous and evil times. The tumultuous aspect of
current existence is right before our eyes; covid 19 has spread
across the planet, leaving carnage and more death than anyone would
care to confront. This lack of confront and our agreement to
government propaganda, fighting amongst ourselves, black against
white, rich against poor, etc, remains firm in the evil category.
This is exactly what those in real power want us to do, that is fight
amongst ourselves rather than paying attention to their insidious
machinations, and the promotion and engagement in perpetual war.
intellectuals have called these times an era of “post truth”.
This post modern notion really came into the mainstream with the
arrival of the Trump administration. When the “pale witch”
announced on Fox News, “...there may be facts, but there are
alternative facts”. Suddenly people were spouting about, “this
is my truth”, unknowingly promoting the post modern doctrine of
relativism, and the rejection of hierarchy and central narratives. In
this world of wish-washy “idealism”, free speech is used as a
weapon, where certain speech is allowed in the public discourse and
others are attacked for what they utter, and in some cases on social
media, as a result of being “piled-on” by certain influential
people, have lost their jobs for speaking out a particular point of
view. We have come to call this phenomenon, Cancel Culture.
father, a civil engineer, would call all this Cancel Culture rot,
mental masturbation for the pseudo intellectual. Though the man has
been dead for many years, he was certainly on to something.
Journalists, certain activists and academics have engaged in this
dangerous game of attempting to destroy certain notions about
society. For example, to be pro-BDS movement, is to be called
antisemitic, thus ruining the reputations of any activist against the
Israeli occupation of Palestine and treatment of the Palestinian
is one example of our *tumultuous times*, Cancel Culture: though
promotes the existence of free speech, ironically, are suppressing
certain voices they deem unworthy or simply counter to their own
central example of the evil
in our times is why
the anti-war movement across the planet has all but disappeared. The
main reason is economics, combined with a government that promotes
war and the outright propaganda that the corporate media spreads on
their behalf.
to Cancel Culture, for sometime, since at least 9/11, to be anti-war
is to be unpatriotic or a Russian agent. The democratic party and
their state department cronies, including the neocons in DC, has done
an excellent job of promoting war, and crushing any protests against
it. In fact, right now, there is no anti-war political party in the
United States. Both parties are bribed by the weapons industry, so to
justify the money they receive, vote for outrageous defence budgets,
and last week, stopped president Trump from removing troops from
Afghanistan. War is evil, and to support the death of innocents
overseas, as well as our own for profit, is nothing less than evil.
19, though real, has been a great distraction for the elites to pass
their tyrannical laws against the people. Rather than substantial
stimulus money that should have gone to the people, this year ,we
witnessed the greatest transference of wealth to the corporations and
the banksters, in the history of the world. To believe that our
politicians have the peoples best interests at heart is to live in a
fools paradise.
tumultuous and evil is the current deployment of military to cities
in the U.S., to stop protesters. As written before,
this is pure fascism. People are protesting for their true rights,
economically, and the brutality of the police on African Americans.
Trumps response to the protests is nothing less than tyrannical. To
add insult to injury, he has allotted millions to police forces
around the country.
sadly, has turned into a Police State.
politicians are failing the people. Rather than the lies and
propaganda that they spout during their circus campaigns, they should
lay down their actual policies, rather than shouting cultural issues
that further alienate us against each other.
this is the central problem: rather than fight each other on cultural
issues, we need to come together, and vote for leaders who do not
take bribes from the rich and the elite; leaders who make changes for
the better for their constituents.
said than done. The shells are falling from many eyes around the
planet: realising that our politicians are paid puppets for the
live in tumultuous and evil times.
this must change.
has to.
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