Sunday, 5 July 2020

U.S. War Crimes in a Pandemic

Since the beginning of the corona-virus pandemic, the U.S. has doubled-down their sanctions on countries they perceive as enemies of the state. Particularly two countries which has no immediate threat to the U.S., but are of great interest economically: Venezuela and Syria.

Indeed, Venezuela poses no threat to the American people or otherwise. The propaganda, however, proposes that the country is ruled by a ruthless dictator, N. Maduro, who punishes his people, and rules by an iron-socialist-fist, starving his people...nothing could be further from the truth. Maduro was elected by 80% of the vote, has universal healthcare, subsidised public housing, and runs food programs designed to feed the poor. Venezuela also has the richest oil reserves on the planet, rivalling even Saudi Arabia. The United States of Corporation has had their greedy eyes on Venezuela for decades.

In a interview on a cable network with psychopath John Bolton, he stated that U.S. interest in the Venezuela's oil reserves is of paramount importance. (paraphrased) essentially letting the proverbial cat out of the bag. U.S. concerns with Venezuela is not about spreading the great goodness of “democracy”, extending humanitarian aid for the people, or in the interests of national security, it is only economic, controlling the country's oil for the profits for the U.S. government's corporate masters.

The U.S. economic sanctions on Venezuela has been devastating for its people. Last year, a unbiased analysis was published, claiming that as a result of sanctions, 40,000 people died as a direct result of U.S. economic intervention. Recently, the U'S. prevented the sale of clean water for the country, that goes beyond the scope of basic humanity.

Sanctions are designed to cripple the economy of said country, and the goal of instigating a mass rebellion against the government. A passive glance at 'sanction history' shows that these draconian actions do the opposite, pushing the people to double down against fascist America.

In Syria, the actions of the United States have gone way past the economic sanction model, but are akin to actual medieval sieges. Not only has the US economically crippled the country, but through CIA and Saudi actions, have subsidised the “moderate rebels”, a rat pack of Islamic Jihadists, including al Nusra, al Quida and ISIS. This is not to mention the unrelenting allied bombing of the country over the last 7 years. Syria has been devastated, creating millions of fleeing refugees. The true fascist cherry on the cake of U.S. war crimes, is their burning of Syrian wheat fields across the country. The U.S. is literally desiring to starve a entire country. Main stream media has failed to report these war crimes, and have spun it in the direction of the Syrian government, “unable to meet their wheat requirements.”. This is war time propaganda at its evil finest.

The United States on the world stage has a strangle-hold on the planet, economically and militarily. Countries who attempt to aid U.S. sanctioned countries are punished. Iran, for example, sent their ships to Venezuela to provide basic aid, such as fuel, food and medical supplies. Iran warned the U.S. that if they attempted to stop this aid, Iran would retaliate by attacking U.S. military bases that surround their country. The U.S. backed off, enabling this much needed aid to reach the people.

The United States of America is committing war crimes around the planet on a daily bases without consequences. Because of their economic dominance and vast military has taken up the banner, “Might makes Right”. And for many countries around the planet, bend to their fascist will.

As a individual that grew up in the mid west of the U.S., educated there, and have children and grandchildren living their, my concerns are valid.

These war crimes must stop.

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